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Everything posted by stardbog

  1. I'm Disagree with you guys, Bulb has to be changed, and we need Met And Eat to vote who is going to change a bulb. Fair enough.
  2. 1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again.... :fiddle::crackup:
  3. Is It Cingular new AT &T ? In that case there is shop in my area i belive i can buy any at&t ( Used phone between 20 and 40 Bucks. Let me know.
  4. I have iPod Nano 1 GB and hold about 240 songs in AAC format wich is compare to mp3 192 bit, put those songs on shuffle and you'll never notice to some song is playing twice a day.
  5. Ram-mount.com This is where is my iPod mounted in waterproof Aqua Box
  6. http://www.stopngo.com/motorcycle.asp is only thing safe to patch tubeless tire. Done that on 4 diferent bikes, and after thousands of miles behind never lose air on any of them.
  7. Check out this site. It come in set speakers, mic, and lower cord ( 5Pin's) and price is right: http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/2310_J_M_HS8154_Headset_for_Goldwing_w_1Piece_Cord Good Luck
  8. Cool I'm Back too, I owe you beer for this one:Avatars_Gee_George:
  9. It's all depend on WD (Wrist Disorder) If you Keep baby in 55 range, youll be in mid 50's,. That's happend only once, last year, trip from Vogel. I was following Eddie, and he was trailering bike, never before, and never after. :rotf:. Well my gas milage is..... When i need a gas usualy i pull in to gas station, right.
  10. DO NOT PULL NAIL, Ride home and use one of those Mushroom plungers, thats permanent solution, Ride On will foix a hole, but how you can know after where punktcure was Ride on is temporarly solution to get you home or to closest shop.
  11. You better Hide this post from Squidley... Hi will kill you if he find about Lo Tires.
  12. Oh That's not full service Usualy with help to fix a bike you should have and Cheesecake.:080402gudl_prv:
  13. I'm Positive sure I'll sync this one, Natural born carbtune
  14. Huh after this schock / spring elaborat, I Think this thread should end in Tech Library, And Squeeze is well deserv another award, My Vote For Squeeze:080402gudl_prv:
  15. 136 Mph Clocked on my GPS, Well Wasnt strait line but long in to valley downhill road. Nice farm land roads in Galena, IL area. Venture didn't feel any diferent. My Wife was behind me in car and she start screeming over CB to slow down. :cool10:
  16. Yeah New model is coming sun, I'll wait a month or so. Well I'm using i Phone on bike, but only as i Pod, no conversation while riding. To Be honest i dont miss that at all. I Know there is some harware on market to interconect phones trough bike IC system.
  17. amsoil 10-40 all year round
  18. Hey Rich.Congrats for your new bike Dealer will ask you arm and leg to install Extra lights for you. In about a month there be Maintananance Day In Ohio At FreeBird's. There is going to be most mechanical brain power for Royal Stars you can find in US. I'm willing to help you install Lights, and Bulbs. Good source for all your needs Is Here: http://www.customdynamics.com/motorcycle_lights.htm And Here http://www.superbrightleds.com/1157.htm Good Luck
  19. That's Monster Quest..... Will continue...Monsters of the Loh Nelson Lake
  20. You Guy's better go fishing in Montana:rotf::rotf:
  21. Ok Gals and Guys. M-Day is month away, and i can feel Pig Roast smel in air already. As Prevois Years, Maintenance Day is a Get Together and do a small fixes event, as, add accessories, Sync a Carbs, add Safety Chrome... etc, Not pulling engine a part, or mayor repairs. On My To Do List Is: Venture: Sync Carbs, and Flush Break, and Clutch Fluid With Speed Bleader. Or Stratoliner: If Somebody Know How to Sync a Trothle bodies. I Can Help with Wiring of any kind, like adding LED lights,Audio Stuff, Power for Accessories, or whatever you guys need. What Is On your TO DO List ? , so we can be ready with parts and stuff for job to be done. :080402gudl_prv:
  22. Jay I Can Be your right hand as helper. I Have some expirence with pig roast, as well I can help to keep beer cold.
  23. I have done 1160 Mils in 18 Hours. Interstate ride. Thats with Half Hour shift Change on gas station, and run out of gass on I 80 in Wyoming.
  24. Oh No. dont worry , he is comming from V-Star after 2 hours That'sHard seat. You can doit 1000mils in one day have a nap when you are tired, and keep going. Iron Butt award is on touch of your hand
  25. Heiniken Cheesecake.
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