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Everything posted by dogman

  1. Colorado Eh! Any rallies this year in Colorado? 😀🍁🚬🍻
  2. Thanks for posting this. I just took mine out and tried it. It worked the first time. more compact and they don't fall apart now. I will do this from now on. Thanks again.
  3. Question from Canada. Without me having to research, which States have legalized it?
  4. Prayers for Jeremiah and the Surgeon.
  5. I have the leisure-lite. We love it. Believe me when I say, we don't know we are towing it. With saying that you must remember as it is wider then your bike and you can hit things with it. Some other things for you to consider other then weight. What size of bed do you sleep in at home? The leisure-lite is only a double. We sleep in a double at home so we love it. Is speed of set up important to you? If you can get to a RV show, they should have them there and you can compare in person. That is what I did. I asked them to take them down and put them back up to see what I would have to do. We laid on the beds also and stood up inside to see what the space was like to change and put things. Ultimately, no matter what you buy, if you use it, you will love it. Happy searching.
  6. Tom, please give Vicky a hug from us at this sad time. We will be praying for all of you.
  7. Earl, so sorry to hear this news of Jean, but I will be praying for her recovery. You stay strong as she will be needing all the help you can give her when she comes home.
  8. Santa knew we where good this year and Blessed us with Electricity just in time for Christmas. Wow life is so much easier with electricity.
  9. Congratulations. You must all be very proud and excited.
  10. Thanks for the post. Very good
  11. Please tell Scott that, Dogman (Dave) and Bernie are also sending prayers your way. He is a lucky man to have a good family like yourselves. But I guess that is not luck as he has passed on his love to everyone and shown what caring is all about.
  12. I like the way you are thinking Brad. No I havn't bought anything, but it is something to think about.
  13. Bob, like yourself, I love riding it too much to sell it
  14. Oh I laughed too. I was hoping others would see the humorous side also.
  15. I was thinking about this for a while. I bought my Venture in 08 and loved it so much. I wanted to clear my garage for winter storage of other toys so I sold my original 1982, 920 Virago. It needed some work and my son has been riding it since I bought the Venture. Neither one of us have the skills needed to keep the bike it top shape so thought it best to sell it before something bad failed on the bike. A mechanic bought the bike and has some good plans for it.
  16. I saw this video and thought a number of you might like it also http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=24113d89dfd8
  17. Scott, I'll pray for success with the Surgeon and the healing of your eye on this third operation.
  18. Congratulations and you got to do it on your new bike.
  19. Dave, great idea and good luck setting it up. I would love to participate, but you are just too far for me to join for a weekend ride and camp. Especially if I bring my wife. She doesn't like to have to rush.
  20. Don, congratulations and I wish you the best with the start up of the new site. You have done an excellent job with this site and lots of people have become friends and much more knowledgable about their bike. If you can do the same thing for people riding Harley's that is terrific.
  21. Dave I wish you an enjoyable Fall and Winter, tantalizing about a new/used purchase next Spring.
  22. I was 1.5 hours away from home at 11pm when my head light blew out. No concerns I stayed on a major highway and got home no problem. I'm not confident like most of you here working on your bikes, but I read some forums about changing the headlight and got enough information to give it a try, and I have to say it went very smooth with the help and information from this forum. I thought I would try the easy way first by turning the handle bar all the way to the right. I removed the headlight directional knob and was able to get my hand in and get at the wiring and headlight bulb. A few scratches on my hand but I got it done in under 10 minutes. Very impressive for a guy like me. A good light was really key at seeing what I was looking for and pulling on. Thank you Vernturerider.org
  23. Wayne our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you with the loss of your Dad.
  24. Congratulations Don, A good experience, and accomplishment. Things like this is what keeps us young.
  25. Enjoy the ride and weekend, unfortunately I will not be able to attend. Have a safe and great time.
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