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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. Good deal for you. I had both of mine replaced 11/1/2004 and they are doing :cool10:fine. IN FACT .... really this is true, .... when I first started riding again in 2006 the knees were a little tight :no-no-no:on shifting and braking on my second 86 VR, ... but within 3 months :whistling:of riding the knees were bending backwards even farther. And when I get tired, I often just stand up on the straightaways, and then just slowly resume sitting. The key:lightbulb: is a STAFF free surgery, ... and then your fighting all you can for as much PT as you can get, then get on a PT prescribed program of exercise at a gym on specific machines for the rest of your life( even thus: ) and . Thus the knees will serve you for the rest of your life. Prayers. And I look forward to more info on how WELL you will be doing! Jack T
  2. It's just the way they occasionally TRY To put us in our male place! LOL. Wish I had one, .... wife that is! :fingers-crossed-emoLOL. Also, POST A PHOTOGRAPH! It's a tradition. JackT
  3. ... are only needed if you are really pushing and get the heart pumping up and breathing a little hard. Muscles need time to react, as does the entire body. With what you described, ... probably not needed. :rotf:Sometimes, just pausing to laugh at ourselves helps! Just judge how you feel, and keep the good work up. Tomorrow I exercise by riding here along the foot hills (not the time of year to go up towards the rockies ... well, not just yet! LOL). Take care! Jack T
  4. I keep reading the postings on your post. GOOOD progress. I need to hit it tomorrow about 1:30, then my chiropractor at 4; Wed will be mid 50's and I'll ride. I feel still and old when I don't do my prescribed exercises. Have you thought about using one of the trainers for one hour? He can set you up a specific program just for your body needs. Keep going! And keep us all posted. I don't want to pass your bike this way while on mine: Jack Z
  5. .. could cause bad pr with the public. On the other? It would sure help reduce the danger of being rear ended. Don't think Colorado has the law though. Jack T
  6. I have two artificial knees now that do great as long as I ride and /or go to the gym. I used their prof consultant to set me up on weight machines, to get precise measurements. I do about 6-8 machines 2/3 times a week. I find the key is to do the reps with LESS weight, but the same reps when I've been sore. I also use:lightbulb: BIOFREEZE that keeps my body, and especially my neck (2 whip lashes in 1965-66 are catching up with me) ... and the BIOF keeps me hopeful. Keep up :fingers-crossed-emothe good work. Have more sex, too; that helps you forget:cool10: the sore muscles. Get your Dr to write a prescription for that, too. Jack T
  7. Daily. DePreach Jack T
  8. merry christmas
  9. ... has just been sent. Nope, not as much as it would have been had I won t he lotto on Wed. I'll continue to play for you too, and WHEN I win, ... you'll be remembered! Shalom, and a Joyous Merry Christmas and a MUCH HAPPIER NEW YEAR!!! Jack T
  10. Just west of Lyons, south then E on S. St. Varaine, South towards Neaderland, then the park turnoff to the right. At the end of the drive in to the park there is a shot just like this one. Great place. Jack T
  11. NOW ... why didn't I think of that? Jack T
  12. Hope you have a psychiatrist in your town. Next weekend I should be riding, in full grear of course. Come on down, over up, or over to CO and let's scoot together. And ahve a great blessed Christmas. Jack T
  13. ... but time committments limited my miles. Cook in 30's today and until latter part of next week; then out again. I firmly believe we are safer riders in winter when we pick carefully our riding days for pavement safety, PLUS ride in full gear (which I use almost all year round here in CO). Come see our great state, let me know and we'll hitch a few together. JackZ:fingers-crossed-emo And just waiting for the next ride! Just like all of us, Huh? Jz
  14. Wonder how it would fit on back of my top rack on the glorious 86 VR? I have three police yellow strob lights in front, one tilted slightly upward above the main headlight, and one on each side of the farings. Really works in day light and night. Would like to add two of these on rear, but the cost in 2006 was $50 each. Would consider your friends if it will work as LED and on my VR. Purchasing info appreciated. Jack Z
  15. :)2 past wives. Well trained, and interviewing. Finders fee offered for a keeper. Seriously, very best wishes and congrats to you both as it take two to just walk down the street instead of tangling! LOL Jack Z:cool10:
  16. ... doubt value will go up, but may decrease slowly. Makes me sad again, remembering my 1968 Pont Bonnieville I let go in 2000 because my wife to become my X in another 11 months didn't like it. How stupid can a guy with initials JDT get? Guess I just proved it, huh. I must have been mentally sick! Jack T
  17. pass that one along. Thanks. Jack Z:rotf:
  18. ... is at times in the inches as we drive :whistling:our 2-wheel ladies, and especially with a rider. SO glad Mike could drive that careful. Glad you celebrated :bighug:your anniversary upright, and keep enjoying each other. Me? I would have had to at LEAST THINK (and that would probably be it :no-no-no:on a wedding anniversary on the way to steak) ... of pulling over and giving her a piece of my mind. Wonder if she made it home? Jack Z PS Go ahead ... have another bottle of wine together by candelight!! J
  19. I am 72 and have been riding with two artificial knees since November 2004, and am doing fine. I realize you are in your mid 50's, but given you are on bone on bone, your knees will negatively impact ALL your skeletel structure. My left had 9 surgeries for staff infection in 1993 and I ended up with lots of scar tissue, same original knee, but my gate was off and that wore the right knee. So they were both replaced at the same time, which I recommend if they are both bad and your general health is good. There is no more pain nor difficulty in a double replacement at the same time over doing one at a time, ... EXCEPT: when you do one you will dread more doing the other. I was walking on parallel bars the second day; goind 10 steps at home with double hand rails, tossing my walker (front wheeled) up before I started on my 5th day. I fought for all the PT I could get, and did get 1.5 years (unusual). It's a hard choice for you I know, but I recommend a go for a double replacement, lots of thereapy, and keep the bike. In 2006 I could not resist any longer (off 6 years), so I bought my 1986 from Squidley just like the 86 I had before but of a different color. THE GOOD NEWS: at first, I needed to put my legs on the front flat boards as soon as I could; now I am even more comfortable on the back pegs as I ride. So, ... just wanted to share a hope with you; you are in our prayers during this tough time. I do recommend a second opinion. Jack T
  20. ... you have a first class out-house or camper! It was a good one though. Jz
  21. :080402gudl_prv:Forgot to say that in my last PM to you on the flag poles. NOW you've done it too!!! I have to go and do all my black dash board up nice like you did! NOW, ... let me know when you ride to CO. LOL Jack Z
  22. We really had a great ride :thumbsup:as Mark has described above. This was my second 86 VR, identical to the first, except first was new and Ursela Black on Gold; second was bought from a great and honest man ... kept honest by nature and Lonna! LOL. I plan to ride over to Mark's if weather :clap2:is good sometime for the new one or two weekends. Risky:crying: beyond that I suppose given Neb weather, ... as compared to ours around here. All visitors are welcome! Bring a single lady close to my age if you can! LOL And everyone stay upright and safe! Jack Z
  23. called BIOFREEZE. Keeps me doing well with a very bad neck after two whiplashes in 1965, 66, the second being a double hit in a small Chevy II Nova, low seat back and no head rest. My good chiro is also keeping me walking; just have to get to a really good one and give strong, factual feed back to them. Prayers for comfort! Jack Z:fingers-crossed-emo
  24. As I was doing Trail Ridge Rd when at the top I met two brothers! One from Brazil and working in the US was on his Harley; the other who lives in CO was on his new Yamaha something! We road together for awhile :322:after exchanging histories, comments and taking photographs. Neat. Jack T PS ... yep, the wore helmets!
  25. Prayers at this time! Jack T
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