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Everything posted by dogman

  1. By the boot, if you mean female end yes that is where the dialectic grease is. There might be a smidgen on the contacts when they went inside
  2. Thank you Craig. I did split the fairing. What I didn't do was first ride and look for some contact cleaner. I did what I could to clean the connectors and pushed them back together. There still was a little dialectic grease on the connectors. Before putting the fairing back on I tried the radio but it didn't work. After putting it all back together I tried it again and still nothing. I flicked and tapped the radio unit and the radio came to life. I couldn't change the station as none of the buttons worked but our intercom will work if it stays on. I had tapped the unit several times before with no success. So maybe if I can get some contact cleaner I will have full success
  3. Thanks. I only checked the one under the lower cowling
  4. I'm on a bike trip at the moment and our radio system has completely shut down. Won't turn on. In the evening the buttons are lit up. I checked and changed the 10amp fuse with the spare but still nothing. It did stop working after riding in a heavy rain. It worked intermittently the next day turning itself on and off and changing radio Chanel's in it own then the next day it would not turn on. Any suggestions? I will look for a Yamaha dealer if I have to change the top unit. Really miss the intercom
  5. Oh ya. Let me see how to do this on my iPhone. Day 1 after a 13 hour ride.
  6. Day 3 the GPS came back to life today but was useless as it wanted to keep taking us back to the planned route I had done as it recognized we missed some roads. The radio and intercom was still non functioning. Today's ride was easily mistaken for when we where in BC driving with the ocean on one side and the mountains on the other side. Views and roads where great. Some nice sweeping turns with up and down grades and some sharp winding turns that made the ride fun. Calling for a lot of rain tonight and all day tomorrow so we got a hotel room instead of camping that way we don't have to pack up in the rain in the morning.
  7. Day 2. Our GPS didn't work and either did our radio or intercom which was too bad for all the great sites to talk about as we rode, not to mention wrong turns and stops to look at a map. Not nearly as many miles on day 2 but we knew that as a lot to see and do.
  8. Day 1 was a 13 hour ride from 5:20am to 6:30pm when we pulled into a camp site. Only 560 miles, but we went thru some heavy rain in Quebec. It was so hot and the heavy rain fogged up my windshield and visor so I couldn't see. Fortunately we where able to stop safely under a bridge for about 20 minutes until my visor and windshield de-fogged and we took off again. Got about a half hour ride before couldn't see again and pulled over.
  9. Sorry I missed you on Thursday. Riding Hwy 132 around Gaspe Quebec is majestic. The ocean on one side and steep mountains on the other side. We saw people BASE jumping a straight down cliff beside the highway. Also doing hand gliding.
  10. Thank you everyone for the quick replies and suggestions. I didn't get it out. I went to our local Marine shop and they used a older type snake camera and grabbing tools, but no luck. I shook it for a few more hours and gave up and put it back on the bike and filled it up with gas. We leave at 5am tomorrow Saturday. I did order one of the iPhone endoscopy camera's off eBay. Hopefully it will be here when we are back in 3 weeks and I will try again.
  11. Yes here too. But I thought in my stressed mind a form of a magnet to pick up plastic which would help my situation being that the nozzle that fell into the tank was plastic. There you go I was only thinking of myself. I apologize.
  12. Thanks, with my luck something may not go back just as it should, so I will wait to do that after my trip when I don't have to rely on the bike.
  13. If I had time for it to arrive I would purchase it also. I can't find a store that sells something like that yet, at least nothing that I see on store web sites.
  14. Carl I also have been sending positive energy your way. I hope it is working out they way you want or need it too.
  15. Best of luck and skill. Be proud of yourself for taking control of your future. I'm excited for you. Enjoy the new learning curves and all the people you will meet and deal with
  16. I may have to do that and hope it doesn't melt or interfere with gas flow some how
  17. Great news. Congratulations. She must be very excited to know that others saw how hard a how much of a good and dependable worker she is. I wish her and yourself enjoyment in this new endeavour
  18. Tank is off and gas is out. I have been shaking it for nearly two hours. I caught a glimpse of it once and moved it slightly to try and grab it but it moved. It seems to get wedged a lot and does not move a lot when I shake it. I'm stopping now for the night and will resume in the morning.
  19. Plastic magnet? I'll have to google that one. Thanks
  20. Thank you for your reply's of help. I did try a grabbing tool, but can't see it and didn't feel anything. I will try as you suggest to drain the tank and take it off and tip it upside down. Thank you very much
  21. Any suggestions for my dilemma I just caused. I was putting gas in my Venture from a gas can with a hose and pump that goes into my tank so no spills. The plastic nozzle approx 7 inches long fell off and into the gas tank. I leave for a 3 week bike trip in a day and a half. Any ideas of how to get the plastic tube out of the gas tank?????????????????????? I can not see it inside the tank. The tank is approx 3/4 full.
  22. Where are the pictures of this beautiful clean shining machine of yours, or are you dropping by this evening to show me in person.
  23. Yes thanks. Packed some tonight. Thank you again for your help.
  24. Thank you Bert2006 for these suggestions. I hope that we have time to do all of them or at least most of them.
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