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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Well I guess its like a coke machine... You gotta be smarter than the machine in order to operate it. Hope that new fangled do-dad comes with directions!
  2. How does this work with the key??
  3. I'm sure you will enjoy the new ride, especially with the vmax gearing. I would still follow the break in on that new bike... Welcome aboard.
  4. Same thing I have heard. Also explained to me by one of my kids about 5 years ago...
  5. The SETX Patriot Guard Mission email blasts are not working correctly. Please allow me to post this Blast... Cpl. Jeffrey W. Johnson USMC Date Thursday May 20, 2010 Time 11:30 AM - 4:00 PM Contact Jerry Sorsdal bentwater@earthlink.net Description Cpl. Jeffrey Johnson USMC lost his life on 5/11/10 while on foot patrol in Afghanistan. Cpl Johnson enlisted in the Marines in 2007 & had served in Japan, the Philippines & Afghansitan. Cpl. Johnson is survied by: Wife: Katy Anguish, Father: Jerry Johnson, Mother: Dawn Hardwick, Step-Mother Kelly Johnson, one younger brother & two younger sisters. Staging Time: 11:30 a.m. Staging area: Southwinds Baptist Church, 16811 FM 2920, Tomball, TX. 77377 Briefing: 12:30 p.m. KSU: 12:45 p.m. We will travel from staging, with LEO support, to: Rose Hill United Methodist Church The Pgr will be setting up a flag line at the church 1 hour before services which start @ 2 p.m. We will then proceed to the grave site : Klein Cemetery, SH 249, Decker Prairie, TX. The FAST Team will travel to the grave site 15 minutes after the church services starts. Lead: Steve Allison 2nd: Chris Bass Support Vehicles: Jerry Turner & Red Foster FAST Lead: TBA Thank you, Owen
  6. Lowell... buddy... old friend... I really doubt your butt is gonna get any TLC from this bunch!!! :rasberry:
  7. I used mine for an 80 mile round trip commute most of last year also. 80 miles in Houston traffic certainly is not pleasure!!
  8. What do you use your bike for other than the pleasure rides we all like so much? We all take the weekend ride to meet friends, eat or see the sights. Some of us take our vacations on the bike. But how many of us utilize the bike for something other than a strictly pleasure cruise? Although any time I'm riding it's a pleasure, sometimes its more utility/work oriented. Show us your bike in an other than 'pleasure' situation. MS150 Motorcycle Marshal Escort... http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/P4183824.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/P4173525.jpg
  9. I like it!
  10. #9 = Brenda H. trying to steal Owen's low rider! #11 = Owen and Margaret Last 2 is some kid on a 1st Gen
  11. Honda ST1300 for me...
  12. Yep... Bibbit and me ain't skeered o no rain!
  13. Thanks! Looking at their calendar, I see only the 4th weekend of June open...
  14. Dang! Sorry to hear about the mishap! Take your time, and do what the doc says. You know we are here if you need us! Owen
  15. Whats a "hub" ??
  16. How much are these pipes?
  17. Yep it will cause a minor little melted divit but will not destroy the horn. I have a wolo mounted there.
  18. Makes me think of the "Wild Hogs" :rotf:
  19. From the home screen, press and hold the home button... requires 3g, 3gs...
  20. On my iPhone, it was at the very end of the list... about page 3 or 4. Looks like they were added in order of their sign up or something. I saw no rhyme or reason for the order...
  21. OK Kreg... where's the photos????
  22. Brad and Lonna, Wooo Hooo! Nice turn out for the open house! And wonderful to meet your super-secret-you-had-no-idea-they-were-coming-guests! Don, you're a sneaky one! Perfect weather, mid 80's and no rain. I was pleased to help break in the neighbors and let the know not to mess with you bunch of bikers! It was good to see old friends and meet some new ones. Boomer: I had nothing to do with it!
  23. Don, Thank you for adding this feature! It is very fast and easy to use. I love it!
  24. There are two possible sources for the voltage discrepancy. Easiest way to find it is with a volt meter. Connect the VOM (volt-ohm-meter) neg lead to the battery neg terminal, VOM pos lead to your voltmeter connection point on the ignition wire. Are the readings very close to the same voltage? If no, then check/clean/repair the ground connection between the faring and the battery. If yes, then the ground connection between the battery and the faring area is good. Next, connect the VOM pos lead to the battery pos terminal. Connect the VOM neg lead to the neg connection point of your voltmeter in the faring. Are the readings very close to the same voltage? If no, then the ignition wire voltage is being dropped by something in that line. A probable source is the actual ignition switch, these do fail by the way, has dirty/corroded contacts. As mentioned before, you can only run so much current on a line based on the wire diameter and switch rating. That is why most add on items you want to operate only when the ignition is on should be routed from the battery through a relay to the load. Your connection point of the voltmeter you are installing should be based upon what you want to monitor, ie. actual battery voltage, (connect it directly to the battery) or accessory/ignition voltage, (connect it to the switched ignition line). Hope this helps.
  25. Looks like you and I ride about the same, my '08 is in the mid 30's...
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