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Everything posted by BJB

  1. Hi folks. I have a 'new to me' 1989 Venture and there is still a lot of snow on the ground here. I just got it home recently, and fired it up as I just couldn't wait. My problem is I noticed the fluid level in the clutch reservoir is not visible. The clutch works, as I drove the bike onto the trailer to get it home. More than likely it is just low, and I should top it off. However, this bike has been sitting since last fall and I am thinking perhaps this fluid has leaked out since then. If I refill the reservoir, where would it be likely to leak out again, bottom near the clutch area? I am kinda ahead of myself looking for problems that may not be there, but everything else on the bike is up to snuff so it makes me wonder. Any and all help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. OS 10.3.9 I have never had problems with Safari until now. Not sure what to do. Doesn't explain why I can't log in with IE, unless safari has somehow left some sort of fingerprint with my login name. IE would not be able to duplicate it. You don't have trouble with Safari? It happens when I try and use the 'back arrow' and go the the previous screen.
  3. Hi, I joined this site recently. I use a Macintosh computer and a program called 'Safari' when I joined and logged in. However, Safari crashes quite often on this site so I tried to used Internet Explorer. I can't sign in. It does not recognize my password. I went into Safari and changed passwords to a new one. Back to IE....same problem. Even if I say I have forgotten my password, it does not recognize my username with my email address. Why is this? Is this something on my end? Thanks.
  4. Yes they are aftermarket. Fellow thought they were California muffler but I found nothing on google for that name. There is a bit of a throaty rumble but haven't had it out for a spin to see if it is noticeable at highway speeds. I did a quick look today but did not see any names stamped on the mufflers. I will look again in the next day or two (weather depending) and see if I can spot a manufacturer.
  5. Yes I think I did alright also. It is really hard to buy a bike from one photo. So, we had quite a few telephone conversations. Some of the pinstripping is getting faded, one chip on the chrome piece surrounding headlight assembly, small rock chip in the head light glass (which I hope to seal up), and one small crack in the corner in the trunk rack. I will try and fibreglass that to prevent any spreading. Probably will need a new front tire this year yet also. Everything else is fine and works...at least by demo in his garage:confused24:
  6. Ya I know! I borrowed his picture from the ad. The ones I took on my cell phone just didn't do it justice so I couldn't post them. Once it warms up and I can get it outside and do a little work and exploring I will be able to post some new pics. And HEY, I managed to get my ride under my name now!
  7. Thanks for all the welcomes and replies guys. I went and saw the 89 Venture today.....and came home with it, and a little travel trailer too. It was -14 Celcius, just a bit too cold to ride so I had to load them both on a flatbed trailer for the ride home. Can't wait for spring. Hope to attach a picture of the bike if I can figure this out.
  8. Thanks for all your help guys. I am getting confused because I am dealing with about 4 guys who want to sell me their bike. Each one has a different story, so things are a little mixed up. The venture that I have picked as the best, has had the mufflers replaced. Some sort of slip ons. Not sure of the brand, but when I get a look at the bike I will take a good look at the collector also. Are the 1st generation colors listed on this site correct? A fellow has a 1989 and it appears red with some brown. This site states "Blue cocktail and graceful maroon" as the 1989 colors. Were there perhaps different colors for Canada....or maybe someone has painted it?
  9. Hi there, New guy here. I am looking for an 86-89 venture and have talked to one fellow about his. He said he removed the catalytic convertor. Would he be talking about the collection box do you think? Will the bike run OK without the collection box or does it need some sort of one? Looking back through older posts someone was making these....and you could still buy them from Yamaha dealers correct? Or am I out to lunch and there is a catalytic convertor? Thanks.
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