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Everything posted by mkrieg

  1. Its a 93 Gold Wing
  2. I was wondering how much air pressure I should be running in my forks. The guy I bought the bike from ran them with no pressure but I think that is too soft.
  3. I am as of yesterday. 1993 Aspencade.
  4. I have a question that may sound dumb buy here goes anyways. Will a 2nd Gen final drive fit on a 1st Gen? Mine is making some serious noises when maintaining speed but not while accelerating or decelerating. I was looking at some on ebay and just wondered what my options were if I need to replace it. Thanks
  5. Well thanks to the pics, I just realized that the drain valve on my 87 was set to the drain position for the past four years that I owned the bike. Of course when I changed it to where it was supposed to be, it start leaking out of the valve like crazy so I turned it back. I ordered a new o ring so hopefully that fixes that.
  6. 87 with 76000 miles.
  7. Knew that was coming.
  8. Very nice work.
  9. Be careful with that suction mount. One of these days its going to let go and the GPS will be rolling down the road. Get a RAM mount as soon as you can. You wont lose the unit that way.
  10. You snooze you lose!
  11. My bike is a 87. I dont need to use the choke to get it started. I just start it up, smoke a cigarette and put my gear on. Its ready by then with smooth throttle response.
  12. Go Bucks!!!!
  13. Being a network engineer, I feel your pain. I have done something similar in the past only that time with servers and not pc's.
  14. How do you get 62mpg? I just dont see that as possible.
  15. Opened fine for me.
  16. Now that is nasty!
  17. USAF 90-96 SR Airman (E4) Electronic Warfare Specialist Keesler AFB Offutt AFB
  18. My bell is about worn out. I got it from the previous own of the bike.
  19. My 87 doesnt have a whine that I can tell.
  20. Hey Pegscraper, I heard they were talking about moving it again.
  21. That's just wrong on so many levels.
  22. Personally I would go with the IPOD. Guarantee of no skipping that way. Plus it will hold alot more music than a CD.
  23. Shoot me the specs and I will tell you the one I would get?
  24. Only sticker i out on my bike was the Venturerider.org sticker. That went on the bottom of the windshield.
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