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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. Most of the home scene you have covered. I do urge following the PT workouts to the T, and then for the rest of her life. The muscles around the knee(s) keep the artificial ones in place, in line and working great. I too used the lead artho surgeon in the University of CO Hospital. They work great and I am SO glad I did them both at the same time! Use absolute steril proceedures on the healing scars until the DR says not needed. For those who may have this surgery ahead: my surgeon in '04 said they were working on developing a liner to be placed in the open wound area during surgery between the skin and the rest to prevent scars attaching to the skin, thus limiting movement. SEE now if it is developed. FOR THE TWO OF YOU: PRayers, and I am so glad your wife has you there for her. Your help won't be needed longer than about two weeks though. I has taken me all of 5 years for a total healing; my surgeon said it would be that way. Only in the past 3 months have I been able to stand still and be comfortable doing so. I do the gym with PT prescribed exercises STILL 3X per week. Blessings and hugs to you both. JackZ
  2. Mine is $18.78 with $250 deductable; Been with State Farm since I was 16, and they have always treated me well. That's $225.36 per year, pd monthly for a $1 fee. Sure the bike is older; this is a multiple vehical and house rental ins coverage rate. Still, given the impact on my fixed pension funds (three of them; fortunate) I will check those listed here. Thanks to everyone on this post. JackZ
  3. ... it'll be great for the ADMINISTRATOR of this site once SPRING comes and all these posts and threds finally go thin. I figure the further N one is the more PMS there is, and a little of that brown stuff the comes from Moose. Our Rocky Mt Moose are trained to do it in specific areas, ... you know, so as not to offend the sight seers! LOL. JackZ:clap2:
  4. Safe Ft Collins, CO, as part of the University of Colorado. I know personally several horse owners in UT that trailer their horses here for better health care, etc. Give her a shot at this lovely school. We have a good and safe community, and the university is huge, and a big part of the Vet school sits to the west of town on a huge plot of town, just by our Rams Stadium. Just my two cents, ... and I would rather see your daughter anywhere except in that school in Michigan. My son is an 18 wheeler and he NEVER delivers downtown. All that said, contrats to her at being accepted. No idea what her chances would be here. My thoughts: worth looking into. JackZ
  5. NOT QUITE as big as you, but also, ... probably not as well liked or (?) loved (?) admired ... as you, ... well as least by Lonna. With gratitude on an 86 Brown on Gold, ... JackZ And, ... here's what I'll be riding at age 90 (on top of the VR) on the back; my sons have already been put on notice!
  6. .. write Dan the adm; there are several sites here. And not one Brit has posted to my post. SO ... FYI: I have enjoyed the post, ‘What would you do differently in cycle wreck?’ It has been very education and I recommend it to you. And if you have not posted to my POST, THE OLDEST VENTURE RIDER on 1st and 2nd Gen tech talk, please do so; as well in 2nd gen tech talk I’ve added a post (Dangerous!?) : YOUNGEST TO OLDEST QUEEN SEAT AND UP VR RIDERS. The whole gang has jumped in, so post your two cents worth as well. So far the oldest is 77 and the youngest is 16. And, can you believe it? He rides a 1st gen VR! Also, (forgive if this is a repeated invitation, LOL): come to CO and I will keep up with you at my soon to be 71 with two new knees and on my 86 VR. JackZ
  7. So glad she is home with you, and out of the hospital. Yep, don't over do it with and for her, but do the excercises PT asks. And Until all the incision is healed, use MAX sterile proceedures. I walked up 8 steps with hand rails on each side on my 6th day, tossing my walker up ahead of me on the floor above. Prayers for her healing and your peace of mind, strength and continued caring love for her. JackZ
  8. ... and put in 40 miles, ... DATZ what I did without WHo. JackZ
  9. ... to the previous comments ,,,,, I'd use his public restroom and P in his waste basket and on the floor! As well, I'd sure spread the word, with correct details, to as many ears and I could find. Then I'd NOT go back. Sorry you had all of this to contend with as an 'UN-welcome home!' JackZ
  10. ... our snow is melted, sun at 5,000 feet today, some blue sky with light occasional overcast. So I rode full dress and did find in 46-48%, but my finger tips got cold. Going to buy a set of the wool liners I read about here on another post, and that may work. Put in 40 miles just around our Horsetooth Lake and through the town going north and back home. Tomorrow one or two of my riding buddies and I are out again, as should have the same or slightly warmer. The AM weather channel will rule, of course. Feb through March we may have skiffs of snow, or a good 2-4 ", but usually the sun does the shoveling, and we are OUT. VARRRRRRRRrrrrrooooooommmmmm! And when we all ride lets ride happy, hard, healthy and safe, ... and always together for those of you who have a Queen Seat or Lady UP Rider. Still looking for mine; FINDERS FEE for successful rerral of course! LOL. JackZ PS Stop in and I'll owe you a
  11. Snow is melted except for a little in the yards. 49 today, sun and CO Blue Skies. 30 now; low 50's tomorrow and mid 50's Sunday. I ride tomorrow solo, just on the count roads east of the foothills of the eastern Rockies from Ft Collins. Sunday a couple of my buddies and I are getting together for a noon time ride. It is always nice to ride with buddies. Usually our Feb is better, March has a few tough days and from April on around here it's a breeze. Heart felt empathy for those of you in the bad locations of Texas, and I hope it's gone ASAP! I like Texas, .... BUT >>>>> this make make Squidley and Lonna move back to CO soon! He's be MY wrench any day. When all of you do ride, ride safe, long, hard and happy, and together. As always, FINDERS FEE for a good referral of a Queen Seat or UP Lady Rider, as my seat is still empty. LOL. Jack Z Ft Collins. And stop by for a cup of Wahoooooo! Out tomorrow
  12. ... my butt itch would not stop, so I decided to ride again. I tried out a friends 84 Gold Wing (Interstate, I think), ... but there was a huge heat problem, and the biggest problem was that the gear shifter demanded my left knee bend back further than it wanted to as it was one of two new ones 1.7 years prior. I tried the 86 VR, and it was a breeze, just like my first, new 86 VR. The decision was made, so I found one from Squidley ( sold with Lonna's permission I'm sure) ... and now I ride brown on gold, 86, and still love it. Retired, I don't see the funds in the future for a new or newer one, but if I do, I'll still be looking for a Yamaha. And, 1300 is big enough for me and the 86 will take me to the end of my riding years , .... well ... purrrrhaps. LOL. That my :2cents:'s worth. JackZ And yup, I dream of riding even more than Fla each night!
  13. ... my auto and motorcycle wrench guys. JackZ
  14. ... and I can't ride ((*&)(*%&%)(**^$*&!)!! ... I didn't have anything better to do than this game. Thanks. Interesting. Score: 86 28 miles 523 seconds (due to age I suppose) JackZ
  15. I hope this keeps the post renewed for another couple of days or more for others to post, as I am soon just going to summarize. I intend to post be decades, names, Queen Seat or Lady Up Rider (wives) and type of bike from the oldest to the youngest. Any suggestions for a prize for the YOUNGEST (still 16) and the OLDEST (still 77; (not me, thank the Good Lord)? I am soon 71 in March, so you just keep right on riding up together until you get to 77. That's the new rule here! Seriously though, your plan of a trike is a good one and it's smart to know when the 2 wheel UP game needs to be passed on to others. And thanks for the tip on your only down; HEAVENS, ... I would never expect that!! Glad you BOTH were (implied) OK ... and ESPECIALLY that you are still riding! I started 15 years ago in 1985 and plan to ride till I am .... well, who knows. Again, thanks for posting, and I hope to meet you both at a gathering, or when you ride in our Beautiful CO. JackZ PS I still don't have a Queen Seat or UP Lady rider, so any referrals will be appreciated!!!! LOL.
  16. ... Jesus Christ said to his disciples, ... (my translation) 'If you guys think what I've done is great, wait till you see what you can do!' And this opperation for C. is certainly no less, absolutely, no less ... God's miracle through the surgeons and staff. The Almighty (or whatever you may call your God) ... also loves to hear prayers from his children, for themselves AFTER they have prayed for others. So you both continue to my my prayers that the Spirit of God be (literally) wrapped around your Lady C., ... and she feel and know that comfort, and the continued greatest healing of all ... from the inside out. Prayerfully, JackZ PS And this to both of you! :bighug:
  17. I always stand when a military man enters the room, and walk over when I can and shake his or her hand. They are our honored citizens. Prayers for your son and his safe return. Please keep all of us posted. JackZ
  18. I EMed them and gave them a piece of my mind and a promise of abstence from their services until they end their bias practice! LOL. JackZ
  19. I started in 1985, and did the state obsticle course and passed the written test. I put in 150,000 miles with 5 downs with minor injuries. On the last one a deer wanted to ride my front tire and we just weren't able to negotiate that one. So I let her go to the insurance company and stayed off for 6 years. BIGGGG mistake. Then around other riders in a group, ... I got that eternal itch again on my butt. A friend suggested I take the state training course. I was 66 with two new artificial knees. He told me later he was prayiing I would fail so I couldn't drive. I passed of course. EVERY time I get in my box I am a better driver, and always on Zfrebird4! So far I've always 'seen it coming' or prepared my exit early enough to avoid and issue or an accident. And I never participate in road rage or defending my rights with my life on Z. No way. And I'll ride till I can't keep her up, and I am almost 71 (young sprout) and still going! I ride my second 86 VR, sold to me by Squidly and with Lonna's permission. Thanks for posting! JackZ
  20. I would add that you require him to start out on a dirt bike, with all safety gear. My youngest did and he proved to be a great rider, even when under the influence. Falling on dirt or grass a gooood learning tool. In addition to the training courses, I would require a period when he rides with you only. If you want to be sure you can be in touch get one of those gizmoes for the helmets that let you talk to each other. Since you've ridden so long, and you ARE his hero, I doubt that 'no' will even start to work. CHallenge him to the positive side, too, that is the two of you riding together. Set a goal of no downs for him to achieve BEFORE he rides someone else on his bike. As well, one report of son without a helmet, ... and the bike is locked for X period of time. Of course I am hoping you are a helmet guy. I have some of my greatest memories here riding with my two sons, the older one on his Suzkie, and the younger one by 2 years on his Yamaha Seca 750, ... in the Rockies, and on some long trips together. We also rode to Virgiinia Beach, too, when I served in Blacksburg, VA. SO I wish you well dealing with a task that I hope is more challenging that it is difficult. Thanks for the post; gets all of us thinking! JackZ
  21. ... a deers attempt to ride my FIRST New 86 VR (Ursula Black on Gold = beautiful!) ... some guys in an organization I belong too were riding. I got the itch. Tried a used Gold wing but with my new knees I could not manage the sifter position. I went to the local Yamaha dealer and told them I wanted another Yamaha after I did a trial ride on a member here's bike in a parking lot ... and they said one was for sale on this site. That's how I got hook up with Squidley who had an 86 VR for sale. After meeting his lovely wife, Lonna, ... I fell in love ... with the Bike! And he brought it down to me after picking up a trailer the gang here fund raised to give to our great Adm of the site, Dan, and parked the trailer in my garage as he went to Texas to pick up his new bike, back to here, loaded up the trailer, and they drove it with their new bike back home. Long story, great results. Found two great people to love, and an honest deal and great bike. Still riding happy. JackZ:missingtooth:
  22. That's the beauty of loving someone who is going in for surgery; two folks are really having surgery. So prayers for you both and all in the family. And as retired Christian clergy (not a fundi) I remember what Jesus said to his Apostles: Hey guys, if you think what I've done is great, wait to see what you will do!" (My translation). So we now put another's heart in another body, and life is renewed. And what is now done in spinal surgery is marvelous as to what it was when it started. It is now a great state of the art. I will also be praying for the surgeons, that the Master Surgeon will be there in her two surgeries and always! Keep all of us posted, too. You are a wise and good man to ask for prayers, too. I will hope someday to have a cup of with you both! JackZ
  23. ... is not waiting for us on the other side. He was the most loving pound dog we ever rescued. He loved to sit on the drive shaft bump on the back floor of my 68 Pont Bonnie Convert with the top down (which I STILL wish I had) ... paws on the center back rest down with his huge ears blowing in the wind. Gentle, loving and kind, and you could never miss hi Baaying bark when you didin't give him enough attention. Single now, I will be looking for another one or a snouzer (yup, had one, went with the Xwife!!!) once my 18+ year old cat, Scratch is transferred to the other side with Murphy to wait for me there. I will never be without pets. And if I were you I would go to the litter and pick out a pet, or better yet, ... let the dog pick you out! They do you know. Best of luck. JackZ
  24. ... she is just not old enough for me at soon to be 70. The car? Give me any of those behind her, that is a convertable! LOL JackZ:innocent-emoticon:
  25. .... NO time to dream dreams in my retirement years! ... No need to worry about engine temp on my great 86 VR! Dat's Just de way it iz! JackZ:smile5: PS Agree with the implication too: II Gens are always too hot to touch. I touch my 1st Gen all the time! HOWEVER: having said all of that, I DO enjoy watching the II Gens in the parking lot as I zip by them. Jz:Im not listening to
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