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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. I just wear a T-shirt under the gear, soak with cool (not cold) water, zip up and ride, zipping down slowly. It works for me. Course we don't have a high humidity level here, but I did the same thing in 5+ years in OH. CO preferred of course. At times I even poor on my head, and put the helmet on. Lots of cool water, year round. The important thing IS first that we Ride to Live, and the second then is how we dress. Just my 1 cent's worth! :2cents::2cents::2cents::2cents: JackZ
  2. We were up to 48, melting in our beautiful CO SUNSHINE AND BLUE SKIES, even clear in the mountains, and the same tomorrow, at a 5,000 feet in Ft. Collins! Hope it soon improves for all of us. I have an itch on both my cheeks ... (guess where) ... and I've GOT TO RIDE!! :sun::sun::bighug:THERE IS HOPE! :sun::sun: JackZ
  3. Like Bummer (wow, what a trip in photographs, let alone your healing, Bummer) ... my 9 staff surgeries to save my left leg from a knee infection from a motorcycle down .... now looks like a Sunday afternoon sail compared to Boomer's journey. I too thought I'd never ride again; 4 months of healing, and 1.5 years of therapy, ... then in two months I was riding again. Then on 11/04, two new knees at t he same time. Up and riding again. So like others have said, the last word ain't in yet! The powers of your self will liked by so many thinking about you and praying for you and yours ... in yet to be fully seen! So all of us will keep looking as you will, too. :080402gudl_prv::080402gudl_prv::bighug::bighug: Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO aka JackZ
  4. ... I win the lotto. I presume it comes with A/C and Vibrators and heat warmers? And if there's another women, closer to my age like your wife that you run into, single, happy, reasonably good looking, likes to ride Queen or UP, .... let me know. I'd move anywhere for that gift ... that looked like CO. LOL. Seriously, congratulations on having such a great wife and a good life together! JackZ
  5. Street in front of my house is nearly cleared; chipped away at making my Appain Way (Roman, from the era of Christ) out of the drive way and onto the main road. Perhaps Wed? High of 48+ here, and our usual CO sunshine which also helps melt. I can see stretches of the grass. I will ride in hi 40's, preferring lower to mid 50's, and just on the county roads next to the foothills of the Rockies. So, Come to CO and let's go! LOL. FYI: I have enjoyed the post, ‘What would you do differently in cycle wreck?’ It has been very education and I recommend it to you. And if you have not posted to my POST, THE OLDEST VENTURE RIDER on 1st and 2nd Gen tech talk, please do so; as well in 2nd gen tech talk I’ve added a post (Dangerous!?) : YOUNGEST TO OLDEST QUEEN SEAT AND UP VR RIDERS. The whole gang has jumped in, so post your two cents worth as well. So far the oldest is 77 and the youngest is 16. And, can you believe it? He rides a 1st gen VR! Also, come to CO and I will keep up with you at my soon to be 71 with two new knees and on my 86 VR. JackZ
  6. Soooo, let's keep posting folks. I'll summarize in Jan or Feb, depending on the activity. AND I found another UP Lady rider to record! LOL. JackZ
  7. ... about a rainy dark night, 6 blocks from home! LOL. However, as a courtesy, I'll wait until someone else posts before me. I have both enjoyed and benefited from this posts. Thanks to the first POSTER> LOL JackZ
  8. ... wife? Any more of them around? Would love to have a Queen Seat or UP rider wife! WOW, that would be cool. Had the QS rider in my second best wife, but never an UP Lady of my life. LOL. JackZ Ft Collins, CO
  9. ... with friends on their two bikes. My wife was a QS rider. They had their boy of about 6 or 7 with one of them, and they could not keep him awake. We took him between the two of us and he folded right into my wife's arms, ... and continued to sleep like a baby until we dumped him back into their arms at home. Legal? Nope, but we drove very, VERY safe. Kids are neat. Loved the story of the wife on the Queen Seat asleep at the toll booth where she was supposed to pay. Employee probably had her eyes check the next day! LOL. JackZ Ft Collins, CO
  10. I scored 20, ... don't know what the top score could be however. JackZ Fort Collins, CO
  11. ... to you both! It takes a real married team to get along when on is an officer of the law. This is a great accomplishment for her and for the cause of equality. Good luck avoiding a speeding ticket set-up joke by her team! LOL. JackZ
  12. 6 BELOW tonight, but 40+ tomorrow. Next Tues, low 50's and varooooom! JackZ Ft Collins, CO
  13. And my kids are grown and out too. Great new freedoms. PS Post some photos of your rides and scoot! I be summarizing all the posts this month. It will be interesting, for sure! JackZ
  14. Thanks for reminding us of ALL of life, and not just one moment of it. JackZ
  15. ... this site, please do as I am about to take two days and summarize. Thanks to all who have posted. JackZ
  16. ... this site, please do as I am about to take two days and summarize. Thanks to all who have posted. JackZ
  17. ... you haven't as I am about to start spending a day or two summarizing. And thanks for all who have posted. It has been a hoot! JackZ
  18. A life time rider (for the rest of my life) Queen Seat or UP Lady Rider. Second? The electronic deer whistle installed (ca $80 purchased, plus installation) that was recommended on our site several years ago. THIS I want before spring! My first wish, ... would be as immediately as possible! LOL. JackZ AKA LaBachelor
  19. And the Good Lord likes to hear from his kids with specific names and needs of each other. Had 11 surgeries on my left knee, 9 for staff, 2 for new knee; and 2 surgeries on right knee for new knee. The replacements were 5 years ago and sailing fine. No doubt they'll make your leg great. Be sure and get a written extended warranty! I did at my now 71 (in March). JackZ
  20. ... and he heard a tread start to go. Son was adult on the back and he said, Dad,a get away from this guy. I said hang on AFTER I went to 4th or 3rd and opened the Venture up, full throttle. We never saw anything come off, so it might have been another something. Son is now an 18 wheeler, and I've ridden with him. Add to the gators, mud flaps, air hoses, storage behind the cab (brooms, shovels, etc) coming off; all were and are in his stories. Yup, I keep away from them to the far left when passing, wait to pass till he sees me moving out, and then fly past. A prayer helps. Glad all who had incidents came out of them OK. JackZ
  21. Mine is above. And I think in my OLDEST VENTURE RIDER post I'll just post Dan as ............ "ageless." JackZ
  22. Come to CO and cool your heels! LOL. JackZ http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=39871&stc=1&d=1262504439
  23. They MUST (by now) be top secret. ALLLLLL the news agencies would consider that top news. Not having seen the highly questionable T-shirt, ... not comment on their combination. JackZ
  24. ... good man with a brain that doesn't sleep. It's a good idea, but it seems most don't support the change. I'm for the old way, for whatever that's worth. Just remember how much we regard your skills highly, ... and your creativity, some: LOL. JackZ
  25. You have my prayers for your Dad's surgery and healing time. How fortunate you are to be able to get him out of the hospital ASAP and away from the nursing home. Thus he is far, far less to get a staff infection. Though you probably know this, the hospital and retirement home adm in me warns to watch for staff and other infections by using EXTREME sterile proceedure during his recovery care. He sounds to be healthy as you did not mention that. Why are you doing that (damn; I said the word, too). Because you are who you are you big lub! And because of the gorgious dame you're married too. Keep us posted. Love to you both, JackZ Proud owner of your former 86 VR! PS Started right up after almost 2 weeks off in the garage! Sooooo, I chipped at some of the ice in the drive way (clear now) and some in the road in my neighborhood that DOESN'T get ploud; we use the CO sun. TWO more days, ...and I'm ZIP ... in full dress of course and when it hits '50 with the sun out. JZ PS What I'll be riding when I am 90! .... YUP, I'll Adobe Photoshop myself onto the scoot! LOL. J
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