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Everything posted by Obber

  1. Speaking of tank bibs, I have a 2000 MM RSV with the tan seats. Does anyone know where you can get a tank bib with a pocket to match the tan seats? Thanks for any help on this matter.
  2. Have not been able to find any but the 2 you mentioned. Finnaly ordered K&N from http://www.mawonline.com/ for $75.95 = shipping about a month ago. Just looked at their web site & they have gone up to $87.95:shock3: + shipping!!!! Did see this ebay just now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-XVZ1300-K-N-K-N-AIR-FILTER-YA-1399_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35597QQihZ024QQitemZ370065041962QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Or this one with a buy it now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/K-N-AIR-FILTER-XVZ1300-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE-YA-1399_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247QQcategoryZ35597QQihZ016QQitemZ260251269099QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V
  3. Might want to try these folks. http://cruiserbackrest.com/
  4. Welcome to the" I had to replace my rear shock" club. Had to replace my out of warranty 2 years ago.:mo money: Had 30,000 miles on mine.
  5. Hey Jerry, Gary's RSV already had this done. He got the bike Dennis had. I helped Dennis lower his last fall before I went back to work.
  6. Saw you go by the house Wednesday evening. Welcome to the site. Have learned more from these guys than I ever could imagine. here's a thread that talks about front tires and the effects of different sizes. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20815&highlight=tire+size Forgot one thing, we must have pictures of your new ride!!! :photographing:
  7. Got mine from Diamond R back in 04 still going strong. His uses the bolt holes that hold on the passenger seat. He even sends the longer bolts to make it work. Great people to do business with and stands behind their product 1000%. :thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
  8. Keith, Got this e-mail below from Gary our First Office of the Cruisers here in Amarillo. This is his e-mail if you want more info. cmerriott@suddenlink.net We really have an eating and riding disorder!
  9. Found this on Bobz Bikz web site; http://bobzbikz.com/webtemplate.aspx?iid=308018
  10. Obber


    What He said!!!
  11. :scratchchin:Just a thought. Does Wally World have some kind of 1 year free replacement on their scoot batteries. I've got one their batteries in mine and it will be 3 yrs. old this summer. Haven't had any problem with it so far. Might give them a call and see.
  12. Congratulation!!! I do like the color! Found mine in Dumas TX. in July of 2004. Always get compliments on mine. Would not believe how many ask "Is that a Harley?"
  13. Several of us ride with the Southern Cruisers here in Amarillo. We try to have a M&E every so often. Here lately it's been at Shooters on Hastings. here's the web site for the local chapter. Let Gary kown you e-mail and he can send you when we do the M&E. http://moneycentral.groups.msn.com/PaloDuroChapteroftheSouthernCruisers
  14. Does anyone have a copy of installation instruction or the parts list, for a Hitch Doc for a 2nd Gen that they could e-mail me. Found one here local but the person didn't have the bike anymore. Only the hitch. need to make sure I've got all the parts I need, plus installing it correctly. Thanks in advance for help anyone can provide. Charles
  15. If its the ones on Ebay From "THE EXTREME SHOP MOTOS" I personnaly don't recomend them. It took almost a month to get them. Once on the bike The back pads lasted a little over 1000 miles. The ones I pulled off, before I put Extreme shop on, were the EBC FA123 HH they had about 12000 miles. \Might give these guys a try. http://www.accwhse.com/This I went back to the EBC FA123 HH that I order from Motorcycle Accessory Warehouse. Have about 8000 miles on these and still almost half the pad left. Just my .
  16. Might check any Wally World's also as you head back. The ones in Amarillo started carrying it a few months ago. They started selling it at first for $7.00 a can, but now have got there retail down below the parts store price around here. Just my .
  17. Just sent an e-mail throught Cruiser Customizing. Hopefully another new member.:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo
  18. Just ran across this on cruisercustomizing.com in the members section. Just wondering if he's member here? 2008 BLACKCHERRY/BLACK Royal Star Venture. Lives in Midland Tx. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/memberdetail.cfm?user_ID=911933
  19. Quit last Febuary cold turkey. :240::240: Decided that I was not going to pay $35.00 a carton for cigarettes. :mo money::mo money: So I went out and bought 5 cartons on New Years Eve, because Texas was going up $10.00 a carton on 01/01/07. (Since then I've seen them in some places in Texas nearly $50.00 a carton.) When I ran out of those 5 cartons, that was it! Have not touched one since, and I had been smoke since my teens. But I still miss having one after a good meal or a beer.
  20. Bet it's the guy that's selling his for $120.00.:rotfl::rotfl:
  21. No but a lot have been replaced under warranty if you lucky. Mine went out at about 30,000 miles unfortunately I was pasted the 5 year warranty. Here's a thread you might want read that talks about the shock and the different direction many have taken. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2614&highlight=shock
  22. for the same new item.... $10.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-CHROME-FENDER-TRIM-NEW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35580QQihZ013QQitemZ230177681223QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW :think: $120.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-CHROME-FENDER-MOLD-NEW-7016_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35584QQihZ015QQitemZ250169174047QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW :think::think:
  23. Sounds like the bleeder tube coming off new style shock that Yamaha is replacing the old one with. Sounds like yours has been replaced.
  24. Might try these guys. Free shipping over $75.00. http://www.sandhillspowersports.com/sandhills/OnlineStore.do
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