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Everything posted by Owen

  1. +1 on pinwall cycle. I buy parts for the venture and vmax from them. Good prices, good customer service. Plus.. Welcome to the site!
  2. Have a close look for cracking rubber around the rim area of the tires...
  3. Beep! Beep! Or maybe a scarf and robes, wonder if HSA could find you?
  4. So I was surfin' around and found what I believe to be a prototype for the first gen venture. I sure hope it was a Dud!!
  5. Laid off... Guess I was a bad boy. Margaret got a new Knee. She had surgery monday and is doing well.
  6. How cool is that!!!!
  7. Garmin Zumo 550. Waterproof, bluetooth, holds lots of music, easy to see in direct sun light. Try getfeetwet.com, Check their 'bundles'.
  8. I'm down here raking leaves and complaining... guess I should just be quiet...
  9. Wait! Wait! Yours doesn't have the 24k gold V4 cover on there? I would go talk to the dealer about that!!
  10. Owen


    Tomatoe juice will help, but skunk be gone is much better. Call pets mart...
  11. This is a great reminder for all. The holiday season is upon us and we need to be extra careful out there. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2mf8DtWWd8]YouTube- TAC 2009 Christmas Campaign TV ad - 20 Anniversary retrospective montage "Everybody Hurts"[/ame]
  12. Excellent!
  13. Coiling the wire will make a difference but only minor. You are not dealing with a transmitter where you have to be really particular. If we were, we would also have to consider the velocity factor of the coax. A straight vertical wire would be ideal but really not necessary in this case. Just make the coil as large as practical. I simply attach the coax to the radio, route it to the location where I want to put the 'coil', strip the outer cover off, then the shielding. Measure out 20.8 inches and cut the center conductor at that point. 20.8 inches should be resonate at 101 on your fm dial. (468/f=1/2 wavelength divided by 2 = 1/4 wavelength antenna.)
  14. Mine was scratched up for months... [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=35839]this is how I fixed mine[/ame]. Some of the guys have seen it. I think it is just fine.
  15. I did the same thing with my FM antenna. Using the formula 468/f, you come up with a 1/4 wave length of 20.8 inches. Thats the length of unshielded wire needed at the end of the coax. I coiled mine inside the passenger back rest. Works just fine.
  16. Depends if you right handed or left handed, of course!
  17. Owen

    Ft Sill

    You should be very proud of them both! Thank them for their service and may God bless and watch over them.
  18. There is one under the passenger seat also...
  19. My lamps have an 'inline' fuse on the main power lead. Mine is located inside the faring near the on off switch. Yours may be located elsewhere. If it is blown, look for a short in the wiring where it exits the lamp mount.
  20. Nicely done! Thank you for the hard work!
  21. The crimp you see on the metal just above the coax is where the connection to the shield is located. I would split that collar with a drimmel tool and remove it. That should allow you to get to the center conductor. Plus you have to connect the new one any ways. Just my two cents...
  22. Owen

    New imac

    Nothing but Macs in my house!
  23. A lot of vehicles use 2 switches on the brake peddle for the brake lights. One for the regular lamps and one for the 'third' brake light. Just a thought...
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