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Everything posted by 1joeranger

  1. Did my research, shopped, and bought mine from these: http://www.cycletrader.com/Yamaha%7C2321194-Tour-Deluxe-Motorcycles/search-results?type=356953&make=Yamaha|2321194&model=Tour+Deluxe|764863152&year=2005:2005&modelkeyword=1&sort=year:desc http://vehicles.oodle.com/2005-yamaha-royal_star/for-sale/condition_used/has_photo_thumbnail/?q=Tour+Deluxe&s=date&inbs=1 After several months looking I contacted my seller, flew in, purchased the bike, and spent three days riding back to my home. It was a fantastic way of getting acquainted and familiarizing myself with her!
  2. I bought a used 2005 with less then 10k that was being garage kept! Over the last 4 years I have done numerous oil changes, brake fluid replacement, antifreeze replacement, carb sync, carb float adjustment, brake pad replacement, valve adjustment, tire replacements, front fork spring replacement, and a few other maintenance items. Not one time has she been into a Yamaha service dealer for maintenance. I am not a mechanic either. I was fortunate enough to find this website were there are mechanics, where there are members with unlimited knowledge and know how, and members that are more then willing to come help. One member here spoon feed me the know how on replacing the springs in my forks. I had never taken one apart before. Another member traveled to my garage to adjust my valves. All that being said you will find our bikes do not need much in the way of service. They also come equipped with just about every bell and whistle you can thing of. Most of us just like to putter!
  3. Shortly before my mom pasted away I decided to live my life in such way that if I could not do something in love I would not do it. Let me tell you that is hard. Our ego's are fragile and can easily be offended. Case in point: My ex was irritating me via email and I responded by provoking her to the point where she exploded and made herself look foolish. After some contemplation I realized that my actions had violated the lifestyle of not doing something if it wasn't with love. I sent her an apology, explaining the reasoning and asked her forgiveness. She did! The point is that I let my ego get the better of me. I love both of you guys! Earl, you befriended me the first time I showed up at Don's MD. and gave me the correct sized clutch plate I needed! Ken you put me up at your place when I was traveling through Texas to see my mom! The value of both of you to this website is priceless!! We need you guys!
  4. Rode the Natchez Trace South to North returning from Texas last March. Good weather and maybe 10 vehicles along the entire route. Didn't know about the speed limit adherence but I must have been within limits cause 3 of the 10 vehicles were park officials. It was a great scenic ride!! Stayed in N.O. for a week camping at Bayou Segnette State Park! http://www.crt.state.la.us/parks/ibyusegne.aspx Had no problems while there. Highlights was the Blaine Kern Mardi Gras Museum, the Trolley ride down St. Charles Ave. to the Audubon Zoo across from Tulane University, and the Zoo itself. Did not enjoy the Aquarium, go figure?! Please keep in mind N.O. is a rough place! I currently live 70 miles from the Dragon's Tail and we have room is you need a place for the night!
  5. I'm the one sorry! Was not meaning to offend anyone there chief! Just sharing previous info. I'm enjoying this thread and hoping it will turn out as funny as the last one!!!!!
  6. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44709&highlight=dyna+beads I have been using them for 20k miles so far. They work!
  7. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-E8pTwctM4]My Best Buddy Cargo Trailer XL - a Pull-behind Motorcycle Cargo Trailer - YouTube[/ame] http://www.ebay.com/itm/My-Best-Buddy-Cargo-Trailer-XL-/130581798645
  8. Randy helped in doing mine last year, and is a wealth of experience and support. I to had read everything I could regarding this procedure and even though I was ready having Randy's know how there was a blessing. Don't forget the excel spreadsheet http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43410 I currently live 60 miles away in Cleveland, TN and don't need much of an excuse to visit. Love to see Randy again, drink some of your refreshments, eat some of your food, and generally, just get in the way!!!
  9. Road 17 a few years ago from Caribou, ME (northeast corner) up into Canada to Saint Lawrence River then turned west returning into the UP at Sault Ste Marie. Found everyone to be friendly, hospitable, and had no issues regarding fuel, food, or camping accommodations. They do speak French in the Provence of Quebec. Speed limits are posted in KM. Weather in July was great although we did encounter one thunder boomer near Montreal. Hope this helps!!!
  10. I bought the Coleman Tuscana tent several years ago for two reasons: Target had it on clearance for $70 and it was tall enough (7') that I did not have to bend over while in the tent. I was preparing for a 2 month trip across the US and half of Canada. 20k miles later including two trips to Freebird's MD I am still in love with the tent. It has withstood the winds of South Dakota, the cold of Nova Scotia, and torrential downpours throughout the southeast! Pro's: Roomy Easy to assemble with 2 people and some practice The door Con's Roomy which makes it hard to keep warm without a space heater or heating blanket Has leaked over time but very little and seam sealer resolved that 1 person setup can be done but not easily Rain Fly can be a pain to set up till you get use to it Obsolete (Coleman now makes a "Montana" for 4 person, 6 person, or 8 person) Other reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Coleman-Tucana-Tent-2d-16x10-27/product-reviews/B000LWGG0K?pageNumber=3 https://www.google.com/search?q=coleman+tucana&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=65kRT9n8OI_qtgf25YGqAg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CF0Q_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=899 https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS464US465&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Coleman+Montana
  11. Prayers sent!
  12. Just added him to my prayer list!
  13. Just watched Soul Surfer last night. "Why do bad things happen?" Prayer sent!
  14. GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Forced myself to read this and look at the pictures. Have the same bike, year, and color, black over red 05RSTD. It broke my heart to see the damage. I've dropped mine a time or two at slow speed trying to turn in gravel or grass. They are right about the pride. I get over that pretty fast, just hate putting a new ding on something I love so much!
  16. You might consider a Garmin c550! I bought one off of fleabay for $38 after finding out that they are waterproof. They do have audio in and out and I have mine hooked up to my amplifier to listen to my tunes. Love it!!
  17. The following helped me choose from what is available out there today! http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-intercoms/2010-motorcycle-intercom-comparison.htm
  18. Sunday, our minister gave a sermon, regarding Dads, that put tears in my eyes! Made me wish my Dad was still alive just so I could hug him! Truly glad you got that Father's Day with yours one last time! Sorry for you loss and prayers sent!
  19. God has been really, really, good to me! I have a friend who enjoys telling me that God "Loves a broken and contrite heart!" Took me over a year to get "broken" Did not enjoy that year one bit but the rewards of living a life obedient to God still pour in now! Pleasure meeting you and lets hook up sometime before the next MD in Ohio!!! Hope the Rose family is doing ok with their grief.
  20. Your mom, your family, and you are added to my prayers!
  21. Hey, where are the pictures!!? We have rules here!!!!
  22. As you can see by the picture, Not enough supervision!!!
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