Thanks Big Bird!!! That leak is contagious as I've got it too! only no oil anywhere on the motor I can see only on the floor!!! Headed into PCP with it tomorrow drat!
DARN!!! I was hopin for a white Christmas this year!!! How come Puc and Flyin Fool have all the fun!!!! It wont snow at 67 degrees and cloudy with a CHANCE of rain. Good thing I keep a bottle of SUNTAN lotion in the bike for emergencies. Doris is shredding 7year old tax papers. Maybe I will spread that on the lawn at Christmas. Puc if your not using the lawn mower can I barrow it?
Start saving for the wedding or a shotgun now as it only seems to take a year or two for them to reach 18. You got troubles CM, they only get cuter as they grow up. Congrats to you and your wife.
cowpuc's secret is BANANA NUT ICE CREAM which I just started using. not sure if I'll like it with the Tea Tree Topping but you only live once. Which is why it makes it a good idea to wear the gear as well. Unless this is your safety net
It's raining !!! Left all the tools outside last night working on a new patio cover as well as painted base for my son's room. But my dying cactus is giving me the thumbs up
I was looking for the plastic insert so I could play my Yellow Elvis 45 while heating a Swanson's dinner in the Oven. Let's see 1951 from 2014 carry the 2 and divide by 5??? I'm going to be 26 this year!!!!!Think I'll Brille Cream my hair put on some Old Spice and go check out chicks at the soda fountain Right after my nap:whistling:
Joe thought you were crazy to start with and riding medicated you. Rain sleet or darkest night shall never keep me form my ride. Did I mention SNOW!! Oh that's right it doesn't snow here!!! Glad you had a fun time.
Looks like a saddle sore going and a bun burner coming back. Don't think wife is coming unless she flies (by plane) Think the new venture will be out in time to make the ride on?
Is the chrome stanchions with red ropes around it and signs that read "Please Do NOT Touch" It's such a shame that such a masterpiece must now live behind glass only to be admired but never ridden again!
If I would have just left the plug in I woulndt have even known.
Only Murphy would have told you 150 miles from nowhere along with some stinky pants! on a Sunday in the rain
You are welcomed in but can never leave!! Now DUCK!! Headed your way are bad jokes, some useless information, hundreds if not thousands of things you can do to your ride. (an how to undo things done to your ride) And a book bigger than the Webster's Dictionary Unabridged Edition written by cowpuc!! And all this just for poking your head in! Good Times Ahead!! Did I mention tons of emoticons ???
The issue with first gen owners coming to the faster 2nd gen is that they are still packing all the replacement parts and tools to do repairs every time the bike leaves the barn. It takes awhile to realize the tools and parts don't need to make the trip with them:bighug:
Did I miss something?? Who has the purple venture??? Seems as though the people I pay to pay attention are not paying enough attention or am I not paying them enough????
Your Gun, Guns, Artillery pieces, motor fire, none have the destructive power as compared to my sweet/ loving /adorable/ beautiful wife did I leave out young?
It was bad enough I had to wear a helmet laughing at some of the "lady" jokes now the wife says I have to wear blinders so any posts that read like this will be mine. RGFGFFFRY%JI&HH don't no how to type in the dark!
the 2 yr old and 6 yr old like to watch the same show three times aday and there is more video of the blue 1st gen with side car throughout the video maybe part 2