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Everything posted by EasyRider

  1. two if by First Gen!!! This pains me but all you first genners whos bike is it???go to 15,26 of this episode http://pbskids.org/fetch/show/video/season2.html
  2. I just thought we were all busy out cutting our lawns and putting all weather and snow tires on our bikes for another 5,000 mile ride to the banana nut ice cream factory with you Puc. They said something about needing more nuts??
  3. WoW again Looks like it was worth the wait now for the matching trailer and helmets and.....Can't wait to see it at the 2015 international meet wherever that will be.
  4. One of the Best reasons for hanging around this site is the Old Fogies who still believe in God, flag and country. CM your the next gen of Old Fogie.
  5. Our houses are not homes till our wives are back in them and are way to quiet. Prayers from California for a complete recovery and pain free.
  6. Close your eyes " Use the Force Luke " Now if you had a Midnight Venture it would twinkle light the stars and the only glare would be from the envious 1st gen's The only unsafe chrome is still in the box in the garage waiting to go on.
  7. Thank you for reminding us to be Thankful for Today and the company of family and friends. Wonder if we will hear the heavenly choir over the laughing and giggling of children with golden locks ... Think I'll sit with the kids awhile.
  8. I HATE TO ASK THIS HERE!!! But if you were to revitalize a first gen which year has the least issues and most available parts?
  9. We are Not takin the trike mod off again!! Just get a wider trailer
  10. Would you call your Mom UGLY!? Have some respect! Call them slow / out of date / a fond memory / something that needs constant care ( just look in cowpuc's saddlebag) but to say UGLY!? They have a certain style and grace like Elizabeth Taylor (she is really looking dated) and the styling can be updated again just look at Cowpuc's (he IS headed to the EAST COAST still right !!!!! Just don't ever call your Mom an Antique.
  11. Some where o ver the rain bow skies are blue...........I have been debating looking for a newer than 05 RS Venture and now Maybe I'll seclude myself in the garage and restore a 1st gen. And to think this thread was going to sing a new song instead it's an oldie but goodie
  12. Do what I do use velcro! That way when I ride with the Harley crew and I can put on a Haley patch like Valvoline. When I ride with the Ventureriders I put on the Venturerider.org patch and if I ride with some first gen's I put on the UPS patch.
  13. Out here in Calif they are saying the underground aquifers are not replenishing at the rate they are being drained resulting in deeper wells. Soon it will be either wash bike or shower
  14. something your FRIENDS here will never let you stop!! Always something new in "Safety Chrome" A term we use to convince our wives of the need to purchase in order to arrive home in one piece when riding. Hmmm when we first approach them we say it safe to ride a motorcycle AND economical then after purchase cagers can't see us and even cheap safety chrome requires :mo money: Great Job Safety Chroming!
  15. bj66 WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU GET ANYTHING other than a BLIZZARD at DQ????? Sorry Puc said the word BLIZZARD opps did it again!!
  16. I have no clue why Puc does what he does:whistling: It makes him appear destitute so everyone invites them in for Ice Cream (or a burger).... Think I'll start decorating mine with EMPTY ice cream boxes of different flavors and see how many I end up with.
  17. I almost understand it!! Now to go get some yamabond#5 as cowpuc said to prevent future leaks
  18. used a long single thin copper wire and a needle threader at the hole wear the reflector mounts to pull it out
  19. So have we examined the diaphragms and determined no pinholes? If so next thought on issue?? However if only fixing or replacing the diaphragms has fixed the issue then the issue is purely belief. Because I don't understand something does not mean it doesn't work. I'm still working on a square wheel.
  20. Tippy has never caught your fingers in her Ice Cream or you would be typing with a pencil in your mouth.
  21. No one is getting Ice Cream after dinner!!!!
  22. And don't worry!! Someone will watch over us while you enjoy your "other" family. Remember upstarts the party begins July 20th just in case he checks in on the 19th.......
  23. How are you doing with YOUR rebuild (Shoulder, rib, bumps and bruises
  24. Before my last trip to The Dalles the choice was f4 , clearview, baggershield. I chose the f4 thinking it would provide a little more wind break for the passenger. She was happier with the new bilt flip face modular helmet and said it made more of a difference. I like it's clarity, and and the wider size after a few miles was no issue. There customer service is great and I like the holes instead of slots for mounting. As a bonus there was no shipping charge and they added a bottle of the cleaner for $7 included in the box. Received it in less than a week. Next time may try the baggershield for that wind in your face experience.
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