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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. ... for your troubles. Cool here too in Ft Collins, CO, but no where near what you folks have endured in IA. My first wife (best friend as is her hubby) lives in Des Moines, so I have regurlar reports and they all say ENOUGH of this BURRRrrrrrrr! And I'd have the power company move the POLE, and save the tree. THEY were at fault in where the put the pole so they HAD to go through that beautiful tree! Hope you'll be riding in cool clothes soon! JackZ
  2. :clap2::clap2:We all wish you well, and congrats on the health visit. Here on the Eastern Slopes of CO Rockies it looks as if the Rockies will hold this one off from us with only a sprinkle, if at all. So it is heading S, S-E. Get the bike while you can, ... and then post us some Pix of it in the drive way with you shoveling snow. LOL. :happy65::happy65::clap2:
  3. ... what a great time of the year to do what you have to do in surgery! I too look forward to your posts of a quick and solid recovery! JackZ What I'll be riding (on the trailer) when I am 100:
  4. Ubeen Poking my almost 71; careful! LOL. And let me know your Queen Seat (wife) or Up Lady Rider AND her age ... if you think you can survive after sharing what will be posted! LOL. JackZ And here's what I'll be riding when I am 100 (behind the truck). Jz
  5. UB poking at my almost bein 71! Second, let me know name and age of your wife if she rides and as Queen Seat or UP Lady Rider if you want that posted, and think you can survive by telling her age! LOL JackZ What I'll be riding (back of truck) when I am 100!
  6. ... is REALLY screwed! JackZ
  7. ... I headed home ... in the rain, full rain suit on my first of two 86 VR's; (On my second now compliment of Squidley with Lonna's permission). Ahhhh, I was within 1 miles of home ... saw those rail road tracks, and rode over them as instructed. They were at a lower left to upper right angle, so I hit the right of the lane (2 lane road) and drove straight across. Mistake? Nope, just a freek of the rail road ties. It had been raining all night (this was about 11 PM) and most of the day according to my then wife. Blip, front tire went right, I went down, rolled three times in my full dress wet suite and came up walking, watching my beautiful 86 VR Ursula Black on Gold bounce down the road. Why? I had hit a knot hole on one of the ties, ... where naturally all the rail road and vehicle traffice had dropped losts of oil. There was no way I could have seen it, it just leaped up there and bit me and Zfrebird1 in the but! I had help from two young teenage girls in picking her up and getting the kickstand down. I picked up as many parts as I could find, threw them in the back truck. As I was about to leave, a little old lady drove up, and said, we just called 911 for you. Fearing a ticket for now reason, ... I was off, got home, garage door down, and whew. I was ok. $450 in parts from the insurance and self installed. Lesson Learned: On crossing rail road tracks, wait till not traffice if possible, barely raid over with both feet on the pavement. Advice appreciated. JackZ
  8. ... our beautiful blue skies and sunshine I did 43 miles of a nice ride. More tomorrow, with sunshine, blue skies and in mid 50's. Hey, in CO it's all a survival game, and we usually win once a week! JackZ PS What I'll be riding when I am 100 and retired from my 86 VR! I'll be photoshoped on the motorcycle though, with Dan's permission, ... well unless I outlive him, ... doubtful, and besides, would not want that! JZ
  9. She's limping along for me with a weak tranny, and helping me $$$ recover from my last divorce. My goal is to get out of debt and buy a much newer Cry Sebring LXI convert. My other wheels that are the most important ones are the two on my beautiful 86 VR from Squidley and Lonna! I was able to enjoy a cool 43 miles on her this afternoon and I am hopeful for tomorrow ... in CO of course. JackZ What I'll be riding when I retire from the scoot at 100: It will be modified with a Photoshop insert of me on the bike! JZ
  10. WOW, you certainly did well in that purchase. Enjoy shinning her up and riding long, hard, happy and safe, and hopefully with a Queen Seat or UP Lady rider, ... IF you are that wealthy. I'm still looking for mine. LOL PS Same on the shot of both of you. Hope things are well. FYI: I have enjoyed the post, ‘What would you do differently in cycle wreck?’ It has been very education and I recommend it to you. And if you have not posted to my POST, THE OLDEST VENTURE RIDER on 1st and 2nd Gen tech talk, please do so; as well in 2nd gen tech talk I’ve added a post (Dangerous!?) : YOUNGEST TO OLDEST QUEEN SEAT AND UP VR RIDERS. The whole gang has jumped in, so post your two cents worth as well. So far the oldest is 77 and the youngest is 16. And, can you believe it? He rides a 1st gen VR! Also, come to CO and I will keep up with you at my soon to be 71 with two new knees and on my 86 VR. JackZ
  11. ... of course. Many folks have that kind of surgery; just tell them about your previous surgery later causing a heart attack; that way t hey can do much more preventative care. And let us know how you come out with the results. My youngest son may be facing the same thing soon. And again, Prayers. JackZ
  12. ... I suggest he get a bunch of bikes to bring their helmets with shields and other things that cover their faces to court with him. Frankly, I like the helmet, but it's just not my style. This cop was fully wasting taxpayer's paid time! He should get a warning! Or he could just take photographs all of us could send him from this site. To Big T (think that was his name) ... thanks for the post. Not cop abuse, just honest common sense by another taxpayer who doesn't live in Fla. CO preferred and permanent ... unless I meet a Queen Seat or UP Lady rider in another state and we go the whole route. Just my :2cents::2cents: JackZ
  13. Zfrebird4


    Why did she leave? and WHY did she come back? LOL. JackZ:Venture::witch_brew: And of course, what I'll be riding at 90, my photo pasted on the back if Don won't shoot me for doing that then>? Jz
  14. Safe drive home. Prayers for that interview. Celebrating your Dad is doing well. And send me when you get the time a summary of your skills; I know a couple place in Ft Colliins I can say a word for you if you wish. Though you may be well settled in Tex by now. Hugs and prayers to you both, two of my favorite people! JackZ
  15. Here in Ft Collins it was low 50's so I sipped out after chiseling my 'Appain Way' out from the garage door to the middle of the rest, with the rest of the way clear! I got to put in about 20 miles, and could have done more but my time was limited. Didn't get to ride today as in the upper 40's; at my age I only ride in the low to upper 50's, which we will have tomorrow and I'll be Zoooooooming again on my 86 Vr, compliments of Squidley's Lonna who let him sell the bike to me in 06! So everyone ride well, long, hard and safe and together if you have a Queen Seat or UP Lady rider, ... always together. I am still looking for one. Referrals will be greatly appreciated! LOL JackZ
  16. YUP, I fire my up almost every week in the garage (86 VR from Squidley when Lonna let him sell it to me) ... and Yesterday I fired her up and onto the drive way while the repair folks fixed the garage door opener. Mid 40's today; 50's tomorrow through Sun, ... so two of my riding buddies will be joined by me and we will hit the county roads, and a little towards the beautiful Rockies. We will continue to have our perfect blue skies and great sunshine at our 5,000+ feet, ... which makes it all so warm, at least in our minds! LOL Take care ya all, all over this great country and Canada. We WILL be riding every day. May take out tomorrow for a noon meet with a shorties around Horsetooth Lake to the west of Ft Collins, Co., ... for a little taste of what is coming Sat and Sun. LOL. And yup, I let her run till she's warm, just love the sounds, and use that seafoam too. All stay up and happy, safe and ride hard that way, and if you have one, always with your Queen Seat or UP Lady Rider! For you are the lucky ones. Still looking for my next! JackZ Ft Collins, CO
  17. TYPO: who becomes such a 'person' to us WILL NOT ... Should have been: who becomes such a 'person' to us WILL NOW ... JackZ
  18. My heart is heavy and my soul empathaizes with you guys in your loss. Your loss made me pause, and in my nearly 71 years of life now, from childhood til now I've had 23 pets. My first was Giggs, who raised me with my olde brother, a Rat Terrior. He feared nothing nor no one, and was our constant companion as we both grew up. My last loss was a beautiful combination Australian Shepherd and (mostly, too) Black Lab. 'Boots' lived 16+ years, and as was all my pets ... was a rescue animal. Now I have Old Scratch, a black, harry cat, asleep on my second office desk as I write. He is 17 or 18, and so far doing well. When he has his Resurrection? Off to the pound to rescue another one. I will want a Snauzzer, as my last, Pepper, when with my X of 15 years who took him when she went after two other guys. I may call him Salt, ... if it fits (LOL). I will have another one, and as to another wife, who knows. As retired clergy and CEO of retirement homes, etc., I know the turns of life and death very well in my 47 years of service. I further believe, with no scriptural basis at all, that ANY PET who becomes such a 'person' to us WILL NOT ... be waiting for us on the other side. They will be. I thank on rare, rare instances there may be a return to life after death here on earth; just my gut feeling but only with some people, and perhaps animals. I also know there have been many days and nights when I was not feeling well, paused to love a pet, ... and I felt better. They are our healers in this life. I really suspect they are on of God's instruments designed to balance good over evil in our individual lives enough to heal us when we need it not only in illnesses, but also in our relationship with our local and world scene. Most certainly such a need is there to be met in this current financial crisis we may be facing for decades to come, ... all thanks to Congress in my opinion and our other political leaders. I have read extensively in Life after Death occurances where people die, and yet come back to their earthly life, dramatically changes in how they live the rest of their years. Yet, ... nothing on pets. Still as a Christian, I remember how my Lord remembered even the sparrows, and not ONE of them falls without the Heavenly Father knowing. The same applies to all our pets. Just my hunches and personal beliefs, ... for whatever it's worth. And I could elaborate more, but that big of a religious soap box just isn't good to get on here for our site, respectfully said. So, ... head out to the rescue center ... in your good time. Prayers and hugs for you and the whole family during these times of your recovery. What a great site has come tp be here where such losses and joys can be shared. Jack Z Zfrebird Ft Collins, CO
  19. Congrats! It's great when two get to tie it again! Enjoy, and I hope it's an outside wedding; I've loving doing them here in CO. (DePreach, you know, but only as needed; lol). And let me know if you have an older sister or mom close to my age. LOL. My Queen Seat is stillllll empty. Looking and laughing in life though! JackZ
  20. My dad in the early 20's road a red Indian, and it was on that bike that he met Mom. Somehow he talked her into marriage a year or two later. He told stories of riding it on the dirt road of the Indiana riverbottoms NE of Princeton, Inc., ... and one of getting in a rut and loosing it. He never could lift it up, except that one time ... when he fell on the right with the exhaust on his leg! And even at 86 with the early stages of Parkinson's ... he road a 650 new Yamaha, ... but decided it was no longer his time to ride. Good memories! And I have a friend in Cinni, and if I can make it out there on Zfrebird this summer, I'll look you guys up for fun. I'll EM for location info if the trip pans out and this YOUNG almost 71 thinks he can make the ride on Squidley's 86 VR that Lonna let him sell me! LOL. JackZ And here's what I'll be riding when I can't be on two wheels on the road; I'll Adobe Photoshop myself in the seat ... if Dan thinks that's ok: Course for now:
  21. :duck:... rebuilt my first 86 VR about 4 times; and paid handsomely for one on my second 86 VR from Squidley (scratches only, and I replaced some; the rest don't show except when the bike is upsidedown; thank the Good one I've not seen that yet! So next time you might want to switch. LOL. And oh, MYUK, (who posted on the fust pg) ... you might want to add CO to your list of states to move too. mid 50's today and Sat; Sat I am out! I have chizled my 'Appain Way' (road from S tip of Rome to Rome where they crucified Jews each mile after Jerusalem fell; the rest were used to build the 3-4th level of the Colesium with the loot from the Temple; those Roman's were harsh and mad, and they almost lost; had to script soldiers in that revolt of 70 to keep from loosing. Israel was ALMOST reborn then). Wups, but on my pulpit again. Don't like to go there often. ... But VAAARRRUUUUMMMME come Sat! In our CO sun, blue skies and mid 50's! Yeaaa. Better settle down and back out here 4 someone throws things at me from the far north. Sympathy to all the frozen Ins. :banana::sun1::duck::duck: JackZ
  22. ... didn't leave your wife behind when you moved and take your bike? Must be for a legal reason, or for the safety of your own life, huh? JackZ:rotfl:
  23. Zfrebird4


    ... dat snowy, cold hard weather? Move to CO! Mid-50's today, and the same for Saturday, ... when ZFrebird is .... gone ZIIIIIPPPPIEAAAAA! I know why, though, yuz just keep dreaming of spring summer and fall. We in CO ride year round, ... course in winter in full gear, sun and perfect blue skies. Deepest sympathy:banana::sun:. CO WILL make room for ya all though. WHY? Cauz we have lots of houses (come and photograp them) for sale out huear! JackZ (Should I sign off for safety sake now?) Yup, best quit !
  24. Once you'z on a Venture .... you NEVER want to find out what that KILL SWITCH is far. I STILL think it's for the boxes that get in my way! LOL. :sun::sun::cool10: JackZ, Z retired guy who doesn't know his age, only his hair color gives it away: :backinmyday::backinmyday::backinmyday:
  25. ... and hope on back. But I got a better idea for perhaps Thurs or Sat ..... after I chiseled and opening in the rest of my drive way, with only two spots to a clear side street out! Our 48 + more tomorrow with CO Sun and Blue skies saved me money. So ... I'll and :7_6_3[1]::Venture: ...and then ride some more! Jack Z.... where is that last one and first one going the other way in your 'others?' Are you asleep at the switch because of all of what those doc's have said to you? Have a scotch and get with it. LOL. Jz :sun::sun::rotf::witch_brew: Yep that's what this Retired Senior who doesn't feel his age on a Venture R. says!!
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