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Everything posted by 1joeranger

  1. Might tackle it again this weekend! How was the area? Crowded? Also have a Kumho on back with Avon Cobra on front. It handles the TN mountain quite well for me so am not even concern about it on the dragon!
  2. Actually have pictures! First camping I did here in your alls fine state! [ATTACH]56286[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56287[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56288[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56289[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56290[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56291[/ATTACH]
  3. Use to fly friends and associates from Tyndall AFB in Panama City (aero club) to Pensacola! We would drop down to about 500 feet along the coast. Every time, my passengers would comment about the sharks and how close they actually where to the swimmers along the beach. I was to busy flying the plane to gawk much! Good thing the wife is gonna wait till you are ashes before chucking you off that pier!
  4. Yep,we did pass each other! We left Nashville around 3ish and did not get off 41A till we where downtown Chat around 8pm! Going to Freebird's in June?
  5. Last house I built on Navarre Beach had a lot of wind load requirements enacted by the county. We complied and lou and behold they worked! The house to the left and right of mine was condemned due to storm surge but mine was standing talk with 1 broken window pane. Came a big believer in the wind load requirements and Florida has always been on the cutting edge when it comes to that! Unfortunately Navarre Beach State Park did not fare as well during the same Hurricane. Money had just been pumped into it and they had updated the facilities with new buildings and board walks. They remained open about a month before the hurricane hit and have been closed ever since. Well still closed 2 yrs ago when I left to tour the country!
  6. Yep, was there 2 weekends ago after riding over to Neal Gap near Dahlonega, GA. Came back via Hiwassee? River and wound up in Tellico Plains! We like getting lost!!! This weekend if my buddy gets his front tire done (pushing Jake Wilson on him) and I get my rear brakes pads replaced we may hit the Cherahoula Skyway and maybe even the Dragon. Here is a kick! Rode my bike to the Big Church downtown Chattanooga today and was told to park in front, in the yard. Talk about VIP treatment. Seems they want to let everyone know they are no longer stuffy! Minister evidently rides to and wants a bunch of us parking out front! For a minister he is all right even if his son is a Texas Longqueer, I mean Longhorn.
  7. Did that yesterday. Fooled around a little while at the Grand Opry Convention Center then checked out the new Bass Pro Shop. Came up 27 to Sale Creek, then northwest to 30 passing by Fall Creek Falls. Rode 111 up to Cookeville and came into Nashville on 70N. Great roads! Rode all the way back via 41!
  8. Yep, sitting here in Soddy-Daisey cleaning my Paslode nailer, getting ready to frame in my kitchen ceiling. It was either that or go bonkers thinking about beaches in Florida!
  9. Good to be me, at least that's what God tells me!!!
  10. Yeah, Eglin AFB can make it sound like thunder. On some nights you can see the Spectre Gunships or AC130's firing. They look like they are pissing fire from the sky. You don't actually see the plane just their fire! (Ranger favorite). I don't remember the BBQ name but how about "Juanna's Pagodas" when you come over the bridge? It is the first establishment on the right. White sand beach, Volley Ball nets, half naked, good looking people!? Can you tell I'm missing Florida?
  11. The one place in Florida that I love to vist and would live is Navarre beach spent a lot of time there also Navarre state park where the pier is where my ashes are to be pour out.. There was a small resturant right there on 98 and before the bridge that takes you over the bay was a toll road but they remove it, anyway they had the best grouper and now it is a mexican resturant, to be more exact it was across from cowboys which got wipe out by a hurricane.. Got caught doing the bump ugly at that state park late one moonless evening along the waters edge. Well there was a moon but ... oh, never mind! I actually remember Cowboys and ate there a time or two. Bridge is still there they just stopped charging toll. Before the hurricane you could ride along that island all the way to Pensacola Beach. Remote and scenic! Started my Superintendent career right there building houses at Biscayne Point and have actually landed a Cesna 172 right next to the subdivision. They have a grass airstrip where they fly the banners out of that you see from Destin or Pensacola Beach. Fun to watch em snag em and get aloft. They tip toe the edge of stalling without much room or height for error. Good memories but Destin still has my heart!!
  12. So as some of you may know I am exiled to the state of Tennessee, Chattanooga to be exact, while my daughter attends college near by. Pretty damn good gig actually! Yesterday my riding buddy and I left Chattanooga heading in the general direction of the Grand Ole Opry Hotel/Convention center in Nashville with only one goal in mind, TO GET LOST! Well we managed to get lost while trying to get lost!What a ride, what a day! Again what was suppose to be about a two hour ride or so turned into an all day excursion with us, again, returning after dark. For those of you that don't know Tennessee has mountains, Tennessee, has curves, Tennessee has scenery! I find myself falling in Love with this state. The icing on the cake is that the people are mostly down to earth and friendly to, even to this transplanted Aggie! Destin, FL will always be my favorite place in the world but if it wasn't for the fact that funny white stuff falls outta the sky during the winter and that the beach is over 400 miles away it would become my permanent home. I might have to Summer here 3 months outta the year and Destin the other 3 months with 6 months of traveling, the long way, back and forth. Hmnn might have to find a rich girlfriend!!
  13. I thought it was after 70 a women is like Louisiana. Everybody knows it's down there but nobody really cares!
  14. Please change rjalamo to 1joeranger. Thanks!!
  15. Love this! Had a sermon two week ago which included a gavel and the words "NOT GUILTY" Whew, am I ever glad, grateful, humbled, and undeserving! If you don't mind I am going share this with a few others!!
  16. Declared a tazzer upon entering Nova Scotia. Did not know it was illegal till we got there. They were courteous to us but confiscated the tazzer, searched all our belongings and did back ground checks on us. My girlfriend then got interviewed regarding her past rap sheet. After about an hour or so of this we were invited into the country. Later we re-entered the US through Maine without issue. We then re-entered Canada at Edmundston, in the province of New Brunswick or as i affectionately call it "Check Point Charlie". Our tazzer incident had followed us there. My girlfriend was re-interviewed and the bike and trailer were re-inspected. Spent about another hour going through this and was left with repacking our belongings. We again were allowed to enter the country. I saw it as a good story to relate to others later. My girlfriend does not have the same happy, fuzzy, gee that was a good story to relate later experience. It was obvious that one of the female guards had taken an instant dislike to her and therefore we got put through the paces. This all happened in 2009. Keep my cool, went with the flow, and outside of a little time lost, really had no problems.
  17. I put Avon Venoms on when I first got her ran the rear 15K. Replaced with a Kohmo ct. Front replaced at about 24K? or so with Avon Cobra. Love em!!! Will switch the ct Kohmo back to an Avon if and when it ever wears out. Not unhappy with the ct just want to see the difference in handling for myself. Have not experienced any cracking. Except for snow I ride mine everyday, year round.
  18. I had spoken to my sister a few hours before our mom's passing. She was with her and told me it would not be much longer. She said mom had really been sweat and at peace over the past week. I laughed and said "Who is that person, and what has she done with our mom!?" My sister laughed and replied "No one else would get that, just us!" I hung up with a heavy heart realizing I was gonna have to break the news to one of my daughters. I was concerned about how to inform her without disrupting her college life with this grief. Several hours later she calls me letting me know that mom was gone and wanting to know if I was OK. My child was more concerned about my well being then about her own grief! I really had it together up until then!! I want to Thank each of you for your time, consideration, and in honoring my mother!
  19. This is about my mom who passed away just these past hours. I know a lot of you here will express sympathy. It is one of the reasons I love this website. So, if you don't mind to much, I would like to pay tribute to my Mom!! Her name was Jimmie. What I know about her most was that she had 5 kids by the age of 22. Her and my father married early in life, she 14 my Dad 19. Once, thinking I was the reason they married so young, I checked the records. They did lie about her age but I was not the reason. They just hit it off. I remember being 15 and not being able to quite comprehend being married with a child at that age. At 52 I'm still in a little awe of her accomplishment. Mom didn't have an easy life. He mother was ½ Cherokee or so and could put the fear of God in someone. Ask my brother. He has always rebelled against authority figures except for his grandmother. She was the only person I ever saw to put fear into him. Anyhow, my grandmother would put my mom on top of moonshine and run it up to Chattanooga, TN from Alabama. She also hauled my mom off to California where she ran into trouble with the law. After that it was back to Alabama. Mom's husband, my dad, tended to blame her for most of our shortcomings and was highly critical of her most of their marriage. Yeah, he was a bastard that way but he was who he was and this is not about my Dad, who I dearly love to. Mom loved Elvis! She would tell me about her and her girlfriend jumping out of an old beat up truck to dance to his music, not caring about any traffic, as the hot asphalt kissed their bare feet. What can I say it was a different time. While I was in High School Elvis, toward the end of his career, appeared in a concert near us. I had grandiose plans of surprising her with tickets. But, alas, I was just a high school punk at the time. Still it would have been great. I remember returning home my first time on leave from the military. I found my mom asleep in bed without her teeth, and with dyed “white” hair. I thought I had aged her terrible. Nope just bad taste in hair color! Mom was crazy about her grand kids. Not sure how many there are. I know I haven't met all of them but I do know this if Mom loved you it was with everything she had. She was stingy with that love but oh man, if she gave it to you she gave everything. If she thought someone had done one of her loved ones wrong they were beneath contempt in her book, period. I grew apart from my mom over the years. With time the mom of my childhood, who was loved by all, was replaced by the mom who had faults, was more human, who wasn't loved by all. I rarely visited and would find reasons not to during our infrequent communications. God has his own way of communicating. He made it clear to me that I would never find love until I figured out how to love my mom. That I have done. I wasn't to late. I found out that I do love her! And I made sure she knew it. She made sure that I knew she loved me. Hell, I've always known that! I sit here crying as I write this I knowing I am blessed to have had such a mom!
  20. My Dad went that way! I love him and think of him often. Hated that he left this world all alone. I would have gladly been there to hold his hand even though the pain would have cost me dearly. I am so sorry for your loss. Please pass on my empathy, sympathy, love, and prayers to your sister.
  21. At 6' 2" I really did not understand why I would need a lowering kit?! Convinced to give it a try since others raved about the improved handling I finally succumbed. WOW! They are right. Later, when it was time to change out the front tire, I installed the progressive springs. Another WOW!!! Handling, as elmicko mentions, is so much better and I no longer have that dive sensation while applying brakes!! I think the lowering kit was about $80 (think it was Baron's?) and the spring about $125. I did my own labor after reading every thing I could here. The lowering kit is a fairly easy install. For the springs RandyR spent a lot of time holding my hand, via email, helping me get them right! My 05RSTD is a much better ride for the effort and cost!
  22. No, that is not required!!
  23. Mine is also an 05 RSTD! Gunboat was kind enough to send me his center stand, not sure where he got it. Ponch made me the brackets I needed! It took a little getting use to once everything was installed. At first I could not raise the bike unless I had a 2x4 under the wheel. Now I can raise her without the 2x4 but it takes some umph on my part. Not sure if I just finally figured the right leverage for her or the center stand went through an adjustment stage. Probably little of both! Also little hard getting her off the stand and I really have to rock her hard forward while sitting on the bike to keep her balanced. Hoping to get Ponch to adjust her a little during Don's MD in Ohio in the near future! So all that said try Ponch! He may have the source for the stands. I also have a craftsman bike jack which I have used to remove the rear tire, the front tire, and the forks. I have had no problems with her! Yes to cruise, yes to speedo, big time yes to changing clutch and brake fluid (actually do that asap for safety) My understanding that plugs can last a long time these days. Don't know about thermostat. I have 36,000 on mine and not ever, once had a coolant problem. Coolant has been changed regularly!
  24. Just prayed!!
  25. Had them on now for about 2 yrs and oh, about, 25k miles! No problems!!
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