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Everything posted by Jayceesfolly

  1. Glad to hear the good news, Bob. Along with the employee discount, I will even buy lunch! Congrats, Bob. Jim
  2. Wilson needs to wake up and loosen the purse strings and buy some decent players and coaching staff. The politicians in this state just handed him millions to keep this lousy team here. What were they thinking???!! With the fiscal cliff mess and New York in financial straits, giving a loser more tax money just doesn't make sense. The taxpayer is getting $crewed again. Sell the team and turn the stadium into a parking lot. And what I REALLY don't understand is why all these faithful fans keep supporting a bunch of losers. Buffalo Bills will never amount to anything because Wilson is making millions off a losing team and the fans keep supporting the losers, so he has no incentive to change anything. Only until attendance falls off and he starts losing money will he change anything. Jim
  3. As a retired volunteer firefighter, I have been following this story because I live in Rochester NY, just a short distance from this event. As of 11:00 PM tonight, there are two Volunteer Firefighters dead and two in "guarded condition" in a local hospital. The shooter fired from a position of concealment and ambushed them as they arrived in a fire truck. The shooter killed himself as police closed in. I know a few of the members of that FD, including one of the deceased. The firefighters in this county are a very close knit group and all of us are feeling the pain of a great loss. As a firefighter responding to a call for an emergency, you concentrate on the things that need to be done on arrival at the scene and don't really think about your personal safety. I am sure none of the four firefighters had the least suspicion that this call would turn out this way. RIP, Brothers......You are gone but will never be forgotten. Jim
  4. After next week, you can make it THREE bored old farts. I am retiring next week and can join you two for coffee at the local watering hole or Timmie's. Although, I have a lot to keep me busy, I still can find time for coffee. Glad to hear Tom is up and about and feeling better. Jim
  5. Carl: No, not joshin'. My last day is Dec 20th and then my new job is to drive my wife crazy in the shortest time possible! (Shouldn't take long, she is halfway there just thinking about me being around the house for 24 hours a day!) And the projects are for the new home we bought last July, after the International. Jim
  6. I am retiring next week and am looking forward to it. More time to ride the scoot! I have a few projects around the house to keep me busy, so I am not going to be bored. I am adding a new deck and stone patio to the back of the house as well as a new pool. Those projects should keep me out of trouble and, as my wife says..."off the streets"! The winter here has been very mild so far, so I am going to start on the deck right after the holidays. When I have a M & E next summer, y'all have to bring your swimsuits and frolic in the pool. I wonder if the "pond monster" will migrate from Ohio to New York? BTW...thinking about a tour of the George Eastman House Museum for the M & E and then a meal at our home afterwards. Jim
  7. Tom and Amy: I almost had a heart attack and needed one of those stents when I read the title of this thread! I'm glad to hear everything is working out OK. Get well soon and hope you are feeling better Tom. Jim
  8. I think this could turn into a nightmare and I'm sure Don has other things to do than to babysit this enterprise. I say forget it, if you want to play, walk to your corner 7-11 and buy a ticket. And Carl, I totally agree with you. This is going to get way too complicated and time consuming. We have all seen or heard of the legal problems and lawsuits over a winning ticket, as a result of a group buy. It's not worth the strained relationships that would result from the problems involved in a winning ticket. As Carl said ... this is a family and I think this could be a HUGE problem if there was a winner. Put your $2 in the bank and in the long run, will earn you more. IMHO Jim
  9. Yup...Gary got this one right. See this link to Repair manual.com http://www.repairmanual.com/online/1986-yamaha-xvz13s-ds-venture-royale-assembly-manual-rlit-11666-04-97/ Jim
  10. It's been snowing here since midnight. About 2" on the ground. Come over and bring your shovel, Tom. PS: There is a new DQ here in Rochester. How's that for motivation? Jim
  11. Tom & Bob: HEB has a website where you can order the pecan coffee. http://www.hebshopping.com/product.php?productid=73&cat=8&page=1 Don: I also received a bag from you and have become a fan of the coffee. I went to the H.E.B. website and found the above coffee. I have tried some local pecan coffees, but they are nowhere near as good as the coffee you gave to me. I am going to order a bag of this coffee, I hope they ship to New York! Jim
  12. Evan: How about stick on pin stripes or decals of your favorite sports team? There are a lot of sites on the Internet to buy every kind of decal you can think of. Or add a contrasting color in that area of the fairing. How about a gloss black color, spray painted in a free form shape to cover the scratches? Do both the left and right sides of the fairing, so it looks balanced. I'm sure someone else has more ideas. Jim
  13. So, I had to hold my nose while I......
  14. Tom: You and Vicky are in our thoughts every day and will say a prayer for both of you. Sheila and I send our love to you and Vicky. Call me if you need anything, we are just around the corner and can be there in a few minutes. Jim
  15. Yes, I will order one. Thanks Jim
  16. I will order one. Looks like a great idea. Jim
  17. Thanks to all the members of this Forum who gave generously to the Trailer Raffle and SAF Fund. And the winner is Ted Ratcliffe (ELDR) from Ontario, Canada. The trailer will be shipped to him in a few weeks, as soon as the paperwork is done. Congratulations to Ted and his wife, Heather. Jim (Jayceesfolly)
  18. Tom: Been there, done that. I helped pull a High school friend out of an MVA, he went halfway thru the windshield because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. You never really forget the bad ones. I retired from firefighting after 30 years but the memories last forever. The wind in your face will cure whatever ails you. Hang in there, Bro. Jim
  19. I think the brake fluid should only be half way up the sight glass. Then as the fluid gets warm and expands it has somewhere to go. If the reservoir is full, and the fluid expands it will apply the brakes, as you found out. Jim
  20. I have a cluster for an 84, I think, that I will give to you. I am in Rochester, so I am close by. Does it have the red light in the tach for the cruise, I think the one I have has that light? I will look at it tomorrow afternoon and confirm. Jim
  21. I wouldn't go to the expense of replacing the solenoid. Just heavier battery cables and do the ground wire modification on the old starter or go with a 4 brush starter, as was mentioned above. New AGM battery will also work. Battery is available from Skydoc_17 on this site. Jim
  22. The last day to order trailer tickets, by Paypal, is Saturday, the 8th. Get your tickets now! Tickets will be available at the Int'l Rally, so if you haven't got them yet, you can see me at the Rally to get a last minute deal on the tickets. We will be having a RALLY SPECIAL!!.........just $10.00 each. Can't beat the price!!
  23. I have been working on the road and not able to get on the Forum on a regular basis. But here are a couple of answers to the questions in this thread. 1. The cruise itself starts at 12:30 pm, so you need to have your ticket for the cruise and ready to board by 12:15 PM. 2. We will have the brunch at 11:00 AM at the boat launch facility. There is a Banquet & Conference Center attached to the boating facility, so the brunch and tour are all at one place. 3. We will have a reserved parking area for the bikes, but will be limited. Everything must be secured on the bikes (helmets, etc.). 4. There will be a separate table for sign -in and to receive your tickets for the brunch and cruise, which I will be manning, once we arrive at the cruise site. 5. For those members that are not eating at the brunch, there are local restaurants available in the village (5 minutes away). Everything from fast food to Mom & Pop family restaurants are available. 6. The cruise will return to the dock at approximately 2:15-2:30 PM. This will give you time to take a drive around the village and/or do a little shopping or walking. There is a nice small Gallery just across the street from the cruise docking facility, which features local artisans and their work. 7. I will have a flyer available which will contain directions to and from Pioneer Motorsport, so that you can stay in the village and then return at your leisure. It is an approximate one hour ride to Pioneer from the cruise facility, so there will be a small amount of time before the Annual Dinner, to allow you to explore the village, if you so desire. 8. If you have any questions, PM me or call my cell phone for an immediate answer: 585-747-7998. Jim
  24. Tom: Sheila and I will have two baskets to raffle off. We will bring them Wednesday to BongoBob's 4th of July Party. Jim
  25. The last day to order the Raffle tickets for the Aluma trailer will be Midnight, July 8th. This is for tickets ordered thru Paypal and/or checks mailed to my PO Box. Any tickets that are available after that date, will then be sold at the Rally and will be $10.00 each (for any quantity). The drawing will be held Wednesday night at the Annual Dinner. So, get them thru Paypal now!! The cutoff date for Paypal and checks is Midnight, July 8th!!! Go to the "Stickey" area at the top of the page and click on trailer tickets to order yours now! I still have tickets available...... Get 'em while they are still available. Any questions, PM me. JIm
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