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Everything posted by GlennTuc

  1. I agree with Squidley. I'd certainly take it up to $2800.00, or even $3000.00. Glenn
  2. Patched up a very old very nice double plank Thompson several years ago when I worked for a boat dearlership. The owner had it out of the water and dropped it on the stacked 4x4's he was going to set it up on to do some maintainance. Thompson owner's, at least this one, are proud of their boats. He was almost in tears when he told us what he had done to his prized possession. Glenn
  3. I'd jump on it. GMC dealer wanted $1,000.00 to do the same thing on a 03 Yukon Denali that I had. Glenn
  4. You'll make your 12 bucks back plus some the first time you need some info or help. Great people and great web site. Matter of fact I'll probably eat more than 12 dollars worth at B2Dad and B2Moms house this weekend (he,he). Glenn
  5. Hey Charlie, You found the clock yet? Glenn
  6. HD Ultra!
  7. Bought one. Thanks. A cager from Florida in a pickup truck tried to kill me yesterday. My horn just wasn't loud enough, but I was too quick for him. Managed to dodge him. Glenn
  8. WOW!!!! That's something to be proud of. Tell him good luck down in Barbados. I hope he takes the Championship. Even if he doesn't, he's still a winner. Its extremely difficult to sculpt a body like his the all natural way. Glenn
  9. I can do Nashville if not working on posted date. Don't know where Townsend is at, but if its around Nashville, I can do that also. Glenn
  10. Thanks for the update. Godspeed on your healing. Have you found another Midnight yet? Glenn
  11. I'm going out on a limb here and saying Springfield, OH. I used to live outside Springfield for 3 yrs. Nice town. Never seen any driving like that. Just couldn't stand living that far north. Glenn
  12. Briggs & Stratton moved most of its production out of Wisconsin because of the unions. HD may be doing the same thing. Wouldn't surprise me. Glenn
  13. A beautiful pair of stable mates. I'd love to have a 1st Gen to keep my 2nd Gen company. Glenn
  14. Ben, Don't know how I missed it, but I totally missed your post about your accident. Wishing and praying for a speedy recovery for you and your dad. You all had a Guardian Angel riding along. Glad ya have kept the spirit up and are looking forward to riding again. By the way, the Black Cherry/Black color is really sharp. And I'm sure one of the faster colors. May be even faster than a Gen I. Something to keep in mind while you're bike shopping. Glenn
  15. God Speed to Jason and his crew. They all stay in our thoughts and prayers. Cody will no longer be flying on the "Liberty" for a while. Not sure yet where his next assignment will be, but has been delayed going to Afghanastan. Glenn
  16. I visit and enjoy both sites just about everyday. I've never had a problem getting on the other site. It was a little confusing getting used to the new setup, but have no problem with it now. Glenn
  17. Are all four cylinders firing? Sounds like a silly question, but with three of them hittin, you'll get the same symptoms. Glenn
  18. I've noticed that when my fan kicks on, my left leg gets warm. Don't know why they both don't get warm, but its only the left. And I only notice it when the weather is warm. Glenn
  19. I have a couple of newer Cadillacs and love them both. Our oldest one has 68,000 absolutely trouble free miles on it (bought it new). Oil changes and air filters is all its ever needed. It'd be hard to go back to any other brand. Hope I never have to. Glenn
  20. Very nice! If you need a place to store that trailer, just let me know. SHARP! Glenn
  21. Beautiful bike. It looks the same color as my 08. Glenn
  22. GlennTuc


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