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Everything posted by BJB

  1. Installed new stator from RM today. Just finished and fired it up for a quick check on oil and leaks etc. Voltage meter is back up around 14 volts again which is great. Will have a better idea tomorrow when I can get the revs up and check with the voltmeter at the battery terminals. Thanks to all who posted and PM'd me with great ideas, suggestions, and friendly help. This site is great.
  2. BJB

    New Name

    You can call me anything you like! Usually called Boomer, but I see someone is using that here....so BJ works. Whatever.
  3. BJB

    New Name

    Thanks Freebird. I just had trouble again and got locked out for 15 minutes. I wonder if it has something to do with 'forum' and 'forums' in the top left corner of the web site? I see them both used. Also, when trying to change password, it says it will email me a new one...but it never did. That is why I had to reregister. Brian will check on race schedule today and get back to you.
  4. BJB

    New Name

    Might as well keep the new name now! Thanks.
  5. BJB

    New Name

    I have been having difficulty signing in from other computers, and tried to modify my password. Lost everything and went through the procedure of 'cant rememeber password' but it never sent me a new one. Therefore I had to register again because I could not contact anyone. Used to be BJBoomer Now registered as BJB
  6. For those who have been following this topic, I managed to get some measurements from another 1986 Venture. Measuring across the 3 white wires from the stator (female end of plug) I did not get any ohm reading at all. It is supposed to be 0.40 or so (used a digital multimeter this time). However, measuring from any of those contacts to ground on my bike produced a dead short..not so on his bike. Also with plug connected and bike running, we measured 12.6 V AC across any 2 of the white wires and it did not matter what direction this was taken. The readings from my bike were posted here earlier. So, I have convinced myself that my stator is indeed toast (as everyone here has already stated more than once) and have ordered a new one today, as well as two gaskets. Should be back on the road in about a week. Hope this info helps the next person who has trouble.
  7. Jeremy, My stator measurements fail both #1 and #2 in your post so I believe a new stator is in order. My measurements on the rectifier seem to indicate it is OK. However, some web sites that sell stators, indicate that with the newer high output stators, a new and better rectifier is needed and these range from $80 to about $160. Not sure about the rectifier yet. Plan on going to a nearby Venture rider who has an 86 and compare some measurements on his unit....just to make sure I am measuring at the correct places and get the correct readings on his bike.
  8. OK. To be clear, I am working on the connector plug with 3 white wires located just under the seat, left side, behind the rear cylinder, in front of gas tank. This connector plug, when taken apart, has a male (blade type) and a female (slot type). The male is connected to 3 white heavy wires which go down to exhaust area and I believe connect to rectifier. The female side has 3 wires (used to be white) which are almost a braided cloth type covering and the wire heads down to a cover just adjacent to the left foot peg. When taken apart and readings taken across the female slots at the lowest ohmeter setting (x10) I can find no resistance and appears to be a dead short. It should be approx 0.36 to 0.48 and even at x10 setting I should see some needle deflection. (Note that I tried two different needle type meters, both cheap, but do register some resistance when measuring bulbs.) When the bike is running and the connector plugged together I measured volts AC on the backside of the female connector, ie towards the stator. Again, I get confusing results but I will let the experts tell me what goes on. Red probe in #1 reading @ #2= 11.5 volts AC reading @ #3=8 volts AC Red probe in #2 reading @ #1= 3 .5 volts AC reading @ #3=3.5 volts AC Red probe in #3 reading @ #1= 8 volts AC reading @ #2=12 volts AC Now don't shoot the messenger here guys....I am just reporting what I measured! I measured voltage DC across the battery terminals and got 12 v or so. With engine running at over 2000 rpms I did not detect any difference. Battery is definately showing signs of getting weaker so I am charging battery now with a 2 amp trickle charger for 1 hour and will repeat this last test, even at 4-5000 rpm but expect no difference. I saw in the download service manual a test for the Rectifier, checking 6 different elements. I do not where this is, but I think I have to actually remove the rectifier to do so and am not sure it is of any worth? So....in your so expert opinions, what is going on here? Does the stator totally quit just like that? Or is there some other connector that has worked loose etc. Bike starts and runs. One other thing, on my last trip I noticed the bike would suddenly shudder like a miss. On more than one occasion I saw the tachometer momentarily jump downwards. I did have some rough running sounds and have put a couple of cans of seafoam through it. I put these misses down as carb problems but maybe it was electrical in nature? Sorry for the long post, but I am trying to give all the info I can:confused24: As always all opinions welcome. Thanks.
  9. OK Squeeze. I started bike up and did not disconnect the white connector. By inserting the probes in the end of the connector I measured the following. These are just arbitrary assigned position numbers just to keep things straight. #1 to #2 12 v AC #1 to #3 10 v AC #2 to #3 4 v AC Not the same readings, but still one set of measurements is quite different from the others.
  10. Thanks rez. I had stumbled across them also. I am frantically searching all this now. Not sure if there is varying quality in these items from place to place. RMStator seems to be selling new stuff @ 1year warrenty. Others were more expensive and wanted a replacement core etc. So far the most expensive is Yamaha OEM parts. WOW.
  11. Thanks tx2sturgis. It is a brand new meter, but I did check house voltage as per your instructions. It tests the same either way. Weird about the stator though. However, you agree that if one of the sets is testing Zero, then the stator is TOAST and I should start looking for a replacement. Are they hard to change?
  12. I have recently acquired a 1989 Venture. I replaced plugs and wires, and replace battery cables as per this web site. I 'thought' I remember that after doing that, my bike would indicate around 14 volts during highway cruising and drop to around 12 in town or idling. Yesterday, my battery seemed a little sluggish on startup and I noticed only 12 volts during highway speeds, dropping to around 10 v in city. During starting, the voltage would indicate 8 volts or less. I suspected a stator problem and looked up the testing alternator by GeorgeS in 1st gen library and I quote: "At the Large White Plug, with the 3 #14 wires comeing from the Alternator: Do the following: Measure the AC voltage on each wire. You can stick the meter probs into the end of the White Plug. ( located just behind left rear cylinder, White connector, with 3 white wires thru it ) With Engine running, you should Read 9 to 15 volts AC, ( thats AC, not DC ) on each wire. If the voltage on " one" wire is substantially , Lower then the other two, then your Alternator is failing. " I am a little confused about the measuring method but here is what I did. I took apart the plug with 3 white wires running into it. I then measured across the matching wires to the 2 plug halves ie wire #1 from female plug to #1 tab in male plug. This was done while the bike was running. I got 17 volts AC across 2 of these matching wires and nothing or very little on the third...I assume indicating my stator is going or gone. Here is the funny thing though. If I reversed the leads on my meter then I only indicated 7 volts AC on the same two wires and nil on the third set. Why would that happen? I mean, what difference if I measure left to right or right to left on AC current? Weird. So, any suggestions? I assume I have to either buy a new stator or is there such a thing as rebuilt stators? How about trade ins? Anybody know? Are there any more tests or things to check to confirm stator is fubared? Thanks.
  13. Thanks Mbrood. I was pretty sure that is what they meant...but not being a mechanic I thought I had better ask.
  14. Congrats on the new bike. Not to highjack this thread, but what are the pros & cons of us Canucks going down and picking up a bike in the states? I suppose we wouldn't get any warrenty? What about price, or by the time you travel, etc etc it winds up being close? Just interested for future use. Thanks.
  15. Hey Squeeze, is that 2.25 turns out for BOTH screws in the article ie PJ1 and PJ2? Thanks.
  16. I will take a brace for my 89 since everyone says I have the original.
  17. Is this original or replacement?
  18. I might be interested, but I just took a look at my brace now. Since I just got the bike recently, I am not sure what I have is original, or some sort of replacement already. Were the originals quite thin and wiggly? Anybody have any pics of originals?
  19. Sticky PTT button? Perhaps some contact cleaner sprayed in the switch would help. When you press the PTT button, TX should appear on the CB just left of the channel indicated.
  20. Thanks GeorgeS for the reply. I had planned to get to the steering head bearings next, but this axle thing has me going at the moment. I have not checked or looked at the st bearings. PO has added a grease zerk there. Aren't these supposed to be sealed bearings? Not sure why a grease zerk would be beneficial in that case.
  21. I guess I am a little confused. In the wheel hub there are machined lips or steps against which the bearing is seated. Are you saying the spacer should be longer than the inside lip to lip distance? Are you saying I should not have set the bearings as deep to touch that lip? I do not think that the bearings and inner spacer should turn all at the same time...we could not even balance the tire in that condition. I think you said I should have left one bearing not seated as deep (say just off that lip and not touching the new spacer) and then after balancing and torquing, they would then be touching and turning together? Thanks.
  22. As some of you might know, I have recently acquired an 89 Venture and am in the process of getting it going to my satisfaction. On the few rides I have taken so far, I have the dreaded steering head shake. It was quite violent at 30-40 mph if I let go of handle bars, but one hand on the bars and did not notice it. At 65 mph I could let go, but if the tire hit a bump or something, then the shake would start, slowly getting worse if not corrected. Driving with one hand it was not noticeable. Since I needed a new tire I thought that would be part of my problem OK, remove wheel from bike...but noticed that bearings seemed rough. Took the wheel to old biker friend, yup something not right here; both bearings seemed to move at same time. Replace bearings with new ones, replaced with new tire, but when static balancing noticed the wheel would not turn freely. It appears that the spacer that occupies the space between the two bearings was a bit too long. Took 2/1000's off and things looked great, and everything turned freely. Has anyone else experienced this? We measured the depth of a few different bearings and noticed there are a few thous differences...maybe this could be the problem? Anyway, installed wheel and torqued to 72 ft lbs. With no brake calipers on, the wheel would barely get one revolution for a strong spin by hand. I did not like this, and loosened torque to 50 lbs and get about 2.5 revolutions for a good hand spin. I did make sure that the pinch bolt is VERY tight as I did not want things to every come apart. SO, did I do right or wrong? One good thing, most of the steering head shake problem has gone away. There is a bit at 30 mph but nothing like it was, and there is none at highway speeds. Probably new tire helped a lot, but I can't help wondering if that spacer being too long caused a bunch of problems with the bearings...it sure made for rough feeling bearings.I feel good about turning the spacer down a bit but opinions are more than welcome. Sorry for the long post
  23. I noticed tonight that my cruise control will cancel if I put the foot brake pedal on. However, if I pull in the clutch or if I apply front brake the cruise will not release. I thought I would ask the knowledgeable group if anyone has experienced this or would have a pretty good idea where to start looking. Will get out the service manual tomorrow and have a look. Thanks.
  24. On my 89 Venture, the headlight dimmer rocker switch is quite stiff to move. Tonight was my first night ride and I noticed I can get both the high beam and low beam to be on at the same time. It really isn't all that hard to do even driving on the highway. My question is will it harm anything to ride this way when no other traffic is around? The extra light is kind of nice. Thanks.
  25. Friesman1, I live in Swift, just 150 miles down the road, and have been riding for a week or two already. I never have to have my choke on to ride. I just barely put it on to start it and that's it. I am getting 38-40 MPG (imperial) so far. Hope it will improve some in warmer weather.
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