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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. Zfrebird4


    All nice shots of a good time by all. Keep sharing them. Thanks. Jack Z aka zfrebird4 aka the unstuffy ... DePreach (fully retired)
  2. Zfrebird4


    WHY DID I READ ALL THESE POST RESPONSES ... with a FULL bladder? There's got to be an answer. I'm gonna pray about it on the GREAT WHITE THRONE. Less, ... much later! JackZ:witch_brew:
  3. Riding west from Hotchkiss toward Paonia, CO., July 11, 1993, with my then beloved wife on the QS, .... I passed a pick up truck. Easily. He was just mosying along. I just soared away. (Now I would have done it slower with just a gentle wave, ... well, perhaps). I put my signal on to turn right into a business because it was just getting a little towards dark to ride when not necessary. As I approached the turn I saw another road, Left, paved that looked interesting and like it might head back home with some good scenery. I made that decision FIRST MISTAKE very quickly, and came to a stop in my left inside of my lane for oncoming. I DID NOT ... look in my mirrors at what was cuming up on me. SECOND MISTAKE: I should have completed my signaled right turn. THIRD, was not watching my arse! That little red PISSED OFF TRUCK DRIVER (FOURTH MISTAKE) was determined to pass me, and perhaps, in fairness had started his pass, but thought he could beat me. Wife verified my turn signal was on, but I HAD FAILED (FIFTH MISTAKE), ... to watch also the UPcoming traffic, as much as the ONcoming traffic for whom I had stopped. His old truck had hooks on the side of the bed for tie downs, ... and lots of rust. He clipped and hooked some part of the bike with one of his right hooks as he went buy. SO, I ALSO MADE THE SIXTH MISTAKE of ... being TOO CLOSE TO THE CENTER LINE. The next think I knew I said 'OH SHIFT' (preacher you know, but not pontifical in style) ... and we were down. Wife had a hurt in ankle but was ok. I was too, I THOUGHT. Helmets, top quality, also saved our bacon. Some other bacon was not so lucky. I walked to the bike to lift it up with help in the middle of the road, looked down and saw I was vastly leaking my Royal English Blood. I had a forward 'C' slice on my left knee. Hospital, sewn up, healing fine. A few days later, ... a major STAFF infection. On the 9th surgery they were prepared to take the leg as it was a staff they could not fight, ... but it had mutated. So I got a grochon in my heart for (SP?) Vancumiacin, 100%, and it took me two years in PT to get that left leg back and powerful. I had 'given' my 86 Beautiful (fixed up via ins) Ursula Black on Gold (Zfrebrd1) had had 'given ' to my oldest son. I THOUGHT ... I was done. The time came when I took a brief secret ride, known only to my youngest son on his 750 Yamaha Seca. I rode fine. I had the bug again. When the older son said my bike was too big for him, ... I said ... can I have it back? And he said without hesitation, 'Sure, Pop.' Sweet words. I rode much more wisely back on it over the Rockies on Trail Ridge Road to the western slope to Hotchkiss. I rode for 6 years, ... before the next accident. In that one, yup: I should have STOPPED when I saw the first one. That will be the next post. Hope this gives some clues for safe riding. Thanks to all who post here. JackZ aka Zfrebird4 aka DePreach
  4. ... I am retired! And loving it. JackZ:photographing:
  5. intersection. I wave a thank y ou as I go through, and do the same flashing and thank you hand for left turners. It works all the time. I even nod to them in appreciation. That's just my way to keep the road rash tamped down and our image good and up. I like the idea of running on high beam. I will try that. I also ride with the yellow, small police strobe LEDs that have adjustable flashes. I had it wired so I could change that setting to a slow flash in case of an amergency, and that take a second button switch to break and renew the ground. And I most always have it on a one-tow-three blip, pause, cycle. It really gets attention, even in the day. One is under the headlight and facing slightly up; the other two are on each side of the fariing, mid-way and away from the turn lights. Cost, $50 each, and about $120 wiring by my wrench, ... which most of you folks can do on your own. I also run, of course with my running lights 24/7. I also wear a WHITE helmet, full face, DOT, soon with a Masonic emblem in front and back when I get it painted on. THAT will take a rainy day. I also wear a black or black and silver jacket, black gloves, and tan or very light brown pants. At first glance I WANT them to to think I am a cop. I will have no problems with this if I do NOT use hand signals to the boxes around me. Well, not exactly. Often, some of them will slow down, then I t urn the strobes off, and do a forward and friendly hand wave, they pick up, and life goes on. Futher, thats to Squidley who sold me his lovely 86 VR (THANKS SQUIDLEY, ... AND LONNA) I have all kinds of lights on the back end. I do want to put one of my police yellow strobes on the back though. I've enjoyed this older post. Thanks Don for keeping it on a while longer. And above all, I agree: We never ride THINKING the boxes can see us! RIDE TO LIVE! And then ... sleep well at night: JackZ:banana:
  6. ... your age? Or have you lied to your life insurance agent and you are afraid to post your age here? LOL. Oh, well. Have a great evening anyway! LOL JackZ:buttkick:
  7. ... and they were ALL rescue pets. It's great getting them, but hard to see them go. All my son and I have now is a ca 18 year old black cat called Scratch. He just had his rabbies shot, and it was VERY hard on him. No more shots. Of all the animals, black cats don't stand a chance of rescue. Saddly, they still continue to be considered evil. Sick, sick, SICK! When Scratch leaves us temporarily, ... with a whole tribe of animals he'll be waiting on the other side. That is just what I not only personally know, but believe from living with so many pets. They, too, are people in their personalities. And the Good Lord watches over them. Me thinks, 'As you have done it to the lest of these ... you have done it unto me,' ... applies to them as well. Prayers and best to all who have lost. Now go get anther one. I just won't live where I can't have a pet. Among their other gifts, ... they are our healers. Ever loved a cat when you were down? You weren't down very long I'll bet. And a joyous Christmas to all. Jack Z aka DePreach
  8. ... to imagine seeing a kilt rider on a VR! I refuse to imagine those legs. Obviously, a wreck of serious purrrrportions would be a sure thing. Some hits might be intentional! There would be a lot of eye checkups afterwards, too. JackZ:bang head:
  9. ... I do all I can to maintian the peace while on my dream machine with two wheels. AND when I see a cell phone, I drop back, ... even a couple of cars if I can, but keep my eye on the brainless idiot. Yup! It do take patience! and my special JackZ
  10. Yup! I'm sure the used car was a gift well appreciated. But the best is ALL the family at Christmas, and together! That will be mine this year. Oh life has it's challenges, the the Lord is Lord, and especially at Christmas time! Ever notice how just saying His name, CHRISTmas .... in Merry CHRISTmas ... changes folks who receive, ... and give the greeting. So, Merry CHRISTmas to all. And a Joyous, prosperous and safe New Year! JackZ
  11. I put in 20 miles around Horseshoe Lake. Was a bit nippy up there, probably 45+, though here in town it was 56. Just didn't want to risk at my young age of ALMOST 71 (in March) the hidden ice spots by going further. Soon, and again. Thanks to all who've posted. Let's keep going. I plan to summarize all of this in January. JackZ aka Zfrebird4 aka DePreach
  12. Thanks for sharing. NOt sure about including a non-venture internet member, even at that age. However it is noteworthy, so that may be the way I should list him if you can give me his name, the type of bike he plans to ride, and I already have in your PM I think, the bike he sold to you. Let me know your thoughts. JackZ aka Zfrebird4 aka DePreach
  13. ... you use WHITE OUT! And ... People will open doors for you! LOL. JackZ
  14. Club of those over 60, and not into the KING catagory of THE BEST TEN, of 70+. Hand in there friend, you'll ge there with your lovely wife right behind you. BTW, what is her name, ... if you dare to put it in for the summary. LOL. Have a great. AND .,.... TOMORROW I ride. All roads are clear and I've chipped an Appain Way through my drive way to the street! Mid 50's tomorrow, and with full dress! My mood? Guess. JackZ
  15. ... posting. I look forward to seeing you as you zoooooom your way into our Rockies! JackZ
  16. ... age, and do you have an UP or QS rider? Her age? Let me know if you want to be included in the summary. Thanks for posting! JackZ
  17. You posted your wife's age, ... but not your own? SO ... let me know! LOL. And she is so beautiful in your photographs that I can understand why you might want to 'cloak' your age. Not to worry! With you mustache ... you are one handsome dude. I am having fun with this post, but soon I will find the time to summarize the youngest top ten, the oldest top ten, and by each decade of age, all those in between with THEIR comments. LOL. THEN ... I have another post in mind. But that will remain the next chapter! JackZ aka Zfrebird aka DePreach
  18. I plan to ride a whole month this summer in our Rockies. Hope to meet some of you there. Just la marvelous shot just outside the NW corner of Ft. Collins. Sorry, couldn't figure how to insert it here. THe insert button wouldn't work. ahhhhh. Our beauty is everywhere! Come see! JackZ
  19. ... I ride across the Rockies from Ft. Collins, CO .. Nice photographs from you and everyone. Thanks for posting. JackZ
  20. 1. Try to start a petition in the local town. 2. Bring this to the attention of Fox News through one or more of our motorcycle organizations! Just my thoughts JackZ
  21. .. with about 150,000 miles under my belt at 67 years of age. I found I DID NOT know how to ride safely and ONLY defensively! Cost: $200, and a great course taught by a young mid-30's lovely lady who knew her stuff! I learned how to ride over that 2x4 that the box in front of me straddled, etc. It was well worth the cost. I've been riding since 1986, and have had many downs, once since the training, due to a BOX and my NOT using enough caution. JackZ
  22. ... for helping so many families remain whole who have celelbrated many Christmas and New Years together. Gratefully, JackZ
  23. ... drive way should soon be open tomorrow, and in the low to mid 50's: VAROOOOOOOM! All roads are dry. Wow this itch just won't go away. Wonder why? JackZ
  24. ... the first gen Ventures have a 60 front and 40 back braking mechanism, as I understand it when you are on the rear brake only. In Ohio, at dusk (first mistake) I was riding out on roads I knew, up a slight hill with running lights on and the biggest strobe lights you'll every see, yellow, (never stopped for that) ... and at the top? FIRST a silver fender, SECOND a L FRONT DOOR with the state trooper emblem on it, and LAST his silver bumper. This guy was moving as fast as he could in a drive out to the N on my highway as I was headling south. Instantly at the first silver I almost stood on the rear break. My first VR, the buautiful Ursula Black on Gold, just sunk down and came to a stop. No wobble, no change of direction, just straight to a floating stop. I did work to hang on and stay upright. ALL this in less than about 30 to 40 feet, and I was, fortunately, only doing about 40 MPR (my own weight was about 225 lbs then). The pavement was dry and clean, and it was summer. The trooper had turned into a uturn drive way at a house to answer a call, made his turn and entrance onto the road WITHOUT flashers or siren! My headlight beam was on hi with my riding lights on, as well as the strobes. Why he didn't see the headlight beam coming over the hill, I'll never know. That's why I had it on high beam. He was probably going to answer a call to a bad wreck on the interestate I had just crossed over. IT was his mistake, but my 1st gen 60/40 rear brake system saved me. The bike never wobbled, and just very quickly floated to a stop. THAT system is why I bought Squidley and Lonna's 1st gen VR in '06. (Plus this site sang their praises, and I knew they were 'on the square' when I met them, plus the bike was right). I know, there is no way to use that back brake only, and the system has it's weakness However, in this potential deadly accident, it saved my bacon. Cussing LIKE A PREACHER, ... I wanted to chase the trooper down, and he would not have gotten away from my VR. But, I was so shook I didn't feel I could go after him safely. I just pulled over, emergency flashers on, lit my pipe, settled down, then drove on through the rest of my smoke. Tomorrow night: THE TURN DECISION I made far too quickly. It cost me nine surgeries on my left knee. But I rode again. Thanks to all for this kind of post. Scary? You bet, but cheap and good source of smarts that can save our lives. JackZ
  25. On a late evening ride in that quiet VA road I'd ridden many times, and cute young things went across the street to her mail box. Naturally I watched to see that she made it safely over, ... and back. ONLY TO STAR at the fatest toad I had ever seen right in the middle of my right turn on the road that angled deep to the right. MISTAKE? I took a left ... which was UP, doing about 20 or 15, multiplied my speed, and a the top there was gravel and straight down a steep hill. I said, 'Sorry Frebird,' and I laid her down, TRYING TO HOLD my 86 VR UP! Broke my colar bone, some road rash; folks helped me get her up, rode her to the next farm house for the wrecker, ... and ALL the muscles in my right shoulder tightened to protect from that severe break and compressed shoulder. SAVIOR: was that sweet young thing, that drove me in the hardest riding pick up truck to the local hospital in extreme pain from the muscles. 5 shots later, and ahhhh, I could relax. RESULTS: fixed up Frebird (ins company rebuilt that bike several times) and rode AGAIN. Lessons: Mind my business, forget the skirts, run OVER the frog or take the low side of the turn. Next Accident? Tune intomorrow night. I have several, and at 70 Yup .... I am still riding. Zfrebird! aka JackZ aka DePreach (perhaps that helped? LOL)
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