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Everything posted by Zfrebird4
... before you (might; pray not) cease due to your pumpkin patch paragraph: JackZ http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=39705&stc=1&d=1262309715
... and the winner is: RUMBOOGY's Wedding photo. Obviously a professional took that shot, ... and made both of you look MOST OUTSTANDING! First wedding shot I've seen on this here site, too. Hummmmm. Now, someone told me I could post here, so I'll try to see if I can figure it out! It not, you're out of luck to a second one tries to tell me how to do that in THIS point of our great media! LOL .. Shot is from S. St. Varaine going down into Estes Park, CO. http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=39697&stc=1&d=1262306979 WOW. I can't believe I did that, despite one of youz guyz giving me information until New Year's Eve. Unbelievable! Looks large compared to all of yours, but 'Uncle Dan' may change that when I click to send. Whew, I'll just have to hold my breath. YUP, that's the beautiful 86 VR that Squidley sold me in 2006 with his lovely Lonna's permission. Have a great new year, ... in a couple of hours! LOL. JackZ PS Here's what I'll ride when I am 90! I'll Adobe photoshop myself on the VR in the back. (Thanks for making it a VR; I couldn't ride it at 90 if it was the other one with the croch rocket!!). But, thank the Good Lord, for now I am only 71 (March) years young, single (SINGLE ... in case you ladies missed that; kidding). and available! Jz
I am so far fortunate that I have good coverage with a secondary on Mericare A&B. That may not hold for this Sr though given OBOMMAHOOD, aka, OBOMMACARE, ... if it gets passed anything nearly close to what it not contains. The very wealthy and any who are retired will pay through the nose, and coverage will, most assuradly decline. My prayers for your both during this trama, and especially for your wife with any back pain along with the heart and head pain of this disappointment. Keep us posted, as the Good Lord also loves to hear prayers of rejoicing following prayers of petition. One of your many friend here in VR.com, JackZ aka DePreach (retired; non fundi!)
... I am so glad your wife is healing well. She is a woman of Grace and Godliness, and obviously you know that. Thanks for posting. JackZ
... I still commend you for sharing the details. In this category look for and read 'What would you do differently in cycle wreck?' Lots of learning there. I too have electric air horns. I ride with my left thumb between the air horn and the bright light switch. I hit my Meeeeep Meeeeep horn that came with my 86 VR and the lady still commanded my left lane and I LET her run me into the curb. MY MISTAKE> I should have dropped back and hoped for the best. Love my air horns now. And so far, a slight BLAAA BLAAA does it all, without causing road rage. Glad you have healed by now and I hope your ins has taken good care of your Bike. State Farm has rebuilt my first VR about 4 times and my current one, once with slight damaged after I hit the curb and went down on the wood chips. I was GLAD there were wood chips in that center divider, and not concrete, as in the next block! As well, I stoped 1 foot short of one of the 'decoration trees' that should not be there in the first place. God blessed me, and you. May such continue for both of us. JackZ PS What I'll be riding when I am 90 follows. I will insert my photograph via Adobe Photoshop! LOL:
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... 86 VR. Thanks for the tip on a credit card I never use! WILL DO THAT ONE when away from home. Otherwise I'll contact Wells Fargo (my bank) and have one authorized to me at another WF ... IF there is one close when I am in Havaieeee! But that may be too long of a ride for me at almost 71, ... you think? JackZ PS What I will be riding when I am 90. I'll Photoshop my photo on top! LOL
Mistake # 1, riding at dusk, well almost dark in OH. Manual deer whistles = second mistake compared to the electronic one. Cursing along the manual deer whistles stopped and seperated a large pack of deer crossing. Both groups were just nibbling on the corn in the corn field. Two lane, well deserted road. Mistake # 3: I never counted on a dumb, still learning young deer wanting to cross over to the other side to be with MOOOOOOOOMa. The more she crossed the road, the more I keep scooting away from her with BIG yellow flasher strobe lights on .... Horn produced no avail. Mistake # 4: since I counted on time and forget their jumping power OVER that of the 86 VR, ... I slammed it into second and floored it. She jumped for momma, and my headlight hit her mid neck, slit her throat or broke her neck, back body slammed into my right leg (throttle still one = ONE good decision), she hit the back luggage rack (lower right) and slithered down and then off the highway. I was till heading north! WOW. I thought what a bike! All lights were still working, INCLUDING THE HEADLIGHT, ... though the lens was busted. In a 1/2 mile I decided to stop and check 'Frebrd' out (name on my license plate, too). Faring gone, right crome bent, radiator leaking profusely. Since she is air cooled as well as water cooled on cool night I decided to ride her on home, ca 25 miles. MISTAKE # 5, I forgot what leaking antifreeze can do to a back tire! But somehow, that stop at the farm house let out all the fluid, and I made it home fine. Next day: drove to the State Police station N of town on the interstate to make a report. He looked at the crowl, filled with hair, bone, and some blood. 'Yup, I can see you hit a deer. But .... where did all this brown stuff on the right side and back come from, you or the deer?' My response: 'I'm not sure. Probably a little of both.' CURRENT MISTAKE: I am STILL riding with manual deer whistles, rather than the mechanical recommended several years ago ... here.' PM me or EM me if you want to know which one I now will buy after typing up this accident. IF I have the number right, ACCIDENT 3 (a down) will be next in a couple of days. Yup, ... with a SECOND deer. HEAVENS, ... they must love or hate 86 VRs!! JackZ How I will be riding at 90: When I get about 88 I'll insert my photo on the bike. I am no only 71 (in a few months). Jz
... for close to $12 plus shipping. I'll also look at Jax in town. Em me here or at Zfrebird4@aol.com Thanks JackZ:photographing:
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15 years is a major achievement for both of you. Growth, patience, endurance, and .... LOL, occasionally "SILENCE!' ... becomes the key word. LOL. JackZ PS NOW go spend lots of money on her! :mo money: Then you can well!
Oldest & YOungest: WHO WAS 77 YR OLD RIDER? Lost record. Help!
Zfrebird4 replied to Zfrebird4's topic in Watering Hole
Want to have me include your wife's first name, then please post it here. AND keep on riding! JackZ -
All I had to do was put the monitor on it's side! JackZ:rotfl:
Now all I have to do is figure out how to mount a holder on my 86 VR. One here suggested a chrome fishing pole holder. Have to find one to see if I can make that work. Probably a platform weld cut and bolted to the back of the bike, extending backwards with holes in it might be best. Will talk with Squidley on this one. Any other help will be appreciated now on the mounting. JackZ New PGR when the chance comes. :mo money:Oh well, it's only paper!
Oldest & YOungest: WHO WAS 77 YR OLD RIDER? Lost record. Help!
Zfrebird4 replied to Zfrebird4's topic in Watering Hole
Thanks for the post here. Send me your names if you wish for them to be included. JackZ -
more complete? Then check to see if you've given your wife's (or hubby's) name, and both ages if you wish. For those I caught below, send info if you wish: Seawolf: Don't have your wife of 37 year's name Aussie Annie: husband or friend ride with you? Name, age? Bongobobny: wife's name? 1 Conuch: your age and wife's; you did say you were married 29 years. Bamecock: your age ben, and wife's name? Thanks to all of you! Again I'll summarize all of this for all age brackets in January. JackZ
... melt! YEAAAAA. Temps will be in the hi 30's and low 40's this week, so no ride till the weekend or early next week. But we have to love the snow here, as it is our water source, well one of our primary ones, and a great sky :mo money:income. Yup, I do sky with my new knees! Ahhhh, ... it's tough living in CO! JackZ:banana:
the scriptures of all the living religions of the world do NOT tell us where angels come from. Your new friend, Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
... your life. First, keep on knowing you acted as a responsible man, and did all you could for your second friend you lost. None of us could have done any better For the first friend lost, that is a double loss, as he was free from his honorable caring of his mother to a new love, so she lost also, as he lost her in his life. I have often thought those whose live are cut short so unexpectedly, with no reason in their loss in our feeble minds, ... they become those who become God's angels. That's just me, as the scriptures of all the living religions of the world do now tell us where angels come from. Yes, those are just the facts. But facts evolve into The Eternal with those we have loved so much, and by no choice or fault of theirs, yours or anyone else, ... had to leave you and so many, many others. What we remember of them IS a part of THEIR immortality. In time, as you heal from these deep and painful losses, ... in your time with God in you, you will rediscover their Spirit presence with you. The 'structured church' calls this the Communion of the Saints. Actually it would be better called, for sure, 'The Communion of OUR Saints.' And though now such is cloaked by the almost overwhelming loss you are enduing, ... as time passes, one breath after another, ... at least at first, ... you will come to remember and, eventually, celebrate their best, ... which is now IN you and all others they loved. The more the celebration, the more I truely believe you, and all of us, will know that Communion with those we have given up to Eternity: a thought, a passing wind, a feeling like someone poked or touched you, a smell, your thought of them, and even the cat following something through the room with it's eyes. Yes, I have experienced all of these personally, and as a Pastor. You and all who have lost in these two deaths will long be in my prayers. In time, you may find they make Christmas an all year experience. In time, my new friend, not yours, but the time of your needs and the Eternal's powers in gentle nudges, your life will heal and become much more whole. For now, you did good here, .. you reached out. Call any time. Cell: 970-402-7375. Prayerfully, Jack Tharp Ft. Collins, Co
... that I rode through on my 86 VR .... Sorry, too late to post that tonight. Tomorrow night. Hope everyone's Christmas went great; mine did, as I was with family. THAT awas my Christmas gift. JackZ:Venture:
Oldest & YOungest: WHO WAS 77 YR OLD RIDER? Lost record. Help!
Zfrebird4 replied to Zfrebird4's topic in Watering Hole
... SQ = Queen Seat (don't wont to use the '***** seat' tradition). ... UP = a Lady rider who rides her own bike. I may not be generic to the trade knowledge here, but is just the way I called those two terms. Thanks for posting. NOW: tell me your age if you've not and of your QS or UP Lady rider, ... if you are wealthy enough to have one. LOL. JackZ:Venture: -
other Ladies to ride as well! And the guys are always interested in you Ladies, too. I will be posting in early January the summary Thanks to all who have posted. JackZ:Venture:
... and let's show them how good we are and how young we are at the top end of this post! LOL. I'll be summarizing in early January. Would like to have some more posts though. Thanks to all who did. JackZ:Venture:
... Princeton, Ind. It is a good and peaceful state, with great scenry as well. Thanks for posting the shots; don't know where your town was tho for your location. Enjoy, and thank the Good Lord I DO belive summer will come again to CO. Not today though, as it is 26 tonight! Great Christmas Day though. JackZ:Venture:
:clap2:Her gown is lovely, and she looks like a Georgia Peach! Do t hey all look like that way down under? LOL. Like the tint of the photos and poses, too. And I sure hope the preacher saw that there was some laughter and fun in the ceremony. Mine always include that with an audiance participation at one poing with their vow to support the new marriage. Don't swell up too much, but your wife with your help did a great job! And thanks for sharing! JackZ aka Zfrebird4 aka DePreach (NOT a fundi though)
two sons, one daughter in law, two grandsons and two granddaughters, My first wife (x) and her husbands (two of my many best friends). and a guest family with a wonderful mean cooked to perfection by my older son. Now that is one great present. And I have an idea. Let's all chip in for a GIANT SPOON for BIG TOM for his 2 gallon bowel of icecream, and then at an eat and meet watch him eat it all, and then give him a package of toilet paper! LOL. I know, just a newcomers idea. Like the rest, intro to you BIG TOM here, I think you are a neat cat, even with ice cream ahead of me in your beard. JackZ For Big Tom: ..... > :cry::cry:
... the same to all at this site! I have found here wonderful bunch of friends who are now just .... well, ... family! And I hope everyone enjoyed the best of the day, just being with family, husband and wife, kids, grandpas and a grandma, ... as I did. It was wonderful, ... and even if I am still single, ... now and forawhile. See you in the new year! JackZ:Venture: