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Everything posted by Jayceesfolly

  1. I also have the Reda plastic can and it fits well in my 89 VR saddlebag. As Brian (tx2sturgis) said it is a little pricey but it is very sturdy and well made. I also folded the foam over on the bottom of the bag. Never had a leak or fumes in the saddlebag. I have had it for two years and have not had to use it yet, except once for another rider, on a PGR mission when he ran out of gas on an escort ride. I change the gas every three or four weeks and put the old gas in my lawn tractor. I also put a small amount of Seafoam in the gas. Jim
  2. Yeah Bob, I know what you mean, cats are more independent than dogs. The dogs won't go in the snow that is over their heads. They are not the adventurist type. And of course, "the Boss" has spoiled them rotten. Jim
  3. Hey Tom: I had to go out in the back yard and snowblow it so the dogs could do the things that dogs do outside. That is 18" of "white stuff" from the storm on Friday. The dogs wouldn't go outside because the snow was over their dog door and they couldn't push the flap open. I think I am the only crazy guy that snowblows the back yard for their dogs. You could snowblow your whole yard and then you could see all that green grass all year long! Jim
  4. When I was about 8 -9 years old my parents owned a summer place in the Adirondack Mts in Northern New York and we used to feed the bears that came to the village dump to scavenge. The dump area was open and the trash was never covered like the landfills are now. This was in the '50's. I remember feeding the bears sliced bread out of my hand. The bear cubs were quite "tame" after a summer of being hand fed. My father always had a rifle with him when we went there. It was not uncommon to see four or five bear there every day. Now, I am a lot older and wiser. The dumb things we do as kids, sometimes I wonder how we made it to adulthood! Jim
  5. The first thing I put on was a Stebel horn and more LED lights. The stock horn on the older VR's is abysmal. I was embarrassed to use it. And only one taillight made me uncomfortable because I was waiting for someone to hit me in the rear. The more lights that are on the bike, the better I like it. Jim
  6. I painted my 89 VR, last year and I think it was 16 or 17 pieces. Had a hard time remembering where all the nuts and bolts went, when it came time to put it back together. A camera would have been a good idea, to take photos of the disassembly process. I think I got it all back together right because nothing has fallen off yet! Jim
  7. I use the touch pad, it's hard to hang on to that skinny little tail on the mouse.
  8. So, now we have to do this when we put a smilie in our thread?
  9. Donation sent. Jim
  10. If your clutch handle is loose or the pivot hole is worn, it will not allow the cruise to stay on. Check the spring under the handle to make sure it keeps pressure on the handle to keep it fully engaged. Although the loose handle usually ends up cutting off the cruise due to vibration and/or rough roads. Sometimes the switch will stick if it is very dirty. Happened to my 89 VR. I also replaced the handle with a new one off Fleabay for about $10.00 and I haven't had a problem since. Jim
  11. I hope you heal quickly and get back to better times. I am happy to send a few bucks your way. We have all, at one time or another, been in your shoes. Jim
  12. Hey Tom: Just east of me near Oswego there is a small village that has had 32" of the "S" word today and it continues falling there. (Do you feel lucky!??) They are predicting about a foot here by the early morning. There is a band of "S" coming in from the lake and will move back over the water later tonite. So, it looks like you are going to be skipped over by this "S".
  13. Tom: It is almost zero visibility right now and about four inches already (6:30 PM Tues). But I have nowhere pressing to go tonight and I will wait until it stops or the morning, whichever comes first and then take my snowblower out and take care of the "white stuff". I didn't use the "S" word because I know you don't care for it and but sooner or later the stuff is going to come down in your area. I think the weatherman is predicting snow for the rest of the week in this area, so you have something to look forward to. As you can see from the pic, I am prepared for the "S" stuff. The tractor has a 42" wide blower on it and it works real well. I have only had to use it once so far this year.
  14. I'll take the rain any day, the weather people are calling for below 0 F by Monday & Tuesday night in our area.
  15. Do bagels qualify as a correct answer for #1?
  16. I'm retired now, so I can get together anytime. Jim
  17. Woo Hoo!!! Party Time!!! :cool10: I'll buy the first round of :ICgrin:..........
  18. Rick Butler modifies motorcycle seats and eliminates the "butt burn" on the tailbone. He does a nice job . He uses memory foam to redo the seat. And it works awesome! It is far and away the best modification you can do to your scoot. I used to start getting the butt burn after about 2 hours of riding and now, after the modification, I can ride all day long without a problem.. It is the best money I ever spent on a motorcycle. He has modified many, many members' bike seats. Go to the Classifieds at the top of the header and cklick on it and then click on "member Vendors: and then click on "Rick Butler" and scroll down to the "butt butler seat mod". You can PM him if you have any questions. Jim
  19. Glad to hear the good news, Bob. Along with the employee discount, I will even buy lunch! Congrats, Bob. Jim
  20. Wilson needs to wake up and loosen the purse strings and buy some decent players and coaching staff. The politicians in this state just handed him millions to keep this lousy team here. What were they thinking???!! With the fiscal cliff mess and New York in financial straits, giving a loser more tax money just doesn't make sense. The taxpayer is getting $crewed again. Sell the team and turn the stadium into a parking lot. And what I REALLY don't understand is why all these faithful fans keep supporting a bunch of losers. Buffalo Bills will never amount to anything because Wilson is making millions off a losing team and the fans keep supporting the losers, so he has no incentive to change anything. Only until attendance falls off and he starts losing money will he change anything. Jim
  21. As a retired volunteer firefighter, I have been following this story because I live in Rochester NY, just a short distance from this event. As of 11:00 PM tonight, there are two Volunteer Firefighters dead and two in "guarded condition" in a local hospital. The shooter fired from a position of concealment and ambushed them as they arrived in a fire truck. The shooter killed himself as police closed in. I know a few of the members of that FD, including one of the deceased. The firefighters in this county are a very close knit group and all of us are feeling the pain of a great loss. As a firefighter responding to a call for an emergency, you concentrate on the things that need to be done on arrival at the scene and don't really think about your personal safety. I am sure none of the four firefighters had the least suspicion that this call would turn out this way. RIP, Brothers......You are gone but will never be forgotten. Jim
  22. After next week, you can make it THREE bored old farts. I am retiring next week and can join you two for coffee at the local watering hole or Timmie's. Although, I have a lot to keep me busy, I still can find time for coffee. Glad to hear Tom is up and about and feeling better. Jim
  23. Carl: No, not joshin'. My last day is Dec 20th and then my new job is to drive my wife crazy in the shortest time possible! (Shouldn't take long, she is halfway there just thinking about me being around the house for 24 hours a day!) And the projects are for the new home we bought last July, after the International. Jim
  24. I am retiring next week and am looking forward to it. More time to ride the scoot! I have a few projects around the house to keep me busy, so I am not going to be bored. I am adding a new deck and stone patio to the back of the house as well as a new pool. Those projects should keep me out of trouble and, as my wife says..."off the streets"! The winter here has been very mild so far, so I am going to start on the deck right after the holidays. When I have a M & E next summer, y'all have to bring your swimsuits and frolic in the pool. I wonder if the "pond monster" will migrate from Ohio to New York? BTW...thinking about a tour of the George Eastman House Museum for the M & E and then a meal at our home afterwards. Jim
  25. Tom and Amy: I almost had a heart attack and needed one of those stents when I read the title of this thread! I'm glad to hear everything is working out OK. Get well soon and hope you are feeling better Tom. Jim
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