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Everything posted by GlennTuc

  1. Almost got sunk from the wake of a Boomer Sub (George Washington Class) while I was fishing, just off the coast of Charleston, SC. They leave one heck of a wake. Glenn
  2. I ride every day I go to work if there is no snow or ice on the road or sometimes coming a frog strangler. And in Western KY, the snow and ice is rare. Glenn
  3. Congratulations, Don. May you have many, many more.:clap2: Glenn
  4. Is that a two-wheel drive Beemer? Them europeans are always up to something. My wife and the people here at work say I'm nuts for riding in some of the weather I ride in, but I ain't doing that. Glenn
  5. Not So. New decade begins 1 Jan 2010. You've got to count the year 2000. Happenings this past decade: #1 - Divorce from my wife of 21 years in 2001. Wasn't sure I was going to make it through that. #2 - Marriage to my new wife in 2003. I survived. #3 - So many of God's Blessings, I don't know where to start. Home, vehicles, job, grandkids, friends, good health. Glenn
  6. No "Whine" from either of them, bike or Baby Doll. Lucky guy I know. Glenn
  7. We're supposed to get a little snow shower and freezing rain tomorrow, but if you took odds on it, it would be about 70 to 80 % that it won't happen. Even if it does the odds are nearly 100% that it won't stick this time of year.:banana: Middle of January to middle of February is usually when we get snow that sticks, if we get any at all. If you don't mind the cold, we have nearly year round riding. How you guys and gals make it up north is a mystery to me. I guess you do what you gotta do? Glenn
  8. Good for the both of you!!!
  9. I bought a pair of mittens from Cabella's and have rode with temps down to 9 deg F, and still have had warm hands. I also have a pair of gloves that you put a disposable heat pack in the back of them, like tx2sturgis was talking about, and they are very warm also. The only thing I don't like about the heat packs is it takes 30 minutes for them to warm up. Both pair are water proof and have been road tested (by me). Glenn
  10. Just got through ordering them for front and rear. Glenn
  11. I put mine in the trunk but only lock it when in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Glenn
  12. Headed out of the house this morning to get on my trusty steel steed to head to work and didn't notice a small ice patch on the driveway (still dark - 0430) as I punched in the code to open the garage door. Started the bike to let it warm up while I put my riding gear on. Hoped on the bike and started backing out of the garage and just as I was making the turn to point it toward the road, my left foot hit that small patch of ice. Down I went. Did the splits. Layed the bike down on the engine guard and bag guard. I finally got the bike back up and the kickstand under it and looked it over. No damage, the only thing that was hurt was my feelings. Another lesson learned. Glenn
  13. The bike rode good on the way home yesterday. When I got home I checked the air pressure in the tires. The front had 32 psi and the rear had 36. I reversed the pressure. I have an Avon Venom on the front with about 5000 miles on it, I took the pressure to 36 psi and I lowered the rear to 32 psi. On the way to work this morning it rode great. Very smooth. Hopefully that'll do it. If not, I'll do the 44 psi thing and drop the pressure 2 lbs at a time. If that don't work, its dyna beads. I'm not giving up easily on this car tire. Thanks everyone for the help. The experiences shared by the people on this site are priceless. Thanks, Glenn
  14. I guess it would be more of a squirm than a wobble, and its coming from the rear. I'll play around with tire pressure and shock pressure and try to find the sweet spot. Glenn
  15. Got the wobble on the way to work this morning at 76 mph (GPS indicated). Slowed down to 65 and the wobble subsided. Temp was 34 degrees and air pressure in tire is at 35 psi. I'll try different air pressures to see if that will take care of the problem. I work hard trying to make BabyDoll weathy, but I don' want to make her wealthy and a widow at the same time. Glenn
  16. My wife just went through the whole routine you're talking about. Dealing with workman's comp is no fun. Two months after she got hurt the workman's comp doc told her she could go back to work; however, three other doctors told her not to go. Workman's comp quit paying her because their doc said she could work, just do light duty or get a different job. The workman's comp rep even told her she would have to get a different job. To make a long story short. it took two years to get it settled and she is 100% disabled. She's even drawing SS disablity. Workman's comp is a good thing when they are helping, but can be a nightmare to manage. They've made a lot of lawyers rich dealing with them. I wish you luck and if possible, don't get in a hurry dealing with them cause I truely believe their primary strategy is to starve you out and force you to settle with them for a lot less than you are owed and deserve.
  17. Local tire shop got my Kuhmo 165/80 R15 and installed it for me. They got a little nervous trying to set the tire. so they put it in a cage to set it. They said it set at around 100 PSI. Took it for a little test ride last night, about 10 miles. No problems. Rode it to work this morning. 7 miles of twisties and 23 miles of Interstate Hwy. Love it! Bike rode great. Running 35 PSI air pressure. So far, so good. Hello Darkside! Glenn
  18. That's it!!! It's going back!!!
  19. I bought the Tom Tom Rider 2 because its water resistant, bluetooth, comes with Ram mount, etc.; however, I'm starting to have buyers remorse. Everything works fine except the bluetooth to my iPhone. It recognizes my phone and picks it up right away, but when I get about 30 seconds into a conversation the sound drops out. It shows it still has the phone connected and the person I'm talking to can hear me but I cannot hear them. For 400 bucks, I expect better performance. I'm going to give it one more chance. If it does it again, its going back! Glenn
  20. That's funny. I like it!!!!! Glenn
  21. Mine stayed out in the parking lot overnight last winter when the temp got down to 9 deg F (the coldest night of the winter), and it fired right up. I rode all winter and no problems starting. Glenn
  22. This guy appears to be targeting some poor sap that knows nothing or very little about the VMax or Venture. Glenn
  23. I say it goes to the front. My wife says which ever way she puts it on the roller, its right. My daughter says she doesn't care as long as she has TP to wipe her butt. Glenn
  24. I don't know if it gets cold enough for one where you live, but I wear a snowmobile suit. And its great. Its water proof and wind resistant. Its not really bulky and its very comfortable. Zips and snaps, no velcro. Glenn
  25. I ride nearly every day, all year long. Put my snowmobile suit on when its cold and go. 60+ miles aday. I have 4 cages (2 Cads, a Yukon, and an Altima), but I love to ride that RSV. Rainy days are just like every other day except with water. I draw the line at ice and snow, which is rare here in Western KY. It happens, but rare.:snow2: Glenn
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