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Everything posted by dogman

  1. dogman


    A Big, Congratulations and Happy Anniversary.
  2. Hello all, unfortunately, I did change my attendance to a no on your list, but best I also say so on here. Because the boarder has been closed until July 21st, I wanted to give you the heads up for numbers of attendees. I will miss seeing you all there and enjoying the rides along with the great evenings around the campfires. I hope the weather will be perfect for all that are able to attend so you can have as good a time as we always do at the WNY Rally in past years.
  3. Congratulations Don, I hope the ride is exactly what you are looking for.
  4. Ben, we are sorry to hear this news. Marita must be so upset that she wasn't there and may have difficulty crossing the boarder to get there now. Our condolences and prayers go out to all of you.
  5. Good luck Craig. Happy hunting and searching with your Grandson. Some good memories to be had. Sorry to say I have not been out and about much so I am no help to you.
  6. Yup, makes sense to me. Ill stay here for now and keep waiting. What else do I have to do, oh yes wait some more. How hard is that. Waiting is a skill I have, so I won't complain.
  7. Yes a Happy Belated Birthday as well. Sounds like a special day being able to visit your Mom thru the window. Im sure you both felt very emotional about that. A good memory
  8. Sorry about the added stress with this serious leak/flood, but wow that was some incredible fast insurance company response to your emergency. Best of luck for a quick clean up and repair back to normal.
  9. Thoughts and prayers for you Don. Rest so you can get healthier faster and back to your kind of living.
  10. Congratulations Don on the sale. Yes I'm sure you have mixed feelings, but you thought long and hard before you sold it so you know it is and was the right decision. Congratulations Mike on your new bike. I believe you will create a great many memories on your future rides. All the best
  11. Ben, as others had said a very good evening with fellow VR friends. I have to apologize, I did not get to introduce myself to Andrew and Elaine, I will do my best not to let that happen at another VR gathering. Thanks for organizing this event again. Your a good man. I hope your knee keeps improving for you.
  12. Just getting home and looking forward to tomorrows get together. I will change my plus one to just me on the calendar.
  13. All paid as well for a camp site and looking forward to the time with you all
  14. Good luck Dave. I hope you can find a plug and play. I'm so bad I couldn't even install a plug and play. I hope you get it resolved by next season.
  15. Thanks, a great updated Dave. I'm glad you are enjoying the ride. Are you towing your trailer as with your new bike?
  16. Congratulations in finding another bike you love. I hope the weather keeps cooperating a few more weeks anyways so you can get out and enjoy it before the end of the season.
  17. Congratulations Venturesome and thanks for sharing the picture with your new cap and your beautiful friend Willie.
  18. Thanks Don for thinking of this. I have really enjoyed reading all the posts from the different members. I have an 07 Midnight Venture which I still love, but have been away for 8 weeks this summer and have not rode much. I have been retired for a year now and love the life style. I'm home now and should be riding more, but something happened in the UK to my leg or nerve and it has been numb and painful since. Waiting on an EMG and MRI tests from our local hospital, but still moving around and trying not to let it slow me down. Some weeks I check in on the site a few times and others when busy it slips my mind, how bad is that. Maybe my mind is going as well. Love the site and people here. Had a great time at MD this year.
  19. Congratulations Mike on selling your Venture. I wish you a fun process as you pick your next bike for your stable to ride.
  20. Great job on getting to the main culprit of the problem and fixing your bike. Happy riding and glad to hear you are becoming a member on the site.
  21. Good to hear it was something simple and you figured it out.
  22. Gary, that’s great to hear. I’m glad they are so bright to light up the road better. Your comment that these lights are more like the original lights as opposed to the poka dots is good to know. I also have not liked the look of many of the led lights as they had that polka dot look to them. Ride on Gary and hope to see you soon.
  23. Let us know Gary how you liked them at night and if on coming cars thought you might have had your high beams on by flashing their lights at you?
  24. Don that is fantastic that you where feeling well enough to get out on the bike. I hope things only get better for you. Please keep us posted. Excellent that you rode with our new member Eric. I remember meeting him at this years MD and amazed that he just joined the night before. Sounded like my story when I joined it was the weekend of an International Rally in Kitchener. I went and met you and a few other wonderful people in the morning. I didn't stay for the day, but I knew this was a great club to belong to.
  25. Evan, I guess we shouldn't leave out a big Thank You to Anne who no doubt would have missed you and the cottage time.
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