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Everything posted by dogman

  1. That is fantastic. I had no idea the car is so versatile. I'm glad you are able to keep up your adventures and this car allows you to do it in comfort. Keep enjoying and fighting as you always do.
  2. Amazing how time flies when you are having fun. 31.5 years complete, and tomorrow is my final day and I slide into this next phase of life. I had mixed emotions these last few months................ joy and happiness, I would say I may even be sliding into excitement. I have always felt Blessed and Highly favoured with my career, and now retiring with my health, happiness, and loving wife I will be Blessed in my retirement. I wish you all joy and happiness where ever you are in your stage of life. Happiness is merely a decision away.
  3. Congratulations. I'm excited for all of you. God Bless
  4. Sounds good, I put the date down in my calendar, so I'll try not to book a ski week then.
  5. Puc, a great adventure you and Tip are on. Great that you are loving your new electric Hyundai. I'm amazed that you can lay down in the back. As you say, keep on riding.
  6. Thank you Paul and Mary for hosting today. You have such a beautiful property. I'm glad I was able to attend and spend the morning with you guys. I met two new people today, Scifiman - Dave and Herb1 - Rob. You know who I didn't see was Saddlebum. Where is / was Ben? It was good to see all the others and too bad I had to leave early and missed the ride.
  7. Things are changing some, so it looks like I will be able to attend in the morning. Probable have to leave before lunch. Hope ya all are there before I leave.
  8. That would be great if you could make it. Paul puts on a great M&G and you will be very welcomed by all who attend.
  9. Wow that is some good planing, ours will be day by day. Not much planing. But certainly many different drinks available to go with the meal and after the meal. Heck even some drinks before the meal. I think there is a bit of a theme, I can't figure it out but I think its something about the meal.
  10. The long walk is what appeals to me. I'll relive being a kid again and roll down the giant sand dune.
  11. Great to hear that you got such a great deal at Weaver Fever. They often have amazing deals. I also bought my 2nd Gen from there and found it advertised here in Canada on eBay. When I got to the dealer I asked to speak with the owner. Bob came out and took me to his warehouse and opened the box to show me the bike, because I still couldn't believe the price. I shook his hand and said sold on the spot.
  12. Top of the Mornin to you. Your bike sure is in beautiful shape.
  13. A good question. We havnt agreed on the spot, but I would like to go the The Sand Hill Park near Port Burwell on Lake Erie. Or something that is named something like that. I'm at work now and don't have the info
  14. Exciting news. Congratulations on your new bike. I hope you get some good rides in before the weather changes
  15. I put the date down, but not sure what ill be doing or where ill be. RETIRED by then
  16. Bernie and I may have to miss this event as we are planning on going camping that weekend, which may be our last one of the season together.
  17. Good luck. I hope he loves the bike and you get to sell it fast.
  18. Bob, you did a great job with that water fall. A lot of work and it looks great with some added memories with rocks from all over the place.
  19. That sounds like a great place. I hope to go there one day. Thanks for sharing that song. Your daughter did great hearing it and getting your attention to it.
  20. Welcome back Puc, I hope you get your bike back together and running as smooth as she normally does. I hope your car drive back to Cali will be an easy one.
  21. Oops, I forgot to mention a thank you to Jonas and Christian, for the Saturday drinks of Icelandic Black Death that they where walking around with and sharing. Such a good time. I hope next year we can get there early and stay late
  22. Bernie and I had a great time as well. You guys did a great job. Everything was so well organized. The movie we saw was so professional. Amazing picture and sound quality. Some of the new first time members even participated in the ritual Hot Sex around the camp fire. And of course everyone liked it so much on Friday night we did it again on Saturday night as well. Thank you again for all the hard work all of you did so we could have such a great time.
  23. No Hot Sex at the WNY Rally! That just won't do
  24. I'm jealous that I missed the movie Wild Hogs last night. That must have been a lot of fun watching it together. We hope to be there in time for your planned dinner.
  25. Bernie and I will be leaving much later then we wanted to, not until Friday as she has to cover someone at work who is on vacation. Possible 1pm if all goes well. Bernie will be driving the MH and I will be following slowly behind on the bike.
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