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10 Good


  • Birthday August 17

Personal Information

  • Name
    Phil Kirby


  • Location
    Palmyra, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Picking BlueGrass Mandolin
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Midnight Venture
  1. I would like to add a luggage rack on my 2007 Venture. The only one I've seen is on JC Whitney but is says it only fits up to 2003. So where do I get a decent one from? Ride Safe Phil
  2. I had removed some from an older Suzuki and I used the hairdryer method but I have too much invested in this one to take any chances screwing up the paint. The artist might charge me more if the paint gets damaged. Thanks for the help Phil
  3. I am having some airbrush work done on the tank next week. What is the best method for removal of the tank badges? Thanks Phil:confused24:
  4. They are just what I was looking for in LOUD even with the baffles in. I'm thinking about removing them just to see how much louder they get...not. All I had to do was fab up some brackets and the install took about an hour and a half. These suckers are nice looking and loud as you would want. yes I can still hear the stereo...a little..lol
  5. Pleasure meeting you today, what about the pipes you were talking about? I'd like to find out more about them. I live at the Lake, we got to go riding sometime. I stop at the Citgo all the time at the cross roads. Send me you're e-mail in a PM and we will set up a day... Phil
  6. I have a neighbor I would very much like to annoy so what would be the cheapest set of slip on pipes for a 07 RSV? Thanks Phil
  7. Hey there.. was great meeting you too! Here's the thread I found the exhaust on. Look for the post and pictures by MAINEAC



    Mine should be here early next week.


    Ride Safe!



  8. Hey Mike,

    So where do i get those Fish Tail Slipons?

    Pleasure to meet you today

    Ride Safe


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