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Everything posted by EasyRider

  1. Still have that tape Hd but now I have a new phone to put my tunes on!!! It's a Nokia 2g lol You and buddyrich are the only two friends who have not tried to kill (although he had to push me up the hill at Death Valley) me by bike or heart attack. Wish ya hadn't moved away Hmm Rich has kept me alive as well Venture West here we come!! And on a RSV oh the irony.
  2. And you already know the first rule 1 Thou shall not post without pictures!!!! Nice Bike great riding (and ribbing) ahead!!
  3. You can't teach determination This young lady just has it.
  4. The last time we listed cruising tunes was in 07. With travel time upon us it's time to update! After all there has to be something newer than ZZ Tops Sharp Dressed Man or Lynyrd Skynyrd's Freebird , Crossfire by Stevie Ray Vaughn and????
  5. The pain usually is intensified by looking at your bike however the it's Good News when you can walk away even better when you can ride, Quick recovery prayer headed your way. Counting the days till THE DALLES Easyrider
  6. Way to much Cat in the Hat around here!! Vic & Barb we may Fly (after all it is a 2nd gen) to the motel 6 on tuesday the 17th as well
  7. I have heard MANY 1st genners say they notice the color change as we (Midnighters) pass them,,,, I think it is from the intense friction caused by the wind. It also causes a wind tunnel which temporally increases the speed of their bikes.
  8. Forgot, Never let your wife read over your shoulder while laughing hysterically Should have worn my 3/4 helmet at least. She laughed but I think it was because she was thumping me!!
  9. It is said "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Funny (not really) how GOD demands so little from us and how easy it is to give him less and less until He becomes the only hope in our lives. Been to the church three times and left without Him twice. He came home with us this last time some 20+ years ago. And that has made all the difference. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to all of us and your never ending grace. Your heart poured out a much needed reminder of the importance of a man's knees and at a much needed time in mine. Thank You Don and continued blessings on you and your wife.
  10. I'm bettin you fellas miss your rotory dial telephones too.. Even StarTrek moved to the Next Generation:cool10: The only reason you can see a 2nd Gen is because we slow down so you can admire.
  11. Our prayer for you and your family is PEACE that surpasses understanding in the midst of the fight. You can never lose with God at your side.
  12. I've never had a bad day that started out with a bowl (or the whole container) of Ice Cream. Sets the mood for the entire day! My Midnight wants to meet your Midnight someday so stay healthy and prayer full. Sending you a cute nurse to help
  13. After years of intense counseling and medication, and no contact within a hundred feet of Disneyland I haD FinALly BeeN FreeD OF It's A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL NOW i FeEL IT COMING BACK OVER AND OVER AND OVER GOtta Go take some Pills ANd try to GEt bacK iN CoNtRol.
  14. Does she still sit in the middle of the front seat next to you??
  15. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. Colorful lights and Christmas music are his to see for eternity now. Hope they bring you peace and fond memories as well, knowing your brother is with The Reason For The Season.
  16. shot them or strung them up? the IRS or the scammers?
  17. Our prayer go out to both Tom and Debbie for good news and healing.
  18. Breaks are and issue we 2nd genners have come to expect with you 1st genners. NOT your fault that your bikes automatically turn into every post office they see nor the fact that they tend to speed up or slow down without notice (depending on wether the UPS or FEDEX truck is in front or behind us when traveling. Which is why we LET you lead... We never know how or when your Old Gray Mares will act up...
  19. Stay away from mirrors as only your feelings, and back and knees and head, hurt!! Don't want to hurt your eyes toooooo:whistling:
  20. from Doris and I in California for your brother and peace of mind for all the family. Ask him if his nurse is cute, so far I am two for two in praying for cute nurses for others.
  21. Should know better than to let the wife read over my shoulder... See I'm not the only one was her comment which means get out the ladder. Love the season and the reason just not fond of the rush
  22. Never not me!!! My wife maybe, but not me no never!!!! Which is why I keep the hearing aid turned off!!!
  23. like the idea but having spent some time on the bike in the wind ...jack knife??? would pop up be possible?? pulling a 27 trailer behind my Armada can be fun in the wind and thats with the SUV full.
  24. When have we not invited the riff raff riding less trustworthy bikes??
  25. thought you guys AND gals would get so old you would give in to the rebels on this site!!! Next we will all switch to car tires, get haircuts and wear orange and black. To think that I have to unstitch the large venturerider patch (ain't gonna be easy with my eyesight:shock3:) and replace it with generic motorcycle club patch.....(paid good money to get the first one sown on:mo money:) Is there no one out there who can save us????? Is this the end of the tomfoolery we need a HERO Switch Venture West to Anybody Show Up. Think I might go look at a Kawasaki voyager and
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