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Everything posted by dogman

  1. Look forward to meeting you Bluestar and several others, if they let me across the Boarder (hopefully The Tooch won't tip them off like he did y'all)
  2. Puc, I will arrive Monday evening if that is good and set up my tent trailer and leave Tuesday after all the food and visiting if that is ok with you.
  3. Sounds great, I will let you know tomorrow or Thursday night.
  4. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/a7db6c42ea899cb0df40d866540e07d3.jpg
  5. I have a beer coozie over the gas cap and my Venturerider mug inside to drink my water as I ride. I saw this at an International Rally and loved it. Very cheap, and works great. It has never slipped off while riding and no glare. For what ever reason I can't add a picture on my computer so I'll send one thru my phone on tapatalk.
  6. This sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I'm only 600km's away 372miles. I will seriously consider attending. My wife is away for business and will be home tomorrow, so I will talk with her then, and see if I can break away and get down there. I'm sure there is camping spots near there or a Walmart parking lot if they still let people stay overnight.
  7. Tooch, they keep spinning around on the bar as the bar is smaller then the original saddle guard. I'll have to get a bicycle inner tube (a trick I learned from Marcarl and use that as a spacer/filler)
  8. Just another example of what great members/friends/family belong to this VR site. Relic; John, had recently given me a set of chrome saddle bag rails for my 2nd Gen. I have thanked him, but also wish to thank him publicly as well and show the pictures before and after the install. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/15/d0f65191a75320163d61d14836709b3d.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/15/5fa280eb0480a9e4fa738b26da42a37d.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/15/d150ba02ce63762a4cb79da836c86341.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/15/b302cdd6d23db4be46ea6a9a9c1cc6ba.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/15/a974cb031cd5433717def41001338c44.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/15/9b3713865a88cd520188984b175ebfc4.jpg
  9. Congratulations again. A full house and yard. Did you get a count of how many people? Your deck looked really good. I hope you where able to relax some today after such a good big party/celebtration
  10. WOW!!!!!! That is a beautiful home. You will have no problem relaxing and enjoying the inside all around the country side. Great choice. I wish you all the best in your fantastic adventures.
  11. Congratulations on your retirement and starting to follow thru on a well planned dream trip with no destinations and time lines. When you get to the Buffalo New York area and Niagara Falls, if you want to slip into Canada we are just 30 minutes away. Like Squidly we have a good size driveway for your 5th wheel. If the weather is cool, or not, the two of you are welcome to stay inside if you want to be under a permanent roof for a while. PM us and we will give you all our contact info.
  12. Bob, your getting it back together and will soon be riding. I hope it feels like a new bike for you and you love all the mods.
  13. Great job. I'm sure you saved some lives there.
  14. Congratulations to the two of you. You are a great couple and are a great example to your children and all of us. Now Carl why not give your lovely Bride another present where you for a year you do all the wonderful things that she has done for you. Sounds like a lot of work doesn't it. She is a Super Hero. I wish you both many more years of Health and Happiness together.
  15. Prayers Jeff to you and the Surgeon.
  16. Ben have a great visit and work fast young man.
  17. Dave, as the others have said. I'm sure glad that wasn't your skin
  18. Don, Im glad you are un-injured and that you where in a van. Hopefully the Company will tell you to leave that one there and rent another one to get home when you are done.
  19. Don and Eileen, I also want to say thank you for opening up your home and property to be invaded by so many of us. I met many more great people that you have inspired to spread friendship skill and knowledge. Have a great summer.
  20. Dave I replied in another post but have to do another one. A scary storey to read, I can't imagine going thru it. You obviously did a great job to know quick enough to stay away from the bike when it was going down. It is great to hear that you did not get hurt in what could have been a very serious accident. As you know from work. Your bike can be fixed or replaced. It's us that are sometimes hard to fix. Take it easy the next few days you still may get some weird aches and pains.
  21. Dave, I'm very sorry to read of your accident. I'm glad your skill and level head kicked in so you didn't get hurt, which is an amazing feat in its self.
  22. Another testimony about the people (members) of Venture Riders. My bike broke down on a major highway, 407, just outside of Toronto. My fuel pump had packed it in the day before, Carl was good enough to install a fuel pump point switch kit, but I had waited too long and there was no life in the fuel pump. Carl did a gravity bypass and I was off and riding until I could get a new pump. While I was at work, Carl was driving around all day to get me a fuel pump and acquired one from BradT. As I was riding to Carl's to get the new pump installed the bike stalled on the highway with a full tank of gas. Carl gave me some pointers, but the bike wouldn't stay running before starving out of gas. I was going to leave my bike there and have my wife come and get me and go to Carl's so I could pick up the pump, but Carl would not have it and drove to my location (probable 1.5hrs) and installed the pump. The bike runs like new, I can now hear the fuel pump working when I start the bike. What a good sound that is, and what an incredible person and friend Carl is. Lots of us talk about Venture Riders being like a family. Well it is not just talk. There are so many people helping one another on this site. Upon us this weekend will be Freebird's Maintenance Day where 125 people or more will be enjoying each others company and helping one another. I feel so privileged to have found this site and belong to such an organization. This kind of leadership and members could seriously make this world a better place by the examples of kindness and friendship. Carl, I thanked you in person, but I really want to thank you publicly. Thank you for your much needed help, patience and understanding along with the education and teaching so I will be more able to work on my bike. You are an ambassador for this site and Mankind. God Bless
  23. Congratulations. That is great news. I am very happy for you and all involved.
  24. Bad news, but with light at then end. Prayers that he will have a fast and full recovery
  25. Silverado, your Australia trip sounds like it will be an adventure to remember. I wish you all the best and hope you are able to live your dream.
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