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Everything posted by dogman

  1. Larry, a very special thing you have done for a lot of special young children. God Bless
  2. We are still here Don, but won't be able to leave until the afternoon. If you are alone or with others and you want your coffee at our place we are the next exit from Casablanca. Call me
  3. Thanks for sharing about the app that you used. Glad to hear you have the sound the way you want it. Since you are a trial member I will point out in case you haven't found out about it yet. The stereo has a volume control for the speed you are doing, so the faster you go the more the volume will raise to equal the road noise. I listen to the radio thru the speakers and have mine set at 16 and it comes thru loud and clear. If I really like the song then I will increase the volume to 18, but my wife sometimes thinks that is too loud.
  4. dogman

    gas milage

    millage sure is dependent on your riding, but if I am commuting to work, I'm a little more consistent and all highway. I get 200 miles then have to fill up. Not sure when the light comes on exactly, but any where from 150 to 170 miles. I put in approx 20litres, which is about 5 gallons.
  5. I have no idea why it went bold. I'm not yelling, and I couldn't figure out how to get it back to normal or a regular return to the left side of the thread. See, strange things happen to me on a computer.
  6. Oh yes, now you got me on a roll. Another thing that happens if I respond to a thread, sometimes I don't see it again in the whats new button. I have to go beyond the "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts. " And I can find it there, but others have posted after mine since I was last on. Again not sure if it is something I am doing wrong or that I should be clicking on something different.
  7. Yes this happens to me as well. I'll type a new post in watering hole and then don't see it again. After a few days, I do a search for the thread and there are responses to it, but when I click on the What's New button it doesn't show up. I thought it was just me as weird stuff happens or doesn't happen to me when I'm on a computer. Is there another button I should be pushing instead?
  8. Thanks Bob, this was the final push that really made me try even harder to make it. Save some energy for Friday night and I'll join you in that Hot Sex.
  9. When you take your bike on your long trip, that is when you will fall in love with it. For me the one thing that has made the bike so much more comfortable for a 12 and 14 hour riding day is a backrest. My wife also can sit in the seat that long without complaining. She is so comfortable that she falls asleep and her helmut will keep bumping into mine. That's how I know she is asleep. Another accessory which makes the trips more enjoyable are highway pegs. More then just another riding position, it helps to get the feet away from the motor as not much air flow to take the heat away from the motor down low behind the lower fairing/cowlings. I even bought highway pegs for my wife which see loves. I wish you a great and safe trip thru the gauntlet. As others have said, welcome to the site. I have heard this expression a lot, this bike is like a couch on wheels. I would have to agree. It is so comfortable to ride, that I don't want to stop.
  10. Summer or September; Either would be fine. October would have to be a last minute decision due to weather.
  11. We are doing our best to see if we can head out Friday afternoon, we will be camping. Not sure on site or at a camp ground.
  12. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing, and glad you both are enjoying the new Venture kit
  13. Brenner, I'm glad you saw the car just in time to maneuver to avoid the collision. My opinion, it doesn't matter what colour your bike is, how bright your clothes or headlights are, or how loud your pipes or horn is. People on the road don't see a marked Police car with emergency lights and siren on. As we all know, we have to ride with eyes wide open expecting the cagers are out to get us, and not in a paranoid way, but a prepared way to respond just as you did.
  14. So is today the day that everything gets resolved with your tires?
  15. Scott, you are in my prayers. I wish you all the best with the skill set of the Doctor that he is able to find a solution to bring your adrenaline back up to normal. Nice that you know what is happening as I'm sure it must have been scarey the unknown as to why you lost all strength and drive.
  16. YES It sure looks good
  17. I'm not sure if this is real or not, but very funny to watch.
  18. That is great Dave that you are out and enjoying it. I hope to be able to see you and your bike before the end of the summer, but if not then next year.
  19. Yes you are 100% right, there are those that if they want could find a way to open it.
  20. I'll be interested to hear after a few weeks how you feel on it. My wife is somewhat interested in one also.
  21. Brad, I'm very pleased to read you did not get hurt. Your skillful riding by keeping the bike up must have played a major factor in the two of you not suffering any serious injuries. I'm sure over the next days you may suffer from some tightening muscles or other pains, so do take it easy.
  22. I had to buy a garage door opener and liked the idea of the new technology where you can control and be notified on your smart phone. I saw one go on sale and bought the garage door opener with the My Q technology for $132, but then you have to buy an additional item that plugs into your modem, and that cost $42. There is a free app that you down load on your phone and it controls the opening and closing of the door from your phone and tells, and shows you if the door is open or closed as well as notify you when it does get opened. The two garage door openers that came with the unit still work, but we can keep one in the car and one in the house so now I also have one with me on my phone. It has come in handy many times, not just when on my bike, but outside doing something and wanting to get into the garage. I always have my phone on me so it is easy to open the garage when ever I need it. Just thought I would share my 5 cents. We can't share our 2 cents in Canada any more as they are worthless.
  23. Congratulations on your Voyager kit. I hope you like it more and more.
  24. Congratulations. The two of you will have so much fun, especially since you know you won't break down in the water, which is never a good thing.
  25. Thank you Puc, for putting on this Meet and Eat. I had a great time and thank you for your hospitality of putting us up in your home and the enjoyable night ride and morning ride along the river. It was nice to meet you Bluestar99, Billmac, Miride and your wives. Puc sorry we had to leave so early and didn't get to meet all those other people you had invited. Hopefully next time. It was a 908 mile trip and worth it.
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