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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I have the 20" iMac. Love it. I use a MBPro for work. You won't regret it.
  2. Margaret and I went to the Blues Fest saturday. We went up 249/149 until we hit 105 and followed it to Navasota. The Grimes County Expo Center is just east of town. Pretty nice for the venue. Lots of food out side. Good music inside. There was covered parking for bikes. We saw about 2 dozen bikes, 1 vstar, one honda crotch rocket, our venture, and the rest were all HD. A couple especially nice. When we left about 5pm it was pretty hot! We took the fast route down 6 to 290, less than an hour home. We had a good time! Sorry you guys missed it. Put it on you calendar for next year http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/BluesFests.jpg
  3. Down to the 3.50s here. Glad to see it.
  4. I was thinking of whackin' it off but did not want to have it rust. Also did not want to send it off to be chromed. Clear coat... great idea!
  5. I really need to get rid of the heel portion of the shifter. I don't use, its in my way. Where can I find a single shifter for this '08 RSV?
  6. I strongly suggest adding some support on these guys. Especially if you are going to hang highway pegs. Here is a link to the tech info.
  7. Bump:bluesbrother:
  8. Geezzz Luezzzz! You should have said something, you could have mine! I like the 'clean old school' look. Besides, it gives me a larger area to dream about the custom paint job I know it will eventually get!
  9. Owen

    MP3 editor

    Some mp3 players (ipod and iphone specifically) have a setting to limit the audio output to 'safe' levels. On the ipod it is the 'sound check' setting. Off is non-limiting. Perhaps your device has a similar setting.
  10. Here in my area, nolans are hard to find. The only place I have found them are at the European bike shops like BMW.
  11. You got it right. One on each side at the bottom edge.
  12. I think your 99 is the same as my 08... emergency flasher switch is on the right hand control cluster next to the cruise control. I would be suspicious of the ignition switch... Here is the service manual.
  13. I was putting it on my road star mostly for the intercom and fm but then traded the bike for a Venture and did not need all the extra capabilities.
  14. Ok Bob, listed the radio for sale in the VR classifieds. Ask me any questions you may have.
  15. I spent 10yrs. doing Avionics... yes they had that way back then... Figured I would end up doing the same after the Air Force, but went straight into the medical electronics field when I got out and have been here for 25 yrs. Looks like a good opportunity for someone though.
  16. Well this one is giving a little rain and wind... might be enough to clean the road kill armadillos of the highway!
  17. Beautiful scooter! I love mine! I took all the gaudy tank and trunk emblems off, also the 'eye brows'. Love the old school 'clean' look!
  18. I was starting to install a FTM-10 on a road star but upgraded to the venture. I have the FTM-10 sitting in its box waiting for a new home. Guess I need to put it on ebay... ditdit
  19. August 9th. Margaret and I plan to ride from Houston and arrive about noon. Leave early evening for the return trip. Anyone interested in tagging along? Navasota Blues Fest
  20. Ate too much... think I need a nap! Nice to meet you folks! Nice photos, can you email the full size ones? How's the clutch??
  21. Nice to meet you guys this morning! How did the clutch bleed go?
  22. I guess I don't know much about the motorcycle market on the other side of the pond, but I find it at least ironic that HD would buy a company to which it had sold another. Referring to HD selling Aermacchi to Cagiva in the '70s and now buying the Cagiva brand back in the deal.
  23. Saw this in the Ny Times... a little short on details but interesting... some of the comments are also interesting. story
  24. It will be nice to meet some of the locals... Margaret and I will be there about 9:30
  25. I can probably make it Sunday. If you don't mind me taggin' along.
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