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Everything posted by dogman

  1. Thank you Wayne (Wizard765) for your expertise and patience in guiding me thru the process to get our route from the computer transferred to our gps. Seeing all the steps you had to take to correct what I had done, only solidifies that I would have never been able to figure it out. Thank you again for your help, travel, and time you spent to figure it out for me.
  2. Don, very good to hear you are putting your wife's health and comfort first, but not surprising you are a real gentleman. I hope she can feel some relief soon and get back to normal. I'm sure the cool night air would have tightened up her neck and shoulder muscles trying to stay warm which would have added to the discomfort and causing more pain. I wish her a fast recover.
  3. We leave this coming Saturday for a 3 week ride to the East Coast of Canada. We will be towing our tent trailer and hoping to enjoy as many sites as we can. Planing on riding along the St. Lawrence River through Quebec and around Gaspe, then into New Brunswick along the Gulf of St. Lawrence and onto Prince Edward Island for a week. Then head over to Nova Scotia and ride the Cabot Trail along with the whole exterior along the Atlantic Ocean and back into New Brunswick and of course the Bay Of Fundy. Just in the process now of choosing our clothing to be packing for the trip. We have some great heat here in Ontario, but out East temperatures can certainly be cooler. Reading Touch's blog reminded us that we need our warm gear and cloths, especially since we will be camping. I hope you are all able to have some time this summer to be doing some things that really make you happy and keep you young. As the saying goes, Life is primarily for living, laughing and loving.
  4. A suggestion, when you do get the swirls out or a new windshield don't clean it in swirl motions. Clean it from bottom to top in a straight up motion so you won't get any swirls. Best of luck.
  5. A good suggestion Wayne. I did have a new saved route when I checked tonight, but it was only of my house and not the route that I planned out. I did send you a PM
  6. Come any ways, I got pictures to show you. Soon I'll be getting rid of the two outside dog runs and houses.
  7. Now that's a thought. I shouldn't have gave my last one away.
  8. I have the Diamond R ones on my bike and they look good and my wife really likes them. If you want to see a picture I will post tonight when I get home. As XV1100SE said above those O rings really look good. I plan on getting some.
  9. Thank you for all the replies, especially the ones that said they couldn't get it to work either. Maybe there is hope for me yet..................... well.......... maybe not.
  10. Thank you Wayne for this tip of turning the GPS off. I did not do that last night. I will try it when I get home. If still no luck then I will take you up on the offer of your help. I am working this weekend until Thursday and then we leave for the East Coast. Don also gave me a link to what he uses, but I couldn't figure that out either. What can I say I'm a disgrace. Fortunately my wife loves me any ways. So I consider myself a lucky boy.
  11. Hello is anyone out there that can slap me in the face with a simple to do list for loading a route from Garmin Base Camp onto my Nuvi 2555? It took me a while, but I planned the route on the computer, but I am not having any success in transferring it onto/into my GPS. I was able to plan a route directly on my old GPS, but not on this one so I did it on Garmin Base Camp, but I can not save it on my GPS. Any advice, smart comments, jokes, humiliation is welcome. I laugh at my self often for getting stumped by computer stuff. If I didn't laugh I would get so _ucking mad. Thanks
  12. Unfortunately I am working for the next 8 days and then we are off for a 3 week bike trip to the East Coast in Canada. I do hope to make one of your planned camping excursions one time soon.
  13. Dave, I hope your back heals up fast to enjoy the rest of the summer and riding season.
  14. Im the same as Orlin, I really like mine and absolutely no vibration. I do flip mine up and down often so I am putting it to use for two years now and just like new. Best of luck with your decision
  15. Others will be able to give you a percentage of tongue weight, I'm not sure exactly so I don't want to give you a guess. My experience pulling my tent trailer is it pulls much better with some tongue weight. I put my cooler on my tongue (I know you don't want to do that) but it towed like the trailer wasn't even behind me. (Just like Bongobob said) Without that tongue weight I was feeling it on my turns and bumps. In my cooler I only keep drinks and that days dinner and the next mornings breakfast. We eat lunch at a restaurant that looks busy or is recommended the night before at the camp ground we stopped at. I would recommend making time do some practice riding with your trailer when you decide with stuff in it to see what feels good when towing it. You will feel very confident the day you leave if you get that practice time in. Best of luck and skill. Have a great time.
  16. Dogman. I have been blessed and highly favoured being a K9 Officer for 24 years. I would show up at a scene, and other Officers would say the dogman is here, or K9guy is here. When I bought my Venture, friends said I should get a personalized licence plate for the bike since I had done K9 work for so long I tried to get K9guy, but that was taken so checked on Dogman and it was available. I then found the Venture site by fluke (as I'm not a computer guy) when attempting to do some research on my bike. So I thought to keep with the theme I would use Dogman, but not being a computer guy I forgot to capitalize the D, so it is dogman.
  17. Cowpuc, I hope you and your Doctors are getting closer to figure your health concerns so you can get back to the kind of living that you want to be doing. God Bless Brother. Hope to see you this summer.
  18. Welcome home Dave. The blog was a great way to feel just a portion of all your excitement and tough days riding in some very scary weather. I look forward to hearing some of your stories in person to hear the excitement in your voice as you recount your adventures. I'm proud of you, not many get to do what you have just done. You still have the whole summer ahead of you as well. So what is next on your list of retirement bliss?
  19. Sorry Dave, I will be missing this one. I sure hope to make another. I am working that weekend then we are off for three weeks vacations but heading to the East Coast in Canada. I hope the weather is great for all of you.
  20. dogman


    Wayne, I'm glad you found it without anything bad happening. Good that you where paying attention to your bike and didn't give up looking when you heard the sound.
  21. Evan, as others have said, I am glad to hear you are not hurt. And as Wayne was asking, I hope you are not feeling in bad shape today. I was sorry to hear as well that the Police did not do an accident report there instead of making you go to a reporting centre. The truck driver deserves a ticket.
  22. Another big thank you to Don and Eileen. Opening up your home, yard and lives as you do is something special and that is why your site attracts like minded people so all the events are so great. I was able to get some maintenance done on my bike and Earl, Skydoc, was so good at teaching me which of course empowers me with confidence to tackle other projects on the bike. For all that where that, we sure had a great time and the weather was hot and perfect.
  23. Good for you, I should have said that it is very important to read the reviews as you have done. There are places with not such good reviews so it's not a scam in our experiences. Give it a try, we like it more then a hotel. Best of luck
  24. I have the exact Baggersheild one as well. I love it. As Great Adventure said it is the best of both worlds. When I ride on my own I love to flip the clear portion down, but it on a long ride or with my wife I always put it up. Very easy to clean. I use either pledge or wax and it has not scratched. I always clean it pushing up and not in circles. Mine is 3 years old and looks like I just installed it. Just to add if I have bug splatters, I just spray it with water and wipe up and the windshield is clear again.
  25. Yes my wife and I have used it a number of times with nothing but great experiences. We have booked whole homes, condos and we have booked just a room with a bathroom so we shared the main area with the home owner. All great accommodations with lots of space and kitchens which can be very handy. I have the AirBnB app on my phone and that is how I do the booking. Best of luck, I am confident you will be very happy
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