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Everything posted by stardbog

  1. I Have Syntetic in My Strat since 1st oil change, Don't forget to change( Most Important) Final Drive Gear Oil too. My Oil of choice is Amsoil for everything. Mobil1 is good too just make sure is motorcycle specific Rated, cuz Of Wet Clutch. Some of car specific oils (Energy Conserving, or Something) Cause clutch to slip. Good Luck
  2. This is not official one jet... Without me ... Thats Beta version... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvH127PFmcY&feature=related]YouTube - Pink Floyd Reunion-Wish You Were Here[/ame] You Guys Have Fun.
  3. Oke-e
  4. I got bad one last year @ Ft. Collins. It Was Rear right
  5. Well what is difference... Better material, and better Cooling during braking.. I Guess, And cheaper than Stock.
  6. Ron, This is what i have ordered from: cyclebrakes.com , There are great replacement for S#!ty Stock one. Made by Galfer and part # is: DF463W Here Is how looks: http://www.cyclebrakes.net/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=3634 Opsss No pic. Here is one ( See Attachment) :080402gudl_prv:
  7. I Use this headset http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/2310_J_M_HS8154_Headset_for_Goldwing_w_1Piece_Cord for last 2 years on my 3 helmets. best stuff money can buy. Stay Away from IMC Headsets. They are pice of junk.
  8. I Have Firestick 3' Black sitting in my garage too, as well Harley CB / Radio antenna. you can have'em if you need'em.
  9. S#!T Phill. Glad you are OK Bike can be fixed. Get well sun.:080402gudl_prv:
  10. 1 Mile without windshield and you are crying. Glad you have up and running that beast. :080402gudl_prv:
  11. Only one more suggestion. Unscrew oil filler cap and smell it for gas. Could be one of coils are go bad and sucking gas into oil pan. Witch rise oil level to dip undernit of bike. Dont ask me how I'm figure out. :whistling: Does Bike run normal under hard acceleration? Is it Your gas milage drop down.? Does bike go over 90 MpH with full trothle ?
  12. Same Think Here. Just to get for ride, 400 mils round trip with my neighbors , black clouds rolled in to this morning trough Chicago. Rained hard but no hail or stuff. We should go to Indiana Dunes to visit our other neighbors who have cabin there. and after few hours we decide to cancel trip and stay home. Start doing work round a house , and manage to cut one big branch of my backyard tree. That branch is getting to close to power lines, and it was just right time to do that. Than helps my neighbors with their yard work, and have few to many Heinys to go riding. Well,at last i have polish my Stratoliner, and have ready for ride tomorrow. No Ride here today too. Tomorrow never die.
  13. Try to clean junk from sadlebags, and trunk. I Can fit 2 tour master Pivot jackets with armor in trunk only. Ventire pants with armor will fit in sadlebag. They are little bulki, but that's a price for protection. sometime, i use bungee net ,a nd secure jacket or pants on passanger sit, or logage rack.
  14. Ya Helmut, Was Mahenzy zigezage Hoy Hoy Hoy :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  15. Glad you get bike in shape again. those coils are tricky to figure out, I'm supprice it didnt overfill your oil vent hose, ( Like my). I Have bad coil, and i drive from Chicago to Ft. Colins CO. last year running only on 3 cilinders. same think doesen't wanna go over 90mph with full throtle. and gas milage was about 20-25 Mpg.
  16. Hey Skid, Check Out This one: http://www.jafrum.com/ Or http://www.newenough.com/helmets_eyewear/ has some sweet deals for helmets
  17. Found this store doing search for some stuff. Looks like supercheap store for Helmets and clothing, Does anybody have ordered from them and how good they are to deal with. Here is web site: http://www.jafrum.com/
  18. Hey Reiny, Is it way to send you cash or Check over Mail. I dont use pay pall. But I Like to buy a tickets . Let me know.
  19. Gee. Todd Glad you are OK. Did you want to comfirm Body surfer Title. Dont do it again.:no-no-no::no-no-no::080402gudl_prv:
  20. Randy. This is just hartbreaking. nail those guys hard at last their insurance CO. Do I smell 2nd gen round a corner. Good luck.
  21. Been there done that. Hit accidentally wih oversized winter gloves doing 70 on expressway. Engine died, like run out of gas. Call brad, and Don and 15 min going trough troubleshooting.....and just before disasembling lower cowling Kill Switch cut my attention...$#!@. Welcome to a club.
  22. Two Complete diferent rides. I's nice to have Strat, but if i have to chose between Strat and RSV... I'll go with RSV. Strat is not comfortable as RSV. My wife like more RSV too. I Gues we get spoiled with Gadgets,and comfort. I Have 06 Copper and RSV. Strat is nice round town rides, But nothig to compare for long rides to RSV. And That setup sa on maineac pic show will cost you $$$$.$$ Big Bux
  23. Motel 6 was where I stayed Last year. Make sure to ask about fridge in room. Some have some dont. They Have a swimming pool too.
  24. Nothing Against zumo, but in my opinion, you are paying for name(Like Harley). GPS technology is growing daily,as other stuff. Only think you are realy need out of GPS is weaterproof one. Magellan road mate 2200T has all bells and whistles as zumo, exept XM radio. And Price is way less than zumo. I Have this one for last 2 years, and never have a problem. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16858191017
  25. Get well soon Dude
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