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About dr_bar

  • Birthday February 4

Personal Information

  • Name
    Doug Barton


  • Location
    Coquitlam, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Venture
  1. Great voice and song, too bad the acoustics weren't very good. I'd shoot the videographer... LOL
  2. They have some beauts for sale on this site... http://www.vintagetrailercrazy.com/index.html
  3. Never been a fan of the Oyster run, all I've ever heard about is the number of accidents related to it. Whether going to or returning from... There's a whole lot of riders hitting the bars and then their bikes from what I've been told and those two things just don't mix... I've heard of at least two fatalities in recent years as well, so I won't be tempting fate any time soon. 15 to 20,000 bikers for a one or two day event is more than I want to deal with, as it's right out of my comfort zone... Personal opinion
  4. Or you could toss the prop idea and fasten a small chain or cable that will only let the lid open just past the verticle...
  5. I doubt the posted mileage though.... 50,000+ for an '83???? Highly unlikely.
  6. Don't know how I missed this thread but it has been entertaining to say the least. Friendships come and go, it's the GOOD Friendships that stick around, and these don't even get farther than friendship status sometimes. I just hope your ship eventually comes in, and that you're not at the airport when that happens.... LOL
  7. Glad to hear you're both okay... All things considered, that bike held up pretty good, I'm impressed that it's in as good shape as it is, despite being written off... Looking at the pictures was tough, as I'm riding the Blue/Black '07 as well.
  8. I guess if you make welding jigs a mass production process would work and cut down on the labour intensity of the job. I wish I had a bit better skill set and a place to do that sort of work, it could suppliment my pension that's coming up about 6 years down the road...
  9. A lot of gas stations and truck stops carry cassettes as do the odd music store... Yes in BC
  10. I had the pleasure of great service in Roswell NM last year. I believe it was Motion Performance on 2nd St. They pulled a bike off a lift to do an oil change for me. Did that delay the other customers service? Not in the least, that job was waiting on parts... Not every job in every shop is being worked on at the same time, a dealer, if he wants a good rep, can work around almost anything. My response to the good service was to ride up the road afterwards and buy a 24 of beer for the shop... (I asked the owner which brand his crew liked. )
  11. In the past with other bikes I've owned, I always came up needing a part that's near impossible to find. After months of searching for some parts, I came across a couple of motorcycle "Wreckers" in the Greater Vancouver area. Unfortunately, one closed it's doors, but the other is always busy with people looking for what they need and the owner helping out whenever possible. That second location is a business called "Bent Bike" located in Langley BC. I thought it would be a worthwhile thread for people to list any recyclers in their area to form a resource for those looking for parts for their aging bikes. For example, I walked in the door today and hanging up in the rafters is the left side saddle bag for an '84 Royale, no lid was visable but apparently they have a lot of other plastic from that bike. I'll put the contact info below and if the powers that be find that this isn't a good idea, feel free to delete this thread, (or make it a sticky if it's worth it...) Bent Bike 201-20701 #10 Hwy Langley BC V3A 5E8 ph: 604 534-1033 bentbike@telus.net
  12. I'm hoping for a fairly short wait... That engine could not have been produced for just one bike, it makes no financial sense at all...
  13. have you thought of checking out Lee Valley???
  14. Decided this was beyond most sensibilities...
  15. Got mine fixed along with my cruise control gratis, thank you 5 year warranty...
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