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Everything posted by GlennTuc

  1. Hey Pegscraper, My radio system quit working. I should have put this with the original post about my radio. Have you had any experience with having harnesses replace? With all of the electronic stuff on our bikes, I just feel like it may create even more problems. Glenn
  2. Has anyone ever had the wiring harness replaced on their RSV? The Yama dealer is replacing a sub harness and may have to replace the entire harness. I'm not real secure with this. Just seems like it may cause more problems than what I'm having already. Glenn
  3. The Yama tech rep looked at my RSV today, and after four hours he decided it had to be a wiring harness. They ordered a subharness from Japan and going to try that first. If it doesn't work, they are going to replace the entire wiring harness. They want to keep my bike because they already have it tore down. This could take some time beings what they are ordering parts straight from Japan. This could also get quite aggravating, cause I use my bike as primary transportation. Glenn
  4. Taking my 08 RSV back to the dealer on Monday to have the radio/CB/intercom checked by a Yamaha Tech Rep. So far the dealer has replaced the left rear speaker, and the black box inside the fairing and it still doesn't work. They were going to change the control head on the handle bars. Don't know what the Rep will come up with. I'll keep ya posted, case some of you are having problems yourselves. My is intermitten and craps completely out with the volume above 15. And will not work at all with the rear speakers faded in. Going to have to do without it for 3 or 4 days. Maybe they'll give me a loaner-- FAT CHANCE!!! Glenn
  5. Thanks everyone for the info.
  6. Thanks Ya for the info. One of the great bennies of being a member, years of experience and advice to choose from. Thanx Again, Glenn
  7. Seen a feller on an 08 RSV today at 5 pm pulling out of a Shell gas station on Lone Oak Road in Paducah, KY. If you visit this site, give me a shout. Ventures are very rare in my neck of the woods. Glenn
  8. Will passing lights from a Harley Davidson fit on a 2nd Gen Venture? If not, where's the best place to get passing lights? I've checked South Seattle Yamaha Sports Plex and the don't have them on their web site. Thanx, Glenn
  9. 100% of the time. DOT Certified and full helmet. Glenn
  10. Thanks Guys. I went to the SDC web site and ordered the 15" Ultra Light Bar. Goose, QuickSilver is a good looking RSV. Glenn
  11. I want to extend my handle bars out (cause my arms are short), but don't want to replace my handlebars. I looked through some of the threads for info but didn't find anything. Any help is appreciated. Thanx Glenn
  12. Thanks Ya for the info. I'll get Abernathy's to order me one and install it. Thanx Glenn
  13. A guy here at work said they may not be legal here in this state (KY). Do ya know anything about the legality of running a modulator? Hey Goose, my wife says those drawers you're talking about probably would not be legal on my windshield, and I certainly could not wear them around the house.
  14. I was considering installing a headlight modulator for visibility and was wondering what other opinions were. Beings what we seem to be an opinionated group sometimes (Ha), I was wondering if I could get some feedback on getting one. Thanks, Glenn
  15. Already signed it and call my Senators and Congressman frequently to B!@#H about it. Even though they support it, I still feel better to vent about it. Glenn
  16. Passed a Midnight RSV on my way home from work yesterday. He had a female (wife/girlfriend/daughter) riding on the back. He had the only good bike beings what he was riding with two other people on gold wings, one pulling a trailer and the other with some kind of a trike setup . It was on I-24 West about a mile from the Paducah, KY exit. Just wonderin if he reads this web site. If so, give me a shout. Glenn
  17. HeloMech reminded me of a question I want to ask the many riders out there with his discussion of the blue dot, which was very interesting by the way. The question I have is about the rotating LED tail light bulbs I've seen for sale on ebay. Has anyone tried them? If so, do you like them, and what are the advantages? Okay, so more than one question. Looking for opinions. Thanks Glenn
  18. I'd like to thank ya for your kind thoughts and let ya know he's doing great considering the circumstances. He said the 18 wheeler pulled into the left lane to let him and his cousin onto the parkway, and then pulled back into the right lane into them. His cousin managed to get slowed down enough to get out of the way. The truck driver never slowed down, he kept on going. My stepson was wearing riding boots, jeans, short sleeve shirt and a helmet. He got a pretty severe case of road rash and he's very sore, but at least he can still tell us about it. Thanks Again, Glenn
  19. My Step Son wrecked his 750 Suzuki this afternoon. He was getting on the parkway and an 18 wheeler had pulled into the other lane to let him in and then pulled back in on him. He said the last he remembered was hitting the brakes. It scattered parts for nearly 1/8 mile. Looked like the truck actually hit the bike. He had his leather on, but still has several scratches. This is his first day home on leave from the Army. Not a good way to start a vacation!!
  20. Canadians are Americans, North Americans.
  21. Got my 08 RSV on 1 May. I've put over 3000 miles on it since then, and its smooth, quiet and a pleasure to ride. I took it to the dealer at 1000 miles to get the oil changed and a 1000 mile checkup, also a speaker problem. Other than that, I ride and enjoy. A goldwing may be smoother (?), but I don't see how in the world a HD could be. Glenn
  22. Opened up my 08 this morning for as long as I dared. It went rapidly past 105 and nearly to 110 (uncorrected) when fear overcame stupidity and I rolled off the throttle. Around here, counting deer carcasses on the side of the road gets commonplace. Wouldn't want to wrap my new RSV in deer skin. The speed was rapidly climbing and it was very, very smooth. With wings, I believe it would climb like a home sick Angel. Glenn
  23. I wouldn't have any idea what its worth, but jeeze, whats a wing got that Venture don't have?
  24. I am a liscensed CCDW in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and I'm quite sure that if shoot someone for spitting on me, I would go straight to jail. As a matter of fact if my right to rapidly swing my arms contacted his right to have his nose in my way, I would go to jail.
  25. Well, I now have my own embarrassing moment I swore would not happen to me. My wife woke me up at 5 AM, which is about 40 minutes late, and asked me if I was going to work. I immediately jumped out of bed and cursed the alarm clock (which I forgot to set) and went about my business of getting ready to go, in a hurry. I grabbed my lunch out of the fridge and headed out to the garage and boarded my brand new 08 RSV. Of course, being the reliable scoot that they are, it fired right up and I was on my way. All went well for the first seven miles, till I got to the last stop light before getting on I-24. I still had another 23 miles to ride. While waiting for the light to turn green, my trusty RSV just quit running. I stared at the instrument panel in amazement and wonder and thought what the @!#%$ is wrong with this thing. It has always ran perfect! Of course it only has 2000 miles on it, but it has been a very dependable 2000 miles. When I hit the start button, all the lights would come on like they should but the starter would not even turn over. I pushed the bike over to the side of the road and the only thing I could think of is a bad fuse. I proceded to take the battery cover off and about that time a fellow on a Star rode up and offered to help. I told him my problem as I continued to remove the seat. Just as I lifted the seat off, he told me to try to start it now. I turned the key on, hit the start button and it fired off before it made a complete rotation. Amazing I thought. It must have been a coupling loose under the seat and when I removed the seat it jarred it enough to make contact. No, that wasn't it the Star rider informed me. All he did was turn the kill switch OFF!!!!! Well I be !@#$#!@@$#@. And I'm already late for work too. EMBARRASSING!!!!!! I made it to work with no other problems other than being later. Glenn
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