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About okscott

  • Birthday 01/12/1958

Personal Information

  • Name
    Scott Henderson


  • Location
    Sterlington, LA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcytcles and Computers
  • Bike Year and Model
    2001 RSV
  1. Had a similar problem on my Goldwing. Sprayed all the connections under the plastic cover on the tank with electrical contact cleaner and fixed my issue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I bought an Emgo Cigarette lighter power source on ebay. Mounted it on the handlebar as shown. Ran the wires direct from battery, under gas tank and alongside the handlebar. put the wires in loom and put the fuse alongside the handlebar where it's not really seen, but easy to get to. Works good for me, was good for lighting smokes until I quit six weeks ago.
  3. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?Category_ID=96&manufacturer_ID=39&product_ID=5364&sblid_name=Progressive_Suspension_Mini_Gauge_Pump&model_id=41 $44.96 plus shipping
  4. Attachs to the rear seat bolt and the license plate frame. No affect on removal of sissy bar/backrest.
  5. STR4WM511001 $77.56 Made for the Road Star, fits RSTD fine
  6. Got mine from J & P Cycle http://www.jpcycles.com/
  7. When I had my Road Star all I read about on forums was "The Knock", Mine never had it. Had a 2001 Venture, no whine there. Currently have a 07 RSTD no whine there either.
  8. I ride year round as well, my battery was(or at least since I purchsed my bike new) only 9 1/2 months old. Still crapped out, however Yamaha is going to replace mine under warranty.
  9. Well found out late this afternoon I won't have to buy a new one. Mama Yama is going to replace mine under warranty.
  10. How much. waiting to hear tommorrow from the local stealer if Yamaha will warranty the battery in my bike. It died today, 9 1/2 months after I bought my New 07 RSTD. I may be in the market tommorrow.
  11. I loved the change, I was at work at 2 am Sunday morning. That 2-3am hour is so dead usually, just flew by (and I only had to work a 11 hour shift instead of 12 but got paid for 12)
  12. Been riding on a plugged rear tire for the past 1500 miles or so. No problems at all. Had the same concerns as you when I did it. Holds air fine. Mine is right on the edge between being on the tread and the side wall so it's only making contact when turning to that side. Sure was cheaper than pulling the rear wheel.
  13. Need suggestions, advice, or here's how I did it's on where to mount an aux power socket (cigerette Lighter type plug) on an 07 RSTD. Want to wire up and mount something near the handle bars to charge cell phone, power gps etc. Prefer the economical route (have looked at the nice $100 handlebar mounts, but I want to do something that'll cost a bit less.) Any ideas, suggestions, pics???
  14. RSTD has a quick detachable windshield. Took it off and brought it inside.
  15. Since I bought my 2007 RSTD Midnight last year I have wanted to install a Tri-pouch Windshield Bag. I searched the forums here and elsewhere trying to locate one that would work, never finding what I wanted. Recently I took a chance and purchased a Carolina Leather Windshield Bag Number 721 http://www.carolinaleatherworks.com/winbag721.html This weekend I finally got a chance to install it and I am very happy with the results. I simply took off the windshield, Removed the three center bolts, inserted the bag, aligned it, marked the location of the holes, and drilled the plastic backer attached to the bag. I then installed the backer between the shield and the metal bar on the rear of the shield and reinserted and tightened the bolts. The only problem I had was getting the bolts reattached with the extra thickness of the plastic in there. After numerous tries I was able to get all the bolts reattached and everything reinstalled. I did loose the right side cables from their guide on the frontend of the bike to enable the bags to slide on and had to slightly adjust the cables to get the shield back on. So if you’re like me and searching for a windshield bag for a RSTD this might be the answer for you. Scott
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