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Everything posted by BJB

  1. I have posted my thoughts on this before but will do so again. I found that on certain days or conditions my 'Jensens chirp' would almost unbearable. It seemed to be the way the wind was blowing etc. Also, by moving my body forward or rearward on the seat and by moving my head I could intensify the sound or almost make it go away. Unfortunately those positions were not very comfortable for very long. Eventually, I did replace my clutch basket with the 'I' model and 80% of the noise went away. There are still days, however, that it seems more noticeable than others.
  2. The carb mod you are referring to was called the 'Big Foot'. Basically took the air box and cut more air holes in it to allow the engine to breathe easier. Also had to change the carb jets to larger size. I had a 1996 Royal Star. After all that work I was sure it sounded better but am not really sure it had any more power. I did some seat of the pants tests with a buddy on the identical bike except he did not have the Big Foot mod. On the highway dropping down to 3rd gear and up, or 4th, or 5th gear roll ons he always seemed to beat me. Your mileage may vary.
  3. Be prepared to go from deep shadows to direct sunlight when rounding curves and mountain sides. On my full face helmets I have added a couple of strips of black electrical tape to the upper inside which allows me to quickly tilt my head down a bit to shade my eyes. Beware also of dark glasses and entering mountain tunnels as the entrances can be extremely dark.
  4. Brian, When my daughters Ipod battery gave out, I bought her a new one. I took the old Ipod and wired an FM transmitter for Ipods (special at Canadian Tire for $9.00) into the bikes 12v system and plug the Ipod in. It runs on "shuffle" songs and all I do it tune my onboard radio to the FM frequency of the Ipod transmitter. Basically just like another radio station. Of course, if you bought my bike I might be tempted to through the Ipod in:big-grin-emoticon: Right now I need to trade the bike for a snowblower! What a year. Barry
  5. Note that he said drop and drag 'waypoints'. I have used a lot of programs and some have drop and drag features that are really slick, but unless you make a waypoint to force it to take the particular road or street, the gps will calculate it own route by the fastest or shortest etc. Cheers
  6. I am using a Nuvi 550 and had the same problems as you. I finally found that you use waypoints at places that will force the gps navigation to take the road you desire. For example say there is a low road and a high road to get to the same place (sound familiar?). If you place a waypoint somewhere on the low road, the gps will be forced into using the low road. BEWARE that destination miles remaining etc seem to be to the waypoint, and then reset after that. I once used a little town as a waypoint, and then forgot I had done that. Pretty embarrased when I led 5 other bikes into this little town, just to turn around on main street and head back out to the highway. Duh.
  7. At the moment, we plan to head down to Billlings area around Sept 4/5th so would be earlier than what you are planning. Have revised my plan somewhat and think we will head down to Cody area, then take the Chief Joseph highway, turn right at the junction, and take the Beartooth to Red Lodge and hang a left and head west around Billings again. From there we can continue our westerly direction.
  8. I guess one of my questions was is the ride from Cooke City to Northwest entrance of park a good one too. Or, should I turn around at Cooke City and go back over Beartooth again or Chief Joseph? Not sure about driving through Yellowstone is all.
  9. Hello Everyone. Just trying to put together a bike trip this Sept. Was planning to going to Billings, then south to Red Lodge and head for Cooke City, and keep going west to exit park and head for Livingston. I expect some very cool temps in the pass, but hope this is a good choice for route? Does someone have better suggestions? We plan to keep heading west and eventually head up to BC and the Nelson area before turning back east to home. Maybe we should do the trip in the reverse direction? Open to all ideas. Would like to do Chief Joseph also but perhaps save that for next year on the way to Cody? Thanks.
  10. I have one I took off my 89 when I installed a rear light. It has Venture Royale written on it. One of reflector lens has come loose but can be easily fixed. Pay the postage from north of the 49th and you can have it.
  11. Here is a couple more pics of the hitch set that Bigbob just emailed me. Enjoy.
  12. Bob attached to the bike using a U_Joint mechanism. Trailer tilts when bike leans over but can be jack knifed and allows up and down movement. Note I am just answering for Bob as he is currently on his way home. Any more questions and he probably will answer himself.
  13. Sure. I'm fine with that. See you in Nelson. You just gotta figure out what key to use to unlock the trailer to get to the beer! I am sure there is one with your name on it.
  14. Bob says approx $500 plus for materials....and lots of head scratching! SilverT Bob is hauling my beer NOT yours. LOL
  15. Bigbob is interested in your opinions on this trailer he just completed. What do you think? Box bought from Peavy Mart (41L"x18"wx18"H). The rest is home made. Weighs about 125 lbs empty and has travelled 600 miles really weighted down already. Bob says it pulls well and doesn't bounce..smooth ride.
  16. Jerry Not trying to hijack your thread, but I am thinking of building a singe wheeled trailer for my ride also. ANY pics and advise would surely be helpful...especially pics. Tell me more about your torsion axle. Thanks. Barry
  17. StarFan, That is why I specified Canadian Pamphlets. I must also point out that you may have bought two of them with backrests, but that doesn't mean they came with them. Many dealers added stuff to make them look better. For instance tazmocycle says they came with running lights. Now if he is describing passing lamps then I know for a fact that (again Canadian) Royal Star Tour Classic from 1996 did not...I had one and had to add them. However, running lights may mean something else to him...and as I say dealers may have ordered theirs in with passing lamps added (just like buying a car with added features). Not trying to start anything here so please don't start beating up on me OK? LOL Just trying to be as factual as I can and I do have the pamphlets to back me up. On a minute of reflection, just because it is in the pamphlet doesn't exactly make it so...so maybe you should start beating on me!
  18. I should clarify something that is not evident in my earlier post. I only have pamphlets from 1996,98 and 99. I did not mean to imply that those were the years where changes were made, but that I could prove what was available in those years. I am sure that in 97 there were hard bags available. Sorry about the confusion. The bags in the picture are not Yamaha bags as far as I know. I am sure I looked at those somewhere on the internet in the past.
  19. I just looked at the pamphlets I have on hand regarding the older Royal Stars. Here is what was available in STOCK configurations. Pamphlets picked up at Canadian dealers. All early Royal Star models had 28mm carbs, 18L fuel tanks, with seats about 28" high In 1996 there were 2 models - a Royal Star and a Royal Star Tour Classic. Both had 4 exhausts, the RS had no windshield, no chrome on fenders and no name on fenders. The Tour Classic had hard leather bags, chrome tips on fenders, tour classic written on front fender (2 lines) and on leather bags (1 line), and came with a short back rest for passenger. Royal Star colors were Ivory over Wild Cherry, Onyx, or Pearl White over Royal Blue. Tour Classic were Sandstone over Onyx, or Sapphire Blue over Pearl White (this is one I owned). Oh yes just remembered, the angle of windshield (tour classic) was slightly adjustable but needed wrenched to do it. By 1998 there were 3 models - a Royal Star, Tour Classic, and Tour Deluxe. The Royal Star was still plain jane, 4 pipes and no windshield or chrome on fenders. The Tour Classic went to 2 pipes and large floppy leather bags, tour classic (2 lines) written on front fender, and no backrest, no chrome on fenders. Tour Deluxe had rigid bags, tour deluxe written (1 line) on front fender, chrome fender tips, no passenger seat, and chrome rack on rear fender. Hard bags latch was on rear and front of bag and I think lid totally came off. RS colors Black, Cherry Red, or Silver over white. TC colors were Black with white, Green with white. TD was Black, or Black over grey. My 1999 pamphlet shows the new RSV out with Silver with grey, and Silver with burgundy, 32 mm carbs, 22.5L tank and 29.5" seat height. There were also 2 RS models the Tour Classic and Tour Deluxe with the older specs. Tour Classic had 2 pipes, same large floppy bags, Tour classic (2 lines) written on front fender, and no chrome on fenders, rear passenger seat. Tour Deluxe had 2 pipes and a different rigid bag (same as on RSV that year) and had an outer hinge in the middle center of bag. Looks like bag now opened towards the outside. Tour deluxe written on front fender (1 line) with chrome tips, passenger seat and backrest (looks taller). TC colors were Blue with white, or Cherry red. TD was Cherry Red. Note colors are the exact words from pamphlets. Sorry for the long post folks, and hope this helps someone. Anyone want some old pamphlets? Looks like the picture is of a Tour Classic by the writing on front fender.
  20. Bigbob asked me to put these pics up. They are pics from BigBob's accident 2008 near Devils' lake ND.
  21. I am sure trying to get to the Kootenays! Having a logistics problem right now. Might have to book a room anyway and hope for the best...right? Hope to see you and a bunch more in Nelson.
  22. I replaced mine and the noise almost disappeared. I know that the basket removed was a "G", but, they had the other installed before i could verify that it was an "I" basket. I don't think I will take it apart to find out, however if I am ever in there again I will look.
  23. Bald Josh, Is that a model 3220 Equus guage? That is what i can see from photos. No longer available from Equus. Thanks.
  24. Paypal sent for two. Thanks.
  25. Put me down for one too.
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