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Everything posted by Seaking

  1. To answer a few questions, such as "how many times can you do a premeditated backfire before causing damage to the pipes"? The answer is around 6 instances lol.. I now have a little 'rattle' going on from one of the pipes.. You can hear it, doesn't sound too annoying considering the whine of the engine on top of that.. So yeah.. excessive backfires will damage a HD Roadking slip on muffler.. Good thing I didn't pay much for them.. and I have someone sending me a new pair for free since I'd done him a favour in the past.. nice friends eh? But before changing these out, I'm going to try to get a film vid of them going BANG as apparently the long blue flame coming out of them is impressive at dusk lol.. I'll let you know.. Cheers!
  2. Holy COW now THAT was painful on the ears!! I thought mine was loud but whoa..
  3. I went looking out on eBay and found a lot of HD slipons from Roadkings etc, similar to the ones I have on mine now.. and not expensive either.. But in the process I also found these: http://cgi.ebay.ca/Harley-Davidson-LaRosa-Touring-Chrome-Slip-on-Mufflers_W0QQitemZ190313214252QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item2c4f8d312c&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262&_trkparms=|301%3A0|293%3A3|294%3A30 Any idea if these would these work on a Venture?
  4. Nice slipons for the price, you will need the special plate bracket or P-Clamp bracket to mount them under the bags though.. I have those slipons on my bike now and the colder outside the better they sound.. They certainly aren't LOUD by any means but do sound more manly than the OEM slipons. Check out articles for various 'stage' setups to make them deeper / louder.. I too am looking for something with a little more BARK in them..
  5. hey folks, last fall I bought a trailer hitch for my 06 Venture and I seem to have misplaced the stinger (the part the ball attaches to).. I'm trying to figure out if I had actually ordered that part with the hitch as I am really unable to find the elusive item in my home or shop.. Ever have that special place you 'store things so you'll remember where they are'? Well where mine is, its full of these parts.. grr.. All I can remember is that when I purchased the hitch, I also received the 3 flag pole holder that fits into the hitch where the stinger goes.. but I can't find the stinger.. The hitch LOOKS like a Venturedad one but his site doesn't list the 3 flag pole holder.. Does this ring a bell with anyone who might recognize the hitch as I've described it? it would help me locate records to see if I actually ordered the stinger or not and whether I'm wasting my time searching for something that I never had in the first place lol.. My memory is getting so bad lately, I might be old enough for a GoldWing! But I'd probably forget where I parked it..
  6. Ouch, close to $700US for a shock? Hmm I guess mine isn't so bad after all.. I bought a 420 series Progressive Suspension shock for my VStar a few years ago for $400 and it was worth it.. but $700? ergh..
  7. I bought my bike used, and it's a US bike, brought into Canada.. so it has no warranty on it.. I've had the neck bearings tightened for now (they need repacking in a bad way!), leveling links installed (nice!!) and all the fluids and filters etc replaced on the bike.. wow, quite the difference.. Once I get the time off the bike to get it into a shop, I'll have the neck bearings repacked, front fork oils replaced, coolant flushed and then on my own replace the rear shock. The bike handles much better than it did before the tweaks but the rear feels.. Hmm odd at the odd times.. ya know? Seeing how little maintenance might have been done to this bike, I'll be saving up coins to replace that shock on spec.. the bike sits a lot lower than everyone else's Ventures.. that might explain why.. (even with the leveling links on, it doesn't feel higher than other's.. and I have the pressure at 40 psi) Thanks for the info gents..
  8. Mine is an 06 Midnight and I'm the 3rd owner.. I've put more miles on the bike in less than a year than the two others combined.. Getting to turn over 40,000 Miles.. I've put over 20,000 of those myself.. not bad considering our short season here.. However, I've discovered it would appear neither of the previous owner ever got any warranty work done to it.. So I'm thinking that the rear shock is pooched though it seems to be working but it creaks and groans even on the best of days.. Does anyone know who where what is the better replacement rear shock to pick up? Where to find it and so on?
  9. I got it from http://www.ceebaileys.com/yamaha/royalstarventurews.html which cost me $122 including the shipping to Canada.. not a bad deal.. Riding with it, you get the full wind in the face and no buffeting.. my medium wide windscreen, which I can see over the top gives me quite some buffeting in some conditions, but the low low screen offers a lot of 'smooth' air.. You'll want to wear ear protection to avoid wind noise tinnitus and good glasses / goggles.. I typically wear a face mask or kerchief to avoid wind burn and the occasional bug strike to the face lol Suffice to say, you can run this on the highway without problems but I'd sooner have my medium wide on the bike for a long road trip.. I tend to ride the short screen most of the time now..
  10. Someone had asked me recently for a pic of my shorty windscreen.. and voila.. http://www.eastcoastphotos.com/venture/img_7509a.jpg http://www.eastcoastphotos.com/venture/img_7510a.jpg http://www.eastcoastphotos.com/venture/img_7512a.jpg
  11. What noise? I barely notice it anymore.. mind you I'm riding with a 3" windshield with ear protection in all the time but the whining noise, you'll get used to it.. The bike is too awesome a ride to worry about that whine. I always get a new crush washer (gasket) for the oil change.. it doesn't cost much at all and will provide that little extra happy feeling knowing the job got done right.
  12. I'd seen where you could use "P" Clamps to hold them up on the lower rack guards.. however the proper adapter plate should be used..
  13. Ahhhh OK, That makes sense.. Tell ya what.. when I go to make those mods I'll do up some pics (I'm a photog) and we'll see what it sounds like .. Thanks M8
  14. Ok, WHAT is the STAGE 3 I hear people refer to?! What's the story behind that.. c'mon, fess up!
  15. Here I am with my RoadKing pipes (slip ons) and they have a nice rumble to them when it's cold out but now in the summer heat they are tamed down and sound like all the other RSV.. not bad.. no worries.. But Hmm what if I wanna have a louder sound? Not talking about ear splitting racket but a manly-man sounding bike, ya know? (yes, you know what I mean I keep seeing references on making the RK pipes louder but can't find info how to do it or if it's reversible.. Or would I be better off with a new set of slipons, ones that are meant for the RSV, that offer a nice sound.. The Baron 4-2-4 I've heard and didnt like the look or sound, unfortunately, sorry.. What's everyone else running that they enjoy most? Thanks in advance. Cheers
  16. Hmmm makes sense, weak pump couldn't pull fuel through a filter without any head pressure from a full tank on mine.. Obviously the pumps aren't hard to change however, how expensive are they?
  17. Sounds similar (close enough) to what happened to me which was resolved with a fuel filter change.. it was SO clogged it needed a full fuel tank head pressure to assist the pump in moving the fuel to the engine.. How old is your bike and have you changed your filter in a while? Mine is an 06 with close to 40,000 miles on it.. and being the 3rd owner, I doubt anyone previous to me changed the filter..
  18. Well I must have pooched something up as I needed to remove the block and will try again later.. though the bolts are tight I can't seem to tighten them enough.. risking breaking a bolt or cross threading them not sure.. I'll have to replace the hardware next time.. what a shyte setup for driving lights.. sheesh..
  19. I bought a nice thick luxurious sheep skin (fond memories.. but that's another story..) a while back and was pondering how to lay it on the bike, especially with the back rest sticking up out of the middle.. I could unbolt it, make a hole and bolt it back on but what about an emergency removal or taking it off at night when on the road etc etc.. HMMmm indeeeeed.. While I picking up bolts for my extension block for the highway lamps, I saw they had all kinds of quick disconnect hardware as well.. positive locking ones etc.. you could a drop pin, clevis, or quick pin.. but the bottom line is that its a simple solution, fits tight and quick to remove.. and permits the on / off of the sheepskin.. I'll get some pics of what I'm using once I have it all rigged up with the skin on it.. Black Sheep - Black Bike..
  20. The ONLY thing I know about electricity is that it works under the principle of SMOKE.. especially in electronics.. and it's an expensive smoke.. if you let any of it escape it costs a lot to replace it.. the more smoke that escape, the more it costs to get it all back in.. Yeah? try it some day.. forget all that fancy shmancy schooling stuff.. it's all about the smoke.. trust me.. Today I installed the extension block to move the highway lamps away from the fairing so that now I can remove it without having to remove the bar first.. nice eh? I have to apologize but I can't remember who where what I got it from.. but it was from a recommendation from here.. I can't find my thread.. erk.. But it works!
  21. Oooh and I thought *I* was bad!!
  22. Now THAT was a funny story.. I could just about see it =)
  23. Yeah, just leave your passenger at home and don't let her back on until she agrees to stop whining.. ? it's got more to do with the type of gears in the engine / transmission.. get louder pipes, ear plugs or more time on the bike so that you'll no longer hear it.. The good news is that after you ride your bike a lot, you'll not even notice that whine..
  24. Good thing I still have my OEM slipons tucked away hehe I have to get someone to follow me to tell me how much of a flame it makes.. The trick to make it go boom is to feed some fuel before turning it back on.. When I accidentally killed the ignition, I had twisted the throttle a few times not realizing it was dead..
  25. Oh man did I have a good one today! I was bored out of my tree yesterday, 4 days straight of rains (nasty stuff rain) and yesterday at least it was coming down misty, straight down like, not so much horizontal.. So I decided to head north to visit the parents, 5 hours of highway.. After having the leveling links installed, hyd clutch fluid flushed, steering neck tightened and etc etc.. it was a great ride north.. no rain really.. Spent the nice but had to beat feet home this afternoon in front of a vicious squall line of T-Storms.. wow.. bright in front of me, pitch black behind me, wish I had the camera with me.. Anyway.. on the way home, I'm cruising along, all nice and happy, enjoying the ride, divided highway mode, I decided to do the last 100 miles in 4th gear doing 70 mph to see what the fuel mileage was gonna be like with the tall & wide Clearview.. So while on cruise control, I pulled a dead green filled bug from my glasses (go figure with a Tall & Wide windscreen eh?) with my right hand.. as I put my hand on the bar again, I accidentally hit the engine cut off (kill switch) OOOOPPS!!! I had never had that happen to me before and for the hell of me couldn't remember what to do next.. so like a big fat happy bike, I switch it back to on.. BANG!!! (shriek!!) The bang was the bike detonating all the raw fuel obviously, but the shriek was from the poor lady I was passing on the highway egads.. I can only imagine the fright I gave her LOL.. Poor thing.. To be honest, that's the first time I had done that and wow.. it's a big bang at 70 mph.. Question is.. Does that cause any damage to anything? If I were to do this as a stunt 'every blue moon' kinda thing, am I risking harm to my bike? Otherwise it was a fantastic ride.. didn't get wet and enjoyed Nature's fury from a distance =)
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