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Everything posted by dogman

  1. Evan, I really enjoyed seeing your updates and pictures. I'm glad the weather is so good for you and Anne, and I hope it continues. Keep living the dream and following to roads. The two of you are very blessed.
  2. When are you planning this trip to be in the Niagara area?
  3. Happy Birthday Bob. I wish you a great day and an even better year. I hope your doing lots of fun things.
  4. Glad to hear it worked out for you Evan. People are are good, if they aren't bad, and there's not that many bad ones......
  5. Happy Birthday Tom I hope you got to do and be with the ones you love, which would make for a great Birthday.
  6. Yes good skill on your part to keep bike up and not give into the pain or impacts and not steer through the trouble. You did a great job, and I'm glad to read it is only two broken toes. Too bad about your bike, but in the big picture that can get fixed.
  7. Any chance it might be your fuel pump?
  8. Glad to hear you got some help and have figure out the most probable cause. I hope you get it fully resolved before your holidays.
  9. Funny guys........ When I say immediately, I meant I searched for some information on this site and got the great advice of the added break light. Yes, yes that was the reason, I immediately bought it and had it installed at Freebirds Maintenance Day. What a great site this is. Not only can it help you solve problems with your bike, but save money too. Brad, I would send money, but they don't send me a bill any more.
  10. What the others have said is correct. I got charged on my Venture, and immediatley put on the rear brake light bar that attaches to the underside of the trunk. It looks great, adds more braking lights and the best part, NO MORE CHARGE ON THE 407 Good luck with your decision and enjoy your riding
  11. I have a midnight venture. I bought the matching pillow top back rest. I absolutely love it and would not want to ride this bike without it. I would only ride for a couple of hours and start to get uncomfortable. I few more hours and I was starting to feel pain. The back rest instantly took that away. I have rode for 15 hours and loved every minute of it. I'm sorry I have not heard of the Mutaza back rest. As the others have said the back rest mounting would be the same for a venture and midnight. The difference would be in the covering to match your seat, if you want it to match your seat. Good luck in your decision.
  12. Yes it is a scam Carl, just as you say. I got the same email when I sold my 82 virago on Kijji You can send their info to Kijji security for them to chase it down.
  13. Terrific...... You both must be so excited. I look forward to seeing you in person riding that great machine.
  14. Congratulations. Money is only money. If you are happy then it is well spent. Life is to be enjoyed. People, food and excitement. I'm proud of you. Im sure you have been thinking about it for a while.
  15. I am very sorry to hear the sad news. Prayers are sent to you both and all the extended family. A side note to all, get a full check up from a Doctor. My Dad had a heart attack last September, but was not feeling well for months. Never got a good check up to identify the blocked arteries.
  16. Great news Spanky, I wish you loads of fun and great riding. I hope to see you on it soon.
  17. I haven't tried a beaded seat on a motorbike. I have in my car, but didn't find it comfortable. I have been using a sheepskin on my bike for the past 4 years and would not want to ride without it. Contrary to what I had believed, it really keeps me back end cool on the hot days and long rides. My seat is comfortable, but now even more so with the sheepskin as I don't sweat like I use to. My wife as a passenger also likes it better then without. Good luck with finding what is best for you and let us know, there maybe more options out there that we haven't tried or not willing to try yet.
  18. Congratulations to all of you who got out today. I got out for my first ride also. The bike started on the 3rd push of the start button. It sure felt good getting back on the bike. I was really missing it, once we started getting some weather temps. above freezing, which really was only a week ago. Have a great season everyone.
  19. Don, I am very happy for you and Eileen, to be able to work thru this with the Lord's strength and guidance. I wish the two of you all the best and you will be in my prayers.
  20. Character building weather..... The change must be here soon though. Sun and wind as we all get to ride soon. I know not soon enough. I want the rain to come also, to get rid of the salt and sand on the road, before I pull my bike out.
  21. I had an 82, 920 Virago, shaft drive, and computerized speedo, Fairing and hard saddle bags and back rest. I sold it last fall for $700, it wasn't starting the carburaters where gumed up. Always problems with the starter. I had changed a few times. Other then that it ran really well. Good luck with your decision.
  22. Congratulations in your Retirement. You sound positive with your health concerns, and as others have said we will be praying for you. Start your living right away and all the best.
  23. Brad, mine stalled once last season and wouldn't start twice after being parked. I tapped on the fuel pump and it started right away. I will have to look at my points which sounds easy enough to repair if you know how to solder, which I don't. That's why I just kept riding and ignored it since it kept starting after taping it.
  24. I bought a wide adjustable one a year ago. Very easy to install, but I still managed to do it wrong the first time, but hey, thats me. Congratulations, I hope you like it as much as I do.
  25. Scott, sounds like some serious pain times 12. I hope the healing is better then the Doctors expectations.
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