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Everything posted by 1joeranger

  1. Like your spirit!!! Stay tough!!!
  2. Shopping for a digital torque and saw this: http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00944596000P?blockNo=7&blockType=G7&prdNo=7&i_cntr=1296146568248 Anyone have one? Anyone suggest something a little better? What's your favorite?
  3. Thinking I had injured my knee at the gym I was diagnosed with arthritis on my right knee about 3 years ago. I can only assume jumping out of airplanes had brought this on early in my life at the age of 50. I was not really interested in my doctors advice about a partial knee replacement. I remember him telling me that I would know when it was time. Upon quizzing him what that meant I was informed that the pain would bring me in for the surgery. Since then I still hit the gym on a regular basis, but avoid anything that might aggraviate the knee, such as lunges, I take glucosamine religiously and try avoid any stress to that area. Sometimes she flares up but I no longer wake in the middle of the night from pain. I know my time will come but I will do everything physically and spiritually to delay that surgery! It does my heart good to hear that those of you that have gone through the procedure continue to ride. Prayers are sent for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery!
  4. Use to ride my mc to work with a leg in a cast and crutches across my back with a bungee cord. Use to get some looks but they would see me in my Ranger uniform and realize I was crazy long before I broke that leg. Wish I had pictures!! Just prayed for your wife here! With prayers from this bunch you know she is surrounded with love from the Big MC Rider in the sky!!
  5. I'll drink the beer for you and definitely put you in my prayers for a speedy recovery! Stay tough!
  6. I ride to work every day in Chattanooga, TN. Last year my hands caught hell even though I had some great snow mobile gloves. Read a lot about heated grips and heated gloves and was not satisfied they would do the trick in the teens. This year I bought these http://www.bikerhaven.net/servlet/the-8193/National-Cycle-national-cycles/Detail I no longer have to do the defrost routine on my fingers anymore when it gets below 20 out there. Fantastic investment and they look great to!!
  7. I have jumped from a C123 and was damn glad to get off the thing!! Do you know the story behind the C7-Caribou?! Only troop train trip was in Panama moving our battalion from the East side near Colon to the west side near Panama City. It was great but we unfortunately scared the local passengers with all our singing and carrying on. Can only imagine those early days of troop transport!!!
  8. Being an Honor Grad from Pathfinder School I thought the Air Forces CCT http://www.baseops.net/basictraining/usaf_specops.html helped you guys get all those other tuff guys there?!
  9. My brother joined the Marine Corp. after I had been serving for about 2 years. As the good brother that I am I sent him a post card and wrote in really big letters "IS YOUR DI REALLY GAY!" He still isn't laughing about that all these years later. We trained with: Navy (Navel Gunfire School at Little Creek), fun bunch especially our Seal Buddies! Marines (29 Palms) determined bunch I remember their equipment being hand me downs from other services but in excellent condition! Air Force (Hurlburt Field, near Eglin 1st Special Operations Wing but now called something else) Pilots were a riot and they have all the toys!! Delta Force (Iran, Desert One http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/iran-mission.htm) They are truly the best, only comparable to the British SAS! We had a saying back then: "The Marines are looking for a few good men, The Rangers found them!" (Yhea I just could not leave it alone!!)
  10. Rick knows it inside and out! He held my hand while I replaced mine and I had no clue what I was doing! Excellent investment! You will not go wrong PM Rick! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=541757#post541757 Good Luck!!
  11. Hey you got that from "As The World Bloats" or was it "The Young and The Chest-less"!? Seriously how many, who have a significant other, think it would be ok for him/her to go out bike riding, all day, with the opposite sex? "Hey honey, Barbie/Ken, my friend from work, and I plan on a ride all day Saturday! I know you love me and are secure in our relationship so I know it will be ok, right?!" "By the way what will you be doing all day?" Anybody buying this?
  12. Whose complaining about whining! I thought that was what this website was for!!
  13. Really looking forward to meeting up with this group since I am living out of Chattanooga, TN till my daughter graduates from college! Unfortunately I will be visiting my mom in Texas the 5th through the 13th. So it sounds like I will be missing another fine opportunity to be with you folks!
  14. Had mine for about a month now. Love it!! About to install Sena wireless headset http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-intercoms/2010-motorcycle-intercom-comparison.htm and try those, hopefully this weekend! Bought locally for $99 deal otherwise would have gone through fleabay. I believe if you start tracking some on ebay you will land one with a good deal. Cannot beat no tax and free shipping! The sun visor is rather cool and like that fact that it stores out of the way. I only use it during rain and it is adequate for that. I just ordered a clear visor for $5 from ebay since I don't need tinted in the rain!
  15. In another thread I was asked what was so special about my bike, since I want to transport her to Europe to tour! I have thought about that long and hard since but it really fairly easy to answer. This bike is special to me. I don't want any other. I was captivated when I first laid eyes on her. At the time I did not know it was a Yamaha. Took me two days to track her down and find out. Once that was done I researched everything about her even down to what color scheme I wanted. This love affair has not diminished one bit since that first encounter. I find myself on wet, dreary, days, with not much else to do, tinkering with her in the garage. I just recently installed a center stand. Upon getting her up on the stand I could not resist cleaning her. The center stand reminded me of my first bike, Suzuki 550, and the times I use to clean her while on a center stand. I cleaned her before even finding out if I could get her off the center stand! Yhea, I know I got it bad! It does my heart good to see so many others here are staying with theirs!! Although I do like a Valkeryie Interstate, they have a similar color scheme to mine, I truly do not know any other bike out there that I like as much! My plans are to drive her into the ground, sweep up the dust and drive her some more. I'll do the trike conversion once my body can no longer support her upright, but not till then!
  16. You might be right Slick, time will tell! I do like what albyzee has to say. Lil beaver should not have been put, or allowed himself to be put in that situation. But hey, when it comes to women all of us menfolk are fools!!
  17. Funny I have that, except for the fat bank account and the thin body! I like your style!!! God does to, I',m sure of it!!
  18. So, lets say this story has a happy ending?! For some a happy ending would be him getting the girl?! Some prize! Now he has a girlfriend who, when she gets tired of him, will start spending time with another guy while she is still his girlfriend. She evidently see no problem in doing that. We all consider the current boyfriend no good. Why is that? What did he do wrong, besides having poor taste in women? Where can I get a girl like that, hot damn!
  19. I bought an adapter from Walmart http://www.walmart.com/ip/Griffin-PowerJolt-Redesign-Car-Charger-for-iPod-Black/10326092 that let me plug a usb port into a cigarette type charger. It charges the ipod while driving but unfortunately I have it twice fry an Ipod. I think it happened both times when I started the bike with it hooked up, but I am not sure. Needless to say I no longer charge the Ipod while driving!
  20. God's grace brother! I'm praying for you, the family, and your sergeant!
  21. Thought about adding the map avatar but all the states except North Dakota and Alaska would be colored in. Half of Canada as well. Just did not see much point in it. I have been through South Dakota and saw no point to visit North Dakota after that. Was interested in Alaska right up until I found the ratio of men to women is 20 to 1. That is a deal breaker for me!!
  22. I was 11 enjoying the Maine Winters as only a child can. Saw the movie "The Green Beret" by John Wayne http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063035/ at the base theater. Went home that night and checked under the bed for NVA. Did not realize men could be so cruel to each other till then! Years later a retired SEAL buddy of mine told me how the reception of the movie met with jeers and thrown beer cans when it was shown in Nam. I visit Ft. Benning every now and then. I find the place bittersweat. This is where I grew into a man and did a lot of my training, AIT, Jump School, Ranger School, Path Finder School. The old WWII barracks are gone, the old training areas are gone. There is only a plaque and tall growing Georgia Pines where the old Ranger School use to be. I remember cresting a hill to that school a long time ago and having the willies in the pit of my stomach. I had just seen "The Deer Hunter" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077416/ and "Apocalypse Now" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078788/. Both made me realize I was entering the crazy mans section of the military. Now all of that is gone and there is a new bread of fighting men. They are just a young, just as naive, but just maybe a little smarter then our generation. I wonder if the old timers thought the same when I was young!
  23. LOL, and it continues!! Everyone feel like they just get stuck in goo in this debate!? Laughing my *** off!!
  24. Nope, Before I traveled the country I downsized. By downsizing I mean what I didn't take with me in the trailer I put into 5x7 storage! Not much of a pack rat and I guess the tips did not make the cut! Still have most of everything bike related such as original lowering links just not those bub tips. Sorry!!
  25. Hey, I'm in the mood for some laughter!!!
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