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Everything posted by dogman

  1. Sounds like a great ride with good friends, I wish we could make it. We will be on the road for our two week ride.
  2. dogman

    Venture East

    Welcome home. Reading your blogs sure sounds like you had a great time. I hope you have a restful few days before the Canada Day long weekend. Talk to you soon.
  3. Don, I definitely noticed a difference in the steering. I was getting a vibration up the handle bars and it is completely gone. At highway speeds it feels much better also. Thank you again for your help.
  4. Glad to hear Don, XV1100SE is going to help you out. He is very knowledgable on our bikes.
  5. I just wanted to thank Don for helping me get my bike ready for my two week bike trip. He did a carb tune for me last night and showed me how to tighten my steering which needed it and helped change the clutch fluid reservoir with Marcarl's help and guidance along with The Count who showed up to help. He and his wife Nancy also fed all of us. We had a great evening together. Thank you again.
  6. Dan, I am very sorry for your sudden loss of your wife, riding companion and friend rolled into one awesome lady. I can not imagine how you are feeling and managing to cope with your loss. You and your son will be in our prayers for the days, weeks and months ahead.
  7. I bought a baggerhield this year and installed it. The chome / plastic trim was loose on the fairing from new. Mine is the same as it was with the stock windshield. Im not sure where you are in Ontario, but I'm in Toronto and leaving this weekend for a two week Northern Ontrio ride if you wish to see how mine looks.
  8. Sorry I can't make it either. Bernie and I will be away for our two week ride in Northern Ontario.
  9. Very sad news indeed. Don was the first person we met on the site at the Kitchener International. He really made us feel welcome and special and made sure he introduced us around to others. We saw him at the New York International and at Don's MD. As others have said he was a true Gentleman. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and Daughter who we had also met. Squidly we hope you and your other Texan brothers will be able to help each other thru this loss.
  10. Tom, I'm sorry to hear this, but you want a good long healthy retirement. SO LISTEN TO HIM DAMN IT. How is that for a second opinion, one brother to another.
  11. dogman

    Venture East

    Fantastic Evan, keep on living the dream.
  12. Happy Anniversary and congratulations to the both of you.
  13. Ben Happy Birthday to you. I wish you a great day and year.
  14. Scott, I'm sure you must be scared which is natural. Glad you went to the hospital and also getting a second opinion. I wish you all the best and hope you get to a eye Dr. who can diagnose what is wrong so they can figure if there is any thing that can be done. You are in our thoughts and prayers
  15. Welcome back, and good luck with your search. Maybe its time for Relic to upgrade his 2nd Gen. Oh sorry have I started something......
  16. Yammer Dan, you didn't need any more, but it was good having a drink or five or six with you. Don, you got me on the thread title, was expecting a nice story of your ride.
  17. I'm pulling a camper trailer which is very wide and does create a wind drag so millage does suffer, but never my speed. I just did a clutch upgrade at MD and the power from a stopped position and changing thru the other gears is much better then it was. I wish you luck is solving the problem.
  18. Relic, call me soon before I forget what I did.
  19. Thanks Dave, but I still need help in many ways......
  20. I want to say another formal thank you to Earl, Skydoc_17 who was so very patient with me as he was guiding me thru the process of taking out my old clutch plates and then installing the new plates and spring. Wow I can't believe I did something like that. With his help I knew I could do it, but I was still very nervous. I'm not mechanically inclined and when I try something for the first time if there is a choice I will always do it or put it together wrong. Fortunately Earl was paying attention and caught me each time, and didn't make me feel like a dummy. Joe, EasyRider, was also very helpful by rushing out to Walmart and picked up supplies for us to complete the job. Thank you again. Let me tell you about this clutch upgrade. I do not believe that this is the same bike. When I start off in first gear there is so much power I get jerked back and my front tire wants to lift off the ground with the power that it has. From new, I never had this much power. There was a good number of people watching the install, and Earl did a great job explaining the steps to everyone. I have to say after doing this install, it really wasn't that hard. I don't want to sound cocky by saying that, as I had and needed help and guidance. This is the purpose of Don's Maintenance Day and I am so glad that I made a point to get there and participate and learn more about my bike. I guess I was getting use to the way it was riding before and didn't think it was too bad of a slip, but WOW the ride home was amazing. Towing my trailer, there was so much power in all my gears now without any hesitation. As far as the clutch squeeze, I only noticed it being a little more firmer starting from a stopped position and putting it in first gear and letting it out. All the other gears I couldn't tell that it was any firmer to squeeze in the clutch handle. But again, DOES it ever take off now in first gear. I can't wait to get me wife on and hear her reaction. Earl, thank you again, and if anyone thinks they are due for a clutch repair (upgrade) don't hesitate. You will be very impressed. A very thankful and appreciative member here. Thank you Dave
  21. Good luck with the wiring problem. After meeting you this weekend, this sounds like something you will be able to figure out very easily, not like most of us who would still be stranded at the side of the road. Best of luck and skill.
  22. dogman

    Venture East

    Evan, I look forward to reading about your experiences. I don't see tubby in the photo. Did you not bring your trailer this time?
  23. Sounds good. I'm in and I don't even know what it is yet. Bongobob don't say anything..... I am bringing something also for our Saturday night at Don's Let the good times roll. Who says that anymore? I'm excited.
  24. Black Death, and Apple pie, I look forward to tasting those. I be having a bottle to share for shooters also. Can't tell you about it till I get there.
  25. I'll be looking for you also to get a kick stand holder. Will you be brining a heli to entertain us?
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