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Everything posted by Smitty161

  1. Parts...
  2. Cool...thx...gosh, another good idea...I guess my mind is on other things these days...should be thinking of some of these myself...Thanks everyone for the help...Temps in the 50-60s in Utah these days...be riding soon...
  3. Thanx for the response...sitting down and looking myself has confirmed everything your saying. Going to have a hell of a conversation with my dealer. I have my brand new parts heading to me off of eBay. Always forget to use them...
  4. Need to reach out and ask...bike is apart and I can't find these shims, rather I should say the dealer can't...I am in need of (1) Shim 2.70/25mm and (6) Shim 2.65/25mm...If anyone can help or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it...thx
  5. Thanx Dingy....simple enough I might not even screw this up...! ...thanx again bud...
  6. Just scored some awsesome 86 passenger floorboards for my 83 off of Ebay...does anybody have an idea how to mount the exhaust... In advance I would like to say thank you for your help. This site and all all its members have been fantastic. I rarely post due to the wealth of tech already out there that has helped keep my 83 going the past few years.
  7. Sorry it took me so long to get back. I ride an 83 VR. That antenna was a plug and play for my stock radio. Amazing my stocker still works. I don't know about your ride. Sorry...good luck.
  8. I'm in.....put me down for a set.
  9. Some great conversations happen when someone approaches, attracted to the site of any motorcycle, and it dawns on them the age of the bike and the fact they have not seen this model for a lomg time. I swell with pride at the mention of its condition and seemingly strong performance. Every time I think of buying a newer model, I did not say 'upgrade', I smile.....remember the people I've meet and how well this beast fits me and let that thought pass.
  10. Ordered a slew of parts, just the other day, from this fellow. I can not say enough about the speed of receiving the parts nor the complete and thorough instructions received. I have them in the box, on my e-mail and on this site. WOW! Anybody holding off on any of skydoc's upgrades.....don't. I can attest you will not be disappointed. Thanx skydoc_17 P.S. This is soley the opinion of the author and author has in no way been enticed with favors or financial gain.....I could be though!!!!!
  11. Update.....I did not have the time to breakdown my carbs so I had a mechanic friend help me out. Seems all things rubber had finally given out in all four carbs. Carb boots were also cracked so a new set from Sirius are now installed. The bike is now a bike again. Smooth, fast and powerful. $520, all totalled, in parts and a little to my buddy is money well spent. Bike is back to being amazing. Sorry, no pics on the condition of the carbs, just couldn't make it there in time.
  12. Sorry it took so long to get back to ya...the part is for the left side...radio/CB/cassette. Let me know.
  13. I have a brand new part that I bought for a '83 VR project bike that I ended up selling. Found another with lower miles and in better condition. Just can't remember if it is the left or the right side. I'm at work and will let you know Monday evening. If it works out I will just send it to ya.
  14. So much for the bike suddenly doing well. I work a night shift and on the way home this morning the bike felt like it dropped a cylinder. Revs were all over the place...up and down. Half way home, at a stop, it just idled down and died. Started with a weak sputter so I could barely get to the side of the road. Pulling the choke in about half way allowed it to start and I got it home. Whatever my problem is it seems to have settled in and won't quit now. Can't work on it till Tuesday evening. In the mean time does anybody have any more suggestions besides what the above fellas have suggested? While typing this I have pondered the float question. Could the gunk in gas build on the outside of the float and change how it floats in the puddle.....? This being offered up by a guy who is known for being wrong...most of the time. So says my better half. I'd like to know about the float too, for it seems I'm going to have to look at mine. I've never done carb work before. The thought of four of them scares the begesus out of me. Wish me luck and thanx again everybody.....
  15. Thank you for the advice... I do need to check everything stated but as luck would have it, the bike started acting close to normal just today. Go figure. Guess for some of my problem it just needed to be exercised. Parts guy told me once that the worst thing I could do to the bike was to not ride it for awhile. I did just order diaphrams from Sirius Consolidated to try to smooth things out even more. While I'm waiting for the diaphrams I'll replace all hoses and such. Run another tank of seafoam for good measure. To whoever negotiated our group price with Sirius...Thanx!!!!!!!! $69 for four diaphrams. Still a $30 savings. Chris and Martin have been a pleasure to deal with. I'll post what I think I've learned and how it turns out.
  16. I have been gone for quite awhile...work, injuries, weather... But now I have the bike, 83 VR, out for the first time since winter. Where to start??? Problems, problems, problems. Didn't have the time or energy so I had a local shop do a much needed valve adjustment. Bike ran pretty good on the way home. Kreem'd the tank when I got home...last years highway shutdown will not happen again. New fuel filter installed, of course. After installing the tank and firing it up I now can not get the bike to run right. Bike idles but wants to stall when given throttle. Feather it quickly and build rpms to 3000+ and it takes off like a rocket. If on a hill it seems to have more trouble wanting to take off from a stand still, no torque. I have previously done the 5bikes washer treatment to the carbs. Diaphrams are crinkled but hole free. I just ran a full seafoam treatment and this did not make a difference... yet. I adjusted the pilot screws from one and a half turns out to three and a half turns to get the bike to be somewhat rideable. I have noticed some cracks in my intake manifolds...done nothing with that yet. Carbs have been sync'd as good as possible. Bike has always had a slight hesitation at throttle but nothing that really bothered me till now. At speed now it seems to be a little rough. Let me just say I know enough about mechanics to cause myself some expensive repairs later. I truely do not know what to look at next. Can anybody point me in the right, logical direction on what to check next.
  17. Gosh, I hope I do not have all that crud. I know just enough mechanical stuff to be dangerous to myself and my friends. Opening up the carbs worries the begezas out of me. Did you have symptoms or did you just figure with all the mess you went down the line cleaning. When I open my filter tomorrow I will post pics.
  18. Thanx Condor.....all good advice.....crud in the carbs.....never even considered the possibility. Want to avoid that! Save a penny, spend a pound. I'm learning...thanx again everyone!!! Be three to four days before I can look in the tank. Guess I could cut open the old filter, just for fun.
  19. Thanks guys.....Looks like I will be looking inside my tank within the next fews days. Only 44,000 miles on bike but 26 years on all the parts . Did I mention that I forgot how well this bike can perform when you deliver all the fuel it needs. I fell in love all over again . Thanks Snaggle, I will get back to ya.....
  20. Just rode through Silverton, Colorado and had snow flurries.
  21. I was heading back to Salt Lake City from a four day trip through Colorado and the bike shutdown. I was heading north on I-15, our major north/south route, with afternoon rush hour traffick. In the fastlane at about 80-85 and the bike stopped responding to throttle. Had to stop on the left side of this four laner with not much room to do even that. Cars whipping by merely inches away. I now have a new found respect for our Highway Patrol. One car did a slow down manuver to four lanes so I could push my bike to the right side. Our Highway Incident Command wanted my bike off the highway so I pushed that sucker 3/4 of a mile to the next ramp. Have I mentioned the muscle pump I got from that. Long story short.....friends called.....bike trailered.....all because of a clogged fuel filter. This filter had less than a year on it and only 7,000 miles. How long should they last? Our local yamaha guy told me to pay better attention to buying good quality gas. My neck of the woods that would be Chevron. Priciest too...go figure. Anyway.....it put me in a dangerous situation with some huffing and puffing to boot.....lesson learned on doing a complete check of the bike before a long trip out of town.
  22. Sorry Condor.....I still have problems but am too busy riding it like is to stop and work on it. Bought the fuse box upgrade a week or so ago and still haven't made time to install it.
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