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Everything posted by SpeedySteve

  1. What is the issue with I believe the Ventures second gear prior to '87 or so? SS
  2. Nope not for sale. And if it were I would be all over it I think. SS
  3. I just saw the Millinium 0001. Setting in a building outside of Tulsa OK. Very fine indeed. Pics to come hopefully. SS
  4. I wondered whether at least the FI would find it's way into the RoyalStars. Didn't think the motor would. Maybe a detuned version with the EFI. I would certainly be happy with that. SS
  5. OK of all y'all that have responded here about the tires, in your opin's. What tire would you get right now today if you were buying? Keep in mind I ride mostly highway miles. Alot two up. I do not ride hard when two up. Sometimes I kick it up when by myself. That being said the Metzler was on the bike, and had about 3000 miles when we got the bike. We rode it home to OK from TN. On the second day it rained all the way from Paragould to Tulsa we rode 412 all the way and I never felt uneasy or uncomfortable on a new bike. Can't say the same had I been on the RoadStar! We have put about another 7000 on that tire. SS
  6. Thanks everyone. Really was thinking about another Metz. Have gotten many miles out of the one that came on the bike. Only thing obvious is the thinning in the middle and the edge doing the cupping. Other than that it has been good. Yep going with K&N to do the change out. I'll take the rim to em tho'. Thanks SS
  7. Searching for a rear tire to replace the rear tire on Royal Star. Probably go back with the same Metzler sz style etc as was on there. Called local dealer to see what they would charge and they were $20-30 higher than what I was finding them online. But in his best sales pitch the parts guy says, "the ones you get for that price online are blemished or seconds". So I thought I have bought alot of tires from dealers online and have never had any problems with them. But now the seeds are sown and it makes me wonder. I thought if a tire was a blem or second it had to be noted and marked that way. Any one ever had a problem ordering a tire online? SS
  8. Where in OK are you from? We are in Tulsa.


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  9. I was worried I was either gonna have to cut a key with the new ignition on one side and the gas cap, bags and tourpak on the other when they installed my new ignition. But fortunately the guys at K&N knew how to fix the tumblers. The Royal* is back on the road. Fixed under warrenty. SS
  10. NW Arkansas would be my first choice. Or maybe Eastern Tennessee. No wait, the Texas Hill country in the Spring, or Northern NM or Southern Colorado. SS
  11. Thanks. The RS is at the dealers now. Put it together and rode it out today. They are looking it over. Kinda figured the radio deal was part of the ignition bypass surgery. The two key deal can be fixed by cutting the same key with two sides to it. One for the ignition side and the other for the gas cap, tourpak and saddlebags etc. Thanks again SS
  12. And let me say it is not that hard to do. I did it in the parking lot of the motel with the standard tool kit and leatherman and lots of prayer. Well and I did walk to Walmart for some wire, tape and connections. SS
  13. Sarge is that you? The SCRC Sarge? This is Speedy from the Brazos River, via Conroe, via Houston Chapters. Still have the Roadie? Me too. the old two tone '99 Silverado. I live in Tulsa now. Well last time I saw you was the Reunion in Granbury. Take care fella.



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  14. Actually it was a still shot but it was great to have. By the way be sure to leave some wire when cutting it off. Especially close to the connection. May check out the rebuild too. SS
  15. Well while in El Paso I bypassed the ignition as shown by the excellent photo and verbal instructions from flb78! Thanks again. Have now had time to take a look and hook it all back up (after also replacing battery) and found out the ignition still is a NO GO with new battery in and wires replaced to the ignition. So leads me to believe the ignition is still out. I can live with it for a while. Going to get with dealer tomorrow and see if warrenty is still in effect! It is an '03 and I was told by previous owner June is the end of the warrenty! QUESTION...when the ignition went south on you did you also lose the sound system? I have no sounds anymore. Haven't checked the fuses on that end again. Just assumed it was connected to the ignition. Thanks again. And I am on the assistance list so if any of you are over this way and need help let me know. flb we may have to have a maintence day some where between here and there sometime. SS
  16. Lots of towns around there depending if you want country or town/city. Victoria is not far from Corpus. What are you looking for riding? Fishing? South Texas ain't the most scenic for riding. I had a place at Sargent. Not much there. During the week 500 or so residents, weekends there was like 5000! SS
  17. Not exactly sure yet. Haven't had time to check it all out. I had already done the bypass on the switch then I could not get it started again. Hauled it to Sunland Yamaha in El Paso the diagnosed the battery was dead. Started with 12.5 volts then put a load on it and it went to ONE volt. So got a new battery. Then headed toward home. SS
  18. Sorry. Didn't see the message til tonight. We ride an '03 Midnight Venture. Look forward to meeting. SS

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  19. I do like the 1300 mentioned. But another light big cruiser is the C90 Suzuki. Did I say that? Low center of gravity. Sport touring is nice for some. I just can't keep my legs in that position. Also look at the Kawa 900 bikes. Both of them. And a trike is a good option. SS
  20. Were any of you at the Red River Rally? And if so what was the name of the photographer? We were riding out of town and saw his van but did not catch the website address. Thanks SS
  21. Thought I had already posted a thank you to Cliff and FLB 78. I think that is the right folks. Anyway last week we had a wee bit of a problem in El Paso. And the only place I could think of at the time of night was on here. You guys were great. Cliff contacted FLB and I got the bike fixed with his instructions. We even made it all the way back to Oklahoma. So thanks to you both. I owe you two. If you are ever up here and need anything let me know. SS
  22. Ran into some problems in El Paso with what seemed to be the ignition switch. Turned out was also the battery! But the battery wasn't acting like it was losing power. Anyway if any of you are ever in El Paso you have got to go by Sunland Yamaha. If you are in trouble there see these guys. They were about two weeks behind on service and because we were on the road Glen jumped on my venture and diagnosed the problem. And got us on the road in a couple of hours. Thanks again for everyone on here that helped. Sorry haven't gotten on here sooner but we just now got the power back on at the house. After the storms on Sunday here in Tulsa! Take care. SS
  23. We are in El Paso my ignition switch went out on me. I am on the computer in the motel lobby. If there is anyone in or around El Paso that can lend me a hand in getting this bike over to a dealer or happen to have another switch around or knows of another way to get the bike started! I am open to options. Number is 918-605-6141. I am going to log off here now. Thanks SS
  24. Need Help! Traveling, made it to El paso and ignition switch went out on me. Phone number is 918 605 6141. Steve

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  25. None at all. Did in Texas but Oklahoma shut em down bout 3-4 years ago. SS
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