July 24, 4pm, I got distracted looking at the scenery. At about 50 mph I came up behind a car stopped for a left turner way too late, locked up both wheels on my 03 Midnight Venture, and was able to slow to about 35 mph before deciding to take the (very soft) berm on the right. Witnesses said the bike flipped 4 times in the air, landing on its left side, while I plowed shoulder first into the dirt. I remember seeing the bike in the air over me, and feeling relieved that it missed me--you know how everything goes into slow motion. A state trooper gave me a ticket for "lane control failure" in the ER.
I'm home from the hospital, but still on oxygen because it hurts too much to get a deep breath. I have a broken collar bone, a broken rib, three broken cervical vertabrae, massive bruising, and a dead right arm. They say my arm will probably return, but it may take up to 2 years. My Shoei helmet absolutely saved me. The dealer has the bike and says it is probably totalled, but won't know for sure until later this week.
I've been riding for 45 years, and would not have believed you could get this much damage at that speed, without hitting anything but soft dirt. This was entirely my fault, and I consider myself very lucky.
Now I need some advice. I've never filed a damage claim in all my 59 years. I suspect the insurance company will be looking out for their own interests, but what should I do to protect mine?
Thanks in advance,
Ken Stewart