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Everything posted by Obber

  1. John,have you got any help yet?
  2. Might check Jake Wilson. (http://www.jakewilson.com) They have a sale on the Avon Cobra front and rear. Cobra is replacing the Avon Venom. I already have the Cobra on my front. Just got the 150/90B-15 (80H) Avon Cobra AV72 Rear Motorcycle Tire for $118.88, free shipping, no tax, 3 business shipping. The 150/80-16 (71H) Avon Cobra AV71 Front Motorcycle Tire is going for $112.88. Looks like their ad runs through 4/30/2017.
  3. found this on ebay... http://www.ebay.com/itm/HARLEY-DAVIDSON-CHROME-LISENCE-PLATE-LIGHT-KIT-/331145604617?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4d19d0ee09&vxp=mtr
  4. Not to put a damper on things, but I think the law requires motorcycles to have some type of red rear reflector. Or at least in Texas. I could be wrong.
  5. Bought my MM off a guy in July 2004. He lived in Dumas Tx. which on US287 and my is bike is #287. So it was a no-brainer.
  6. Hopefully I have finally got the bugs figured out. Could not get the battery to charge on 2, 6 or 10 amp. Took it back to Battery Plus and they put their little tester on it and showed 14.2 volt. Which is about what it should be. Then I said put a load on it. Bingo, didn't even have enough power to print out the readings from their machine. With it still within the year free replacement I now have a new battery. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that the Gremlins are gone. Told the wife she needs to buy me a new Gremlin bell. The one I have is broke.
  7. Just went out to check the bike. Pulled the seat. Check the battery and low and behold the battery was totally dead. So now it looks like something is draining the battery. It started fine at the overlook at the Palo Duro Canyon. Showed no sign of the battery being slightly run down. 20 miles later it was dead. When I hook up the charger to the battery the needle on the charger jerks a little about every second. This could be from being totally run down. But when I disconnect the battery from the bike the needle stops the jerking. I replaced the starter relay a couple of years ago. Wonder if this could be going bad? Thanks in advance for any advice. Charles
  8. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I go to work at 4am so didn't see your post till today. Fortunately my Brother-in-law lives in Claude. Thanks for offering the ride. Would have be cool to ride in a sidecar. Never been in one.
  9. My RSV MM had an ignition problem. so I ordered a new ignition switch, had it rekeyed by a locksmith, got it installed, put the bike back together. Tried to start it and nothing. Found one of the fuses on ignition relay had blown. replaced the fuse and bingo bike fired up. This was about a week ago. Went for a ride yesterday to the overlook at the Palo Duro Canyons. turned the bike off. Took in the scenery. Got on and bike fired up no problem. Got to the small town of Claude TX. Stopped at a convenience store to get a cold drink. Jump on the bike, turn the key, power came on for a fraction of a fraction of second and nothing. Checked all the fuses. ignition relay, left side cover, right side lower faring. I can't believe the ignition switch went out again, but it looks like that's the problem.Trying to figure out what would cause this. This is a new switch from Yamaha. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Found these on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chrome-Dresser-Light-Bar-with-4-Lights-for-Harley-Davidson-Oem-Repl-68230-97B-/380622689529?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item589ee154f9&vxp=mtr
  11. Well I Ordered both lowers from Partzilla yesterday. Got an email from them today that said the left side was no longer available, but the right side was available and would ship out Thursday. Which is the side I needed. Would have been nice to have had both sides, but sometimes you got to take what you can get. Thanks for everyones help in this matter.
  12. Going for the gusto! Ordering today.
  13. Thanks for the reply. How long ago did you order yours? Was it through Power Sports?
  14. After further talking to Power Sports Plus and several other Yamaha dealers over the past few months they cannot guarantee I would get the color I need. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I have also been watch ebay, but so far no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Just to make sure I AVOID these parking lots, would you give the exact time and place that these horrible things happened.:smile5::rotfl:
  16. Wife and I were in the park weekend before last. Had some friends trying out their new camper. Started cooling down as soon as the sun went behind the cliffs. Upper 70's. Will drop into the 60's or lower at night at this of the year. There is another part of the Palo Duro Canyon that's not a part of the Park it's self. It's called Hamblen Drive. It goes through the ranch land part of the canyons. About 30 miles southeast of Amarillo on US 287 you will find the little town of Claude. When you get to the blinking light go south on HWY 207 about 20 miles. It's about 10 miles through the canyons to the other side. There's even an overlook on the south side you can go up to and look over the canyons. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/Tx_Hwy_207.jpg/220px-Tx_Hwy_207.jpg
  17. Yamaha has to keep making the RSV the same way due the deep discount they got on buying so many cassette decks and rear shocks. I'm sure they still have several years supply of each of these left in their warehouse.:crackup::crackup:
  18. Bids went out of my price range. Anyone else turning their RSV into a trike and won't need their rear shock?
  19. OOOOPs.....Just found it. Thanks
  20. How do you have it listed? Doesn't come up on any searches I put in.
  21. Found the proverbial oil puddle under the shock. This will be the second shock I have replaced on this bike and haven't even hit 50,000 miles. Anyway, has anyone ever used a shock off a RSTD pre 1999? I see that these are not air shocks. Or, does anyone have one that came off an RSV and is in good working order that they would want to sell? Can't afford a new one or a Works shock. I have been watching ebay and the only one so far that comes up is used for $399. You can get a new one for another $60 including shipping. Thanks in advance for any help. Charles
  22. Thanks, chatted with them and they said the parts are still available, but would come from Japan and would take 2 to 3 weeks. Think I might order boths sides. Have some rock chips on the left side, beside free shipping if I order both.
  23. Need a Right side lower cowling for 2000 RSV MM. Looked on Pinwall Cycle Parts with out any luck. Couple of web sites show they can get the part, but being a 12 year old bike I'm concerned that Yamaha would even have any of these left. Does anyone have any sugestions where I might look, or someone, on the outside chance, have one laying around they don't need?
  24. Friend of mine just stop by the house.... said he went to 3 of the 4 Walmart's here in Amarillo to get a super tech filter for his Goldwing. He could not find any of the filters. Ask at the counter and was told they do not carry them any more.
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