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Everything posted by Gdserlin

  1. Location of side stand relay 1988 ? Thanks all.
  2. I found the threaded holes, there are three. Thanks all.
  3. I find no place to fasten ether a jawed (3 armed) puller or a three bolt like for a harmonic balancer The only threaded holes inside the flywheel are the allen bolts. I cannot get a puller behind unit either. I am sure that this is my failure and I am missing the obvious. Has anyone pulled one of these and what did they use ?
  4. I emailed Dano. Here was his response. "As Flyin'Fool said on VR, PUT THOSE 6 BOLTS BACK IN! Use the red locktite and tighten them, if you've got a 1/2" drive torque wrench it'll help. As long as you have not disrupted the rotor or starter clutch, should be easy. Once you've got it back together, use the 3-bolt puller, sit back with a beverage of your choice and wait for it to pop. Good luck! Dano"
  5. I will reinstall the 6 bolts. Every things seems to sill be aligned. I guess I will find out. The starter clutch is on there good. It seems as difficult as the OEM- to remove. I was hoping for Dano's input to.
  6. I installed Dano's Starter Clutch Mod seven years ago. Now trying to remove it so I can put it on another bike. I have the oil galley bolt off and I pulled all of the allen head bolts(6) that sit inside the flywheel. At this point should I try a puller like when removing the OEM one ? I really cannot remember how this thing went together:-) Thanks!
  7. I used a Techmate electronic vacuum syncronizer to sink the carbs. They are riducluously expensive but I scored one new in the box on Craigslist for a song. Pure luck there. After synching the carbs I used PB blaster to get the bolts out of the four exhaust bung ports. Then using a CO meter I set the mixture and adjusted to 3.8 % CO. I did have to constantly re-adjust sync and idle- during the mixture adjustment process. Took about 2 hours. I test drove the bike. The performance gain is big time. Kind of scared me. None of my Ventures have ever run this well!
  8. Thanks everyone. I do own a Gunson EGA It is a decent unit for the money.
  9. I would like to hook up my exhaust gas analyzer (co only) to assist with fine tuning on my first gen synch and tune. In the "historic" Yamaha Venture technician training videos on you tube (video 3 of 12) they show an EGA providing a reading for each individual cylinder. However, this is a dual exhaust bike and I see no access port for each individual cylinder's exhaust in the header. How are they obtaining individual cylinder EGA readings ? What am I missing ?
  10. I have done many other motorcycle carbs with hot water, simple green and mild dish soap in the Ultra Sonic cleaner. A good cleaning can take as many as 6 hours of intermittent run. I change the location in the ultra sonic cleaner frequently- duringc cleaining
  11. I have a strange noise in my 89 Venture. I suspect it has always been present but has recently become much louder. The noise occurs under the following conditions: Transmission engaged. The noise NEVER occurs in neutral, or when clutch is enaged-meaning nuetral. Enaging clutch will stop noise. Noise always occurs at closed throttle (high vacuum?), never at partial or open throttle or full open throttle. Noise is most obvious in 2nd -5th gears. The noise may be present in 1st gear but is hard to hear. Noise is obvious on downshifting or closing throttle. As along as throttle is closed and bike is turning some RPMS and wheels are moving, the noise is present. Depress clutch and or open throttle and noise disappears. Thanks to all on this forum.
  12. I think I have a lighting unit as well. I just need to find it. I replaced mine with a set of traditional high and low beam relays. Let me know if you need it.
  13. The TCi is a bit difficult to get to- if it's in the stock location. Read all the posts on removal and relocation to the top of the air box. In my humble opinion if it's the TCI, is either vibration or heat driven intermittent problem. Once you get the TCI relocated to the top of the air cleaner. Start the bike cold and then hit the TCI with a hair dryer or heat gun, and see if heating it up causes a stall "sooner" than you have normally experienced.
  14. The radiator does not have to come off all of the way. However, i have never been able to clear the thermostate housing with the starter. I always pre-order the o ring etc for housing.... because once you take off the housing that O ring needs to be replaced. the one time I reused it..it leaked. It just does. That's my experience. Ride hand side exhaust header pipe has to come, but not left as I recall
  15. I think you still need to confirm that the electrical system is operating at full capacity. Cranking with no plugs does not really confirm that the amperage is there. The battery cables are always suspect unless upgraded. Take a pair of quality jumper cables and run the one cable from the negative side of the battery to a good grounding point on the frame. See if that changes the quality of the spark. I would also clean and inspect all of the connections on both sides of battery and fuse box.
  16. Try bleeding it before you scrap it. Also I have welded new hydraulic units on to similar set ups. Harbour Freight actually sells a lot of spare parts. if you can identify the model number call their 800 number on monday. They may have a replacement hydraulic unit for cheap.
  17. They have 90 day warranty. Bring it back and see if they will sell you the extended warranty now, most HF stores will.
  18. I dont generally weigh in on these things...but I am 5'6 and ride a first generation. I also weigh 240 lbs and could -at my strongest bench press well of over 400 lbs.. No problem holding the bike up, even two up- fully loaded.... or picking it up by my self the two times I dropped it in the driveway...
  19. Found it....its got visable damage.... cant describe it exactly but something burned up ... inside.
  20. I have cleaned the switch. It started with a blown turn signal fuse, which i have replaced ... it has not blown again but i have no turn signals or 4 ways. I am still having trouble locating this 41 r RELAY. I haver found a box that looks to be the right size but it has two screws as a mouinting point, more than 9 wires and DOES NOT say 41 R on it. I have removed the headlight and I found the box just to the left of center.
  21. Is 41 R really two relays or more in one housing ? and can I if neccesary wire in a generac flasher relay ?
  22. I have read the posts on turn signal issues but I am looking for flasher relay and not finding it. Left side upper fairing ?????? Any one, thanks in advance (1989)
  23. I need to find a new spring for my 89 horn switch, I suspect it is sold as as a switch assembly only. Here is the link to the parts diagram as shown on Boats.net http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1989/VENTURE%20ROYALE%20-%20XVZ1300DWC/HANDLE%20SWITCH%20LEVER/parts.html I have looked elsewhere, none of the diagrams illustrate a horn switch part number, and if they do, I can not figure it out. Anyone .....
  24. See this post from yesterday ... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=68714
  25. After re reading your post, the one question I have-while bleeding the brakes did you make any adjustment to the brake pedal because ....
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