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Everything posted by 1joeranger

  1. I would like to get one, if it is not to late, for my 05RSTD? In pink, of course! Thanks!!
  2. Just received some Replacement OEM Parts from http://partshark.com/. (877.999.5686) Very satisfied with the order. Their website was easy to navigate, the pricing decent, and I was able to see the pictograms of the parts as I ordered. Upon ordering I received a confirmation email, followed shortly thereafter with an email explaining the status of my order and a promised email upon the parts being shipped. I did receive that email, with tracking #, the day they shipped. Parts arrived 7 days after ordered. The parts were correct, the process painless and as promised, hence the plug for these guys!!!! By the way, what does OEM stand for?
  3. Mine is 4508. Installed it on 1/2/2010. Took about 120~130psi to pop the bead. I have 567 miles on her and have never experienced the dreaded "wobble". Hate it that others do and don't understand why? Hope this helps!
  4. Now that's cool! I have been hanging out in Chattanooga since my daughter started college near here and have been looking for areas to explore "locally"! That just went on my todo list. Thanks and have a great ride! Stop by next time you are near Chatty!!
  5. I don't remember the road that connects College Station to Houston. I do remember that along there near, or in, Converse only the foolish speed! I had looked at Zumo's and thought that had MP3 capabilities. I plan on getting one when I get rich!!
  6. Being an Aggie everything is a trial for me! Converse still have that speed trap?
  7. Thanks all! I believe I will go back to the Ipod approach! I found this article to help maintain your place on the Ipod: http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/the-complete-guide-to-ipod-audiobooks/ Looking forward to trying this!!
  8. Good stuff, thanks!! I had tried downloading a BOT onto my Ipod once with similar results. I think I will continue to pursue the CD player angle. I will also ask the younger generation, my daughter, on downloading BOT. Maybe there is a way without winding up with one big compressed file!
  9. Actually no, I did not! LOL and that is where I go to get BOT. I'll find out today if my local library does that! Thanks!!
  10. Love to listen to Books on Tape (cd) when traveling so I am looking for a CD player to mount to my RSTD. Looking for input here. I know most have switched to mp3's so maybe someone has one collecting dust they would like to part with? Also looking for idea's on how to mount it to the RSTD? I have an amplifier and speakers for my ipod so I could use some advice on how to put all that together? I'm envisioning switching between the two, when the mode strikes but audio is not my forte!
  11. Made me remember my experience at 19 back in 79'. I took my 12yr old brother and all the camping gear my Suzuki 550 could haul on a 33 day, 6300 mile road trip! Oh, to be so young again without a morgage, a divorce, and to be so carefree! All we ever really needed was a motorcycle and time! My brother still considers that a milestone in his life!
  12. Nah! Modesty prevents me from pursuing this further, hate being the envy of others! This has been fun, Thanks!!
  13. If you do, I'll be the envy of the tool world! Well, maybe that's not the right adjective!! Thanks so much for your time and effort on this!
  14. Ahhh, could I get mine pink please!!
  15. I have about 10K miles before I have to change out my front tire which is when I will do this front fork thing! At that time I expect someone here to have "DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS W/ PICTURES"! So get to it!! LOL I would provide the pictures and writeup myself but I can barely recognize a front fork 1 out of 3 times! Thanks to all of you who take the time to educate us less knowledgeable, wanta be, motorcycle mechanics!!
  16. The "massive rig" towed like any other. I never knew she was back there. Mpg dropped from 4 to 6 mpg on average. Total weight was around 400 with 45 on the tongue!
  17. I extended my tongue 1.5 times the axle length after a fishtailing incident. After doing this I found all this excess room and took advantage of it by adding a SUV rack to the front of the box. Then I wound up with to much tongue weight. Thanks to a lot of fine folks here I got her re-engineered and now absolutely love her. Took her across most of the US and half of Canada this summer with my girlfriend and had a ball, putting 12,000 miles plus on her. No more fishtailing! Granted she is NOT what most would envision as a MC Trailer but I love her!!
  18. Hey Chris! I am 50 miles new to the Darkside and like you was rather anxious about the wobble I kept reading about. Luckily I do not have a wobble! How come? Don't really quite know! Somewhere between luck, becoming as knowledgeable as I could before dipping in, and then trying to implement everything I had learned correctly played a part in my favor! The wobble, I believe, is real and will continue to haunt us darksiders till someone way smarter then me gets a handle on it! Fortunately we have great people here pecking away at the issue and I truly believe years from now these people will be considered the forefathers of the Darksiders and a ct will be a standard on most bikes, all wobble issues being a thing of the past. You are doing great to become as knowledgeable as you can! This is definitely not for the faint of heart! Come to think of it neither is riding a MC! Hope this helps!
  19. I was gonna update everyone with a picture of my plugs after going 15,000 miles, 12K of which was hauling a trailer across most of the US and 1/2 of Canada this summer. After catching up on my reading here I see that plug reading isn't really viable anymore. So I will spare the picture. I will say that the plug looked fine. I cleaned and reinstalled her and I am still averaging 45mpg when not hauling the trailer or doing 85 into the wind while out west! Thanks 5bikes!
  20. Tire is on dyna beads are in and I am officially a very happy darksider! Love the tire and not sure what all the fuss is about! The bike, to me, preforms fantastic! I feel like the tire sticks to asphalt like glue when I hit the curves. Running 40psi and don't think I'll change. I did have a snafu during installation though. The local Honda dealer was willing to change the tire if I would remove and bring my tire to them. No biggy since I wanted to grease splines, final drive, and do all the maintenance I could while the tire was off. Being promised a 15 minute turn around I was wondering what the hey a hour later. They gave me back the tire mounted on the rim but could not pop the bead. Turns out their compressor only goes to 80psi. What kind of place is this! Fortunately I had meet someone who had a good compressor and at about 130psi she popped! I will know next time, hopefully several years down the road, to verify the compressor is worthy of a darksider!!!
  21. Finished my tire change the other day and thanks to all the fine contributions to this website I was able to grease the tire splines, and the final drive shaft with the Honda Moly60! I was even able to reinstall the final drive shaft 1st time correctly using the coat hanger trick several had mentioned! It is such a good feeling to know that my rear is as up speed maintenance wise as I can make it! I am not sure I would have attempted this without all the fine support received here. THANKS!!
  22. Order my tire, Kumho POWER STAR 758 165/80 R15 87T BSW, on Christmas Day and recieved it yesterday! WOuld highly recommend http://tires-easy.com/ to anyone considering a ct purchase!! By the way what pressure is everyone running on these?
  23. Sorry for being so dense here! If I understand everyone the Honda Moly60 is used whether Molybdenum disulfide grease or Lithium soap base grease is mentioned? I keep thinking they were two different products. Thanks All!
  24. Good input all! Now if someone could just answer the questions!
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