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Everything posted by EasyRider

  1. or all us visitors will have to camp where your neighbors can see what kind of ______ you ride with (fill in the blank)
  2. Yup v-max AND FJR !!!
  3. Either you are saddle sore or Tweeks is waiting for a new tire try second post
  4. try this http://www.pcpmotorsports.com/custompage.asp?pg=demoride Friday July 18th & Saturday July 19th from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Come ride your favorite Yamaha Motorcycle like the FZ-09, FZ-07, Super Tenere ES, FJR1300 ES, V-Max, FZ6R, YZF-R1, YZF-R6, Raider, Bolt, V-Star 950, V-Star Tour Deluxe and more! Free BBQ from 11:00 to 3:00 both days. Click on link for full details:
  5. Darn social media http://http://www.pcpmotorsports.com/custompage.asp?pg=demoride Wife said but my ears heard So out to the garage to either make room for my bed or......
  6. I ran across the road to get my e-mail
  7. And looked at the pictures too.... Just to find you didn't mention ICE CREAM once or post a picture of the world famous burger you came across in some dusty backwater rarely visited population 25 town. Other than that it was a good article so I went out and kicked the $125 tire on my bike Now to go to the ER for an ace bandage
  8. The wife just asked what that was a picture of. I replied me at age 10 walking to the car. After that picture figured out the red hat wasn't t0:snow: keep my ears warm it was so Mom could find me!
  9. Nothing scarier than trying to find the door to the bathroom after falling out of bed and then again off the "chair" Dr's in ER said granules in the ear were dislodged. Common unsettling issue in "maturing" individuals. Was 6 months till I felt safe to ride again. Wife says I don't act mature so the Dr could be wrong? Recover quickly and ride safely!!
  10. EasyRider


    Not me !!!! However Pink Floyd and a bike
  11. I'm guessin that you have no idea what a trip planner is..... Me thinks you have kidnapped that beauty on the back of your bike and are trying to evade capture. Thus your north south north west east south route. Just make sure your not leaving a trail of ice cream. Keep us Captain's logged and leave some Ice Cream
  12. But the 2 little klingons say 2330 miles one way is too far away to tell them battle stories at night.
  13. Anyone have eusa1's diamond cut fins with accent lights pictured?
  14. Could it be you tried to catch a 2nd gen with your heated grips and seat on??????
  15. EasyRider


    RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.......THIS SITE WILL BE ASSIMILATED.... (assimilated integrate: to integrate somebody into a larger group, so that differences are minimized or eliminated, or become integrated in this way
  16. EasyRider


    That's the rule on this site you must post pictures!!! I don't see one of the trailer you used to bring it home......
  17. Does that mean we have all been infected!!! Only Yamaha can make an anti virus......
  18. Brand New First Gen??? Don't think you passed the test just sayin
  19. Try writing the company maybe they will send you a few cans free?
  20. Does the fact that at least 300 others didn't reply that we are the top one percent that passed??
  21. Here I was tryin to start trouble and now everyone gets one or two or three?? How come they got more than me!!!!
  22. Are you guys special!!!I didn't get one!!!!!:confused24:Now I don't know if my email works:confused07:
  23. Your &*(*(&(& mes&*^sage is break*^*&^(*ing up Disengage(&(%%&%what on a 1st ^&&^&%&gen is$*^*^considered faster than light&*&^*^)*drive and (_&_Repeat..... We Will WAIT for&(&&your next(%%&%transmission lol pun intended .... Captain aboard the USS Midnight at your service!! Watch out for ice on your tail
  24. That's the trouble with a First Gen translator. You can't be sure when they will fail you not to mention parts are intergalactically difficult to find and the fossils who fix them even harder. (A Romulan made me say that)
  25. .In A Far Off Universe named The Dalles.... Tweeks and her brave crew encountered many Borg ships upon coming out of hyper drive!!!!! (Uhura played by the beautiful Tippy) Captain I believe they are speaking 2nd Gen !!! What should we do!!!! Captain Kirk (often mistaken for the dapper Jean-Luc Picard) We will disguise the ship with patches from foreign lands and while they try to figure out where we came from we should have enough time to repair the speed of light thingie!! Scottie (played by George S) Captain I have a replacement for the hyper drive speed thingie but even then we canna out run them!!!!! Remember what happened in the Texas nebula when we tried to outrun them Played by Bikerjohn and Squidley (Captain Kirk) We can't out run them but we can out distance them with the extra 1/2 gal of uranium liquid crystals we carry. If we hide near that planet that looks like a Banana Split covered in chocolate syrup and nuts They will be distracted and we can slip away. BORG Everywhere BEWARE the BANANA SPLIT maneuver (and if they ask you to sign their starship leave someone to watch your Ice Cream!! OKay I'm bored and I wanna ride!!! but I have two small Klingons that have me on house arrest!
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