My wife and I Took a ride to My cousins in Shenandoah yesterday. Did a fillup not far from the house, and on our way. Took some backroads, doing about 45 miles an hour. and then 55 on the main roads. Now to get to his house you gotta climb the dang mountian. 2 miles, gravel and dirt road. Kiss our a$$ curves, and steeper than any road oughta be. About 2/3rds the way up trying to get aound one curve, I was going to slow the road to rough, so I kinda dropped it, Patti fell off. Not hard. She gets up,says we shoulda left the bike home and brought a car. With next breath, she's asking if the bike was ok. Me? I wondering if SHE is ok. Yes it is possible to pick up the dang thing by yourself. It had fell over on the right side. I made sure it was in first and the kickstand was out. Then when around and picked it up. Fired it up and drove it about a 100 feet to get away from the steep part. She gets back on still fussin about bringing the bike. We made it the rest of the was up to the top with no problems. On the way down, I had her ride in a car till I got the bike to the bottom. We then had a nice ride over too Luray, Sperryville, Culpepper, and then on ot home.
I stopped at the same gas station and did a fillup again. 3.2 gallons. total miles for the trip 157.4.
A few scratches on the crashbars from the drop, a lot of dust to clean off when I got home.
Next time I go to my cousins house. I'm Taken the 4 wheel drive!!
All in all a great day.