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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. Asking the good Lord to help settle you mind from what you saw, center on what you did that you had to do, and did so well. Celebration ... that you were there, as you probably kept any options for future value to life in the father alive. Had he seen what you saw, he just might have snapped totally. I've had some tough funerals to do as clergy, but no scene like what you entered. You have my love for you for what you are that enabled you to do what you do and did at the scene. Yep, my friend of this site, keep talking out, and living as full as you can. Hope the bass in your yard do grow so much due to the rain that they threaten the foundation of the house! Good you have a boat! Take care during this time of Tramma and the intense rain that's hitting the region. And call any of us at any time, Gene. We are all here for you as we all know you are for all of us! Prayers and a hug. Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO Cell Phone: 970-402-7375
  2. I'm on my second 86 VR; first was Ursula Black on Gold; second (from Squidley and Lonna) is Brown on gold. ONLY way to go. Both bikes have served me very well! Enjoy, and rubber down! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  3. Zfrebird4


    Right side, but I think it was the center stand or possibly exhaust pipe or muffler; I have to look. That was enough for me too. Glad you remained up, as I did. JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO :fingers-crossed-emoYep, we keep testin those VR's TOO! Jz
  4. ... propring up one's center stand! Have to work on that all the time. Heal well and quickly. AND .... WILL gain you great sympathy. JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  5. And don't worry about that Mini sneaking up on you. Or for any woman to do that, for that matter. They will FIRST :stirthepot:want to be seen in your good eye. By then you are warned and safe! Continued prayers, and you can wink :whistling:with the bad eye I presume! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  6. Those killed include: Dennis Chaney, 62, of Glenwood; Steven Benscoter, 62, of Pacific Junction; Jay Bock, 48, of Omaha, and Dale Aspedon, 49, of Glenwood. Greene said the motorcyclists were traveling together. Greene said one was wearing a helmet. http://www.kcci.com/images/structures/buttons/button_enlarge.gif http://www.kcci.com/2010/0810/24575139_240X180.jpg I shared the names, in case someone might klnow them. What a tradgedy. I counsel alcoholics, and this makes me say, ... WHEN will they learn? Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  7. ... I d be in it every morning, and as a single guy, with my binoculars for all the neighbors. NOW THAT"S the real benefit of being retire, eh?> Jack Tharp Ft Collins
  8. What is: RIDE ON? Thanks all Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  9. Helped me understand a little better what Dad's old 1920's something Indian must have looked like that he was riding when he saw Mom on her parents front porch, and pulled into the drive way, ... and the Tharp family was then under way! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  10. For me too! I ride their former 86 VR! And have a safe and good ride as well. Wish I was riding with you in good old Texas! Graduate of NTSU at Denton. JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  11. The cable in your photo has an insert at the curve; there are two of these. Mine (86 VR) was working, but with a slight bind on the throttle; replaced all cables. The hard plastic insert had worn through on one at my 76,000 miles. The cruise cables that always move (I think) when even just the throttle is being moved coast $65 from my wrench. One of the two old ones was still good and I kept it. THESE are scarce as hens teeth so you might want to get a pair and put them on if you have high mileage. Mine works like a dream, up hills and glass. Good luck! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  12. $$$. Nice idea; wonder if it is a :stirthepot:distraction though? Ride safe and well! JackZ
  13. Just reminds us all to keep our eye on that rear view mirror! From this sight I have learned to always try to have an escape rout planned, ... and I angle for it. What a tradgedy and waste of life, for him, and his family, as well as all who knew him and loved him as a friend. Prayerfully, JackZ
  14. I wave at em all, unless traffic gets in the way. Here in CO I find more than 90% wave back, including a lot of harleys'. Many who do not are hard core Harleys' who need to protect their image, or have to just hang on to the handlebars due to the constant vibration. My wave is the sign of a Master Mason, and a few recognize it. Waving is a courtesy, and I will always do it. When there is an obvious snub, I just drop my hand down, one finger extended (index finger; don't want to cause road rash! LOL). And then I go onto the next wave. Squidley's mind? It remains a marvel to all of it; it is the last frontier for Lonna to tame. Good luck Lonna! JackZ
  15. I ride an 86 VR that I found on this site from Squidley. As you read on this site info you will often find his name and that of several others. At 71 it's what keeps me young! Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO:thumbsup2:
  16. in Hotchkiss, just east of Delta. Let me know next time and I'll catch you! Glad it was a great trip. JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  17. I, too, thought everyone in LV was honest. Perhaps they only pick on Ventures? By now I hope you are on your way home, and I gather your wife is winging out from Utah, or elsewhere. Be safe you guys. Nice, no GREAT riding with you! And I always lock my helmet with the gloves inside; no problems. Now the gloves will go in the trunk. Why tempt the son of beach combers! Keep in touch! JackZ ZRockies rider!
  18. Glennwood Canyon for camping. Thought that place would take your breath away! I hope the storm you rode into was a mild one; said a lot of prayers for you as we parted. Sure was neat to chatter back and forth on the wise design of Venture Yamahappers to add a CB. What a way to travel. For those reading, we considered another route I now know I can do after the one I just finished with Dogman. IE: 14 out of N Ft Collins to Cameron Pass, 10,700+, to Steamboat Springs, to Glennwood Springs an back to FC. That's next with the daring venture rider who wants to tour CO with me. However, NOW I would consider heading on West in duo to Grand Junction and take the Colorado Monument, a great ride on the rim of volcanic history, and a stop at a Park Station for info on how it was all formed. Any takers? And I advise here for any thinking of doing Trail Ridge Road (34) this summer, set that aside. It is only possible safely this fall due to road construction. For Info: 970-586-1222 and 586-1206. These numbers will give you the latest conditions for weather and road conditions. And watch those pot holes, CO is also in a budget pinch like 47 other of our 50 states. I would love to see another CO gang trip, and I think the southern idea is a good one. Squidley, regardless of his excuses, will STILL have to stick at least one finger in for the stirring if such is a go by the gang. Mark, take care and keep in touch. KEEP taking those photographs. (I got him to tie his camera on his jacket, and shoot as he rides, even into his rear mirrors, a trick I learned from our site here; no excuses for Mark not to post! LOL) And ya all come, ya huear? And ride safe and post to Venturerider! JackZ :fingers-crossed-emoCOLORADO: a great place to feel heavenly, spend money, not have the distraction of dreaming of paradise, a good place to bring lots of water, and I have my fingers crossed to see more of you soon! JZ
  19. I just thought I'd pass this along for any of you VR riders who just love to enjoy your cruise control. Over a month ago I replaced my throttle cables; still a little stiff. Wrench and I decided to replace the cruise control cables as well. POINT: it too him over 3.5 weeks to find them, so they are getting scarce. Mine cost me a little less than $63. At 71 years and on an 86 not sure I'll now buy a spare set. HOWEVER: the cruise just climbs up hills without any of those familiar 'drops.' I have no idea how long that will last, but for now I'll enjoy it! Meanwhile, off Tuesday with dogman (Dave) who is driving to Ft Collins, CO, from Toronto, Canada. We will be taking 14 W off I-25 past FC, to Cameron Pass (10,276 Ft), to Steamboat Springs, to Glennwood Springs; There will be an overnighter there, with Dave in his trailer camper and me in a motel. Then we split as he heads to Los Vegas where his wife is flying in for their vacation, and I head back home. That is, IF I last that long! LOL JackZ aka DePreach
  20. Glad to hear my kind hearted, humerous friend is home and healing well. Keep up the good work, and sooner than you might expect you will be playing that that throttle again. But, I pray, not at all 'too soon.' Shalom Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO Zfrebird4
  21. After all, I wrote him a check for my beloved 86 VR from Him, sold to me with Lonna's permission, of course! FYI: today I had the cruise control cables replaced after I had a month ago had the off and on cables replaced. The cruise cables were $62.53. She now cruises like a dream, even up and down the hills. Zfrebird has 75,000 on her now as an 86, and it took my wrench 3+ weeks to find them, as they are getting very rare. I suggest to those with similar year, age and miles to get them while they can! It seems they take a lot of wear on the inside cable 'shields,' or 'tubes'. Take care of you too, as Squidly and Lonna!!!! Ya! JackZ
  22. :2133:ABOVE ALL ELSE ... I rejoice that it sounds like your honoerinessszzz is coming back! STILL enjoying my cassets from the player you gave to me by postage. Payday is tonight and something will be on t he way to you tomorrow after I pay bills on your pay pal sight. Love to you and all of yours! Give em Ellllll and heal now, ya alllllllluhl huear? JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins aka Zfrebird4 aka DePreach ....
  23. Remember Zfrebird4? You GAVE me a radio and Cassette Player (the latter was my goal) and the power pack below the deck. The cassette player works great, ... and all for $23 in postage. So what does that tell me? You have been generous to others, and not it is OUR turn to be generous to you! When my next pay check comes I'll be donating to your cause on that pay pal account 'The Boss' included above. Now, enjoy the view with the FEMALE nurses, treat em nice, and they'll bat their eyes at that big brute male nurse on your behalf. And I think GOATKEEPER is T H E name for you good care giver. And not to worry: EVERY MALE ON THIS SITE is familiar with having to eat gravel because of what was said to another female! It just goes with the tribe! I love you man, and I will be HONORED when I get to meet you. Keep on fighting, and keep us posted. And the love for you here is just ... well, ... immeasurable! All here think you are a good, worthy man, and we want you around for a long, long time! JackZ Fort Collins PS I'm the guy who will be praying for you when I enjoy all my good cassette music due to your kindness! JT So YA! Keep smiling, dancing, showing your teeth, hopeing for the best, and remembering your best rides! Thumbs up to you my friend, James! Jack
  24. And ride safe. Looking forward to those photographs! JackZ:thumbsup2:
  25. Hopeless. Hasn't affected gas prices in Fort Collins, CO yet. JackZ :thumbdown:beginning to think they are all amatures! Jz
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