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Everything posted by dogman

  1. Don, I am sorry for the loss of your Mom, this is never an easy time. I hope you can be comforted by all the good memories you have of her and all she did for you.
  2. Hello Bob, great to hear you and Becky out touring around, and I enjoy reading about your adventures. Keep having loads of fun and be safe on the roads.
  3. Have you got the bounce and jump out of that spider now?
  4. Have a great time everyone at the bike show and the Dinner. Sorry I will miss out on this event.
  5. Thank you for the info and the link. Good to know that there is a Princess auto in Hamilton
  6. Very nice looking bike. Congratulations on your deal.
  7. Thank you Puc and Ben. Ben I did go to the Battery place you recommended in Hamilton. I believe it is called Acme. They have been very good for all the problems I have had.
  8. What a great Christmas indeed being able to ride and especially being able to take your Granddaughter out for a ride.
  9. Thanks Puc. Sure send me the info. I will have to buy one and then figure what to touch with it. Haha. oops not that I guess
  10. Carl, I sure hope a solution can be found soon with regards to a temporary location to continue on with business if that is possible.
  11. Thank you Gentleman, I will have to get a meter and see what the volts are and go from there. Some good things for me to look into.
  12. Hello and Merry Christmas to all of you. I have a question for anyone who can pass along some advice or opinions. I have an 07 Midnight Venture. I just replaced the battery near the end of September. Since then I have only been on short bike rides. After a week or two the bike wouldn't start or take a battery tender charge. I took it back to the dealer and they replace it under warranty. It happened again to the next battery and they exchanged another new one. This one also wouldn't start the bike after a few rides. They charged it up and said the battery is good. Any thoughts? Would it be the stator? If so, how difficult is it to get at? Any other suggestions? Thank you
  13. ​A Big Merry Christmas back to you and all others as well.
  14. Carl, sad new indeed, but sure glad to hear that nothing happened to the house or that no one was inside or injured. We will keep all your family in our prayers and that the insurance company will be able to come to a quick resolution to keep life moving forward for everyone without much financial loss or hardship.
  15. Declining numbers is unfortunate, as others have said, the information and friendships gained on this site have been invaluable. Trying to gain a larger membership by branching out to all bikes may bring about more members but ones with different views desires and agendas. More people can be a good thing, but the other side it could also be problematic with scams, viruses and other computer related information and identification stealing. Hopefully for those in the market for a cheaper used bike, this site may see a raise in membership in a few years as the bikes get recycled to newer younger riders. Good luck Don in your decision and thought process.
  16. Happy Anniversary. I hope you are still in the Honeymoon stage
  17. Hello Ben, just getting onto the site after a couple of months. I would love to attend, but we are leaving that day for a ski week up at Blue.
  18. Great to hear that you are enjoying just as much as when you got it.
  19. I like to rub my wife's thigh and calf when the cruise is on. It balances out as I rub her left thigh and calf without the cruise on.
  20. Thanks Ben, I stopped in at Carl's on my way home and he tested it. I went to get a new battery at Acme that you suggested on Saturday, but they closed at noon. No luck getting a maintenance free battery my size any where else, so I'm bringing my battery tender back to Aylmer tonight to keep it charged and I will stop in Hamilton on my way home on Friday.
  21. Thanks, those are some cheap prices compared to what we would pay here in Canada.
  22. Thank you Ben and Scott. Too bad about all the duty fees as Tooch points out. I'll have to look into the Hamilton spot Saturday when I get home.
  23. Yes I am in Aylmer at the Ontario College I was shocked, frustrated and a few other emotions when they would charge my battery and not a new one. I did check on the bike this morning before I went to class and it did start. I will try it again early this evening. It is my original battery, so I'm hoping it is simply that and not a charging concern with the bike. Thank you Carl and Wayne for your offers of help and assistance. At this time I don't want to put you out. Maybe I did not turn the key off beyond the acc spot and it was human error. The simple test from Can Tire just showed a green light for an Ok battery. Well it's back to class for me now
  24. Here I am away for work and on my motorbike, in a very small town. I went out to go for a ride this evening and the bike was completely dead. I was helped out and taken to Canadian Tire. They had a battery that was compatible for $124. I was happy to purchase it but there was not anyone authorized to charge it for me as they did not have the required training. I asked if my battery could be tested and they performed that test which also charged my battery. In 20 minutes. So I walked out with my old battery charged for free and did not buy their battery that was for sale since they couldn't charge it for me. I hope this original battery is still good enough for me to get home on Friday and look into buying a new battery. Is this an unusual failing of a battery all of a sudden without any warning? Or is it not so uncommon.?
  25. It drives me crazy standing in a grocery line and seeing people put their groceries on the counter and then watch them all get totalled up and when told the price they freeze and then start looking for their wallet as if they thought they might not get charged. All that time in line you would think they could have their form of payment ready or know where it is.
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